Author Topic: What does your dog do that you've never seen before?  (Read 8098 times)

Offline TannerW

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Re: What does your dog do that you've never seen before?
« Reply #15 on: December 09, 2006, 10:34:23 am »
Another unusual thing that Roxie does is to serve as my unwavering moral police.  She has been doing this for years, and I have no idea how to explain it, but...

As long as she's within earshot of me, no matter how softly or loudly I say a cuss word, she will invariably stop what she's doing, walk over to me, stare up into my eyes, and wag her tail while rubbing up against me (and that's the only time she's spontaneously affectionate).

This lasts until I stop cussing, start smiling, and show her some love (which usually takes no time at all).  As soon as she gets that out of me, she goes right back to whatever it was she was doing before I dropped the f-bomb.

Crazy animals... ::) ;)
« Last Edit: December 09, 2006, 10:44:12 am by TannerW »

Offline TannerW

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Re: What does your dog do that you've never seen before?
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2006, 03:36:17 pm »
To keep this thread alive, I thought I'd mention that Roxie is the only dog I've ever had that is terrified during car rides.  Not only does she shake like a leaf the entire trip, but she treats her seat and mine as a couch, stretching her front paws onto my lap, with her head down.  That's not entirely convenient when I need to shift gears, or when I get pulled over by the police for driving erratically. 

On the rare instance that she wants to stick her head out the window, she always chooses MY window.  In case you didn't know, having a 77 lb. Doberman standing in front of and on top of you makes it pretty challenging to drive, or breath...and nearly impossible to avoid getting pulled over by the police for driving erratically. 

That moment of freedom generally lasts only a few seconds, though, when Roxie finally decides to lay back down in my lap, inevitably hitting the shifter and throwing me out of gear.

Offline Imani's Mom

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Re: What does your dog do that you've never seen before?
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2006, 07:25:41 pm »
My girls love to ride- any time, to anywhere.  Jesse is another story. He does what we call his boat-anchor impression when we even THINK about taking him somewhere.  He will get himself turned around, so he is facing directly away from the open car door, and drop to the ground and I swear he somehow makes himself weigh twice as much as he normally does, just so we cannot get him in the car.

Weedsport, NY

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Re: What does your dog do that you've never seen before?
« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2006, 07:16:38 am »
Lucah will take a toy out of his pen play with it for 5 minutes and then go get another toy.  By the end of the night he has all of his toys in one spot in the living room. Even at the dog park he will gather lose balls from all over the park. By the end of his session he usually has 3 or 4 balls corraled in one corner of the park.

No much of a fetcher, more of a herder.

Offline TannerW

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Re: What does your dog do that you've never seen before?
« Reply #19 on: January 30, 2007, 11:56:04 am »
Roxie's garnered the ability to read my facial expressions, without me saying a word.

If I'm :), she wags her tail. 
If I'm >:(, her tail droops. 
If I'm ???, as if to say "Why are you looking at me like that!?", she'll lead me over to what she wants. 

It's pretty funny to see. :D

Offline fullsizetrucks

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Re: What does your dog do that you've never seen before?
« Reply #20 on: January 31, 2007, 09:11:52 am »
Fun Fun thread!  Lets see...

Dodge would top my list of crazy dogs!  He can't stand for me to pet anyone but him as soon as they come in the house.  He will donkey hop around in his excitement, jumping and stepping on everyone else just to get to me.  If I reach down to pet someone else first, I get an earfull.  I have mentioned the "wookie" speak before, but he is the worst then.  He just yells at me, and then he will start the little "itchy" bites on whichever dog I am petting!  He has this ability to know if I am petting someone other than him....I can be in the other room and lean down to pet Yukon or Harley and within a few mins, Dodge will come trotting into the room and stick his entire body between me and the other dog!  It is really uncanny sometimes, because I have tried to very quietly pet Yuk and Dodge just shows up.  Another thing with Dodge is that since he is a large pony now, he can't sit in the front seat of the car on trips anymore, so he lays his butt on the back seat, puts his feet on the back floorboard and will rest his head over the back of the front seat.  And fall asleep!  It looks terribly uncomfortable, and seems like he would be choking himself, but sleeps like that for hours!

Yukon has alway been my mello boy, but the one thing that he does that is just weird is rub his face on anything that will stand still long enough.  I was actually concerned at first and asked the vet if his face was itchy or something and we couldn't find anything.  He will walk over to the couch, and start rubbing all over the edge of the couch and cusions with his face for a min or two until he's done and lays down.  He has done this to people when we are just sitting around talking too.  Just rubs his face all over their legs and then walks he is marking them.

As for Harley, well we haven't had her long enough to find quirks about her, but she has by far shown the most "instant" love and loyalty that I have ever seen in a dog.  She trusted us right away!
Big dogs make a house a home.
Be nice, you are God to your Dog.

Harassed mother of one 2 legged kid, and three 4 legged spoiled brats!

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Re: What does your dog do that you've never seen before?
« Reply #21 on: January 31, 2007, 09:30:13 am »
My old dog, Rufus, was a talker.  I'd say "how was your day?" and he'd rooo an answer.  Sometimes I'd get a short answer, and other times a long involved one.  That was kind of cool.  He was also the dog that used to haul down encyclopedias ... and take them to his bed.  one volume at a time.  No other books...just encyclopedias.

Sheba does the rottie song in the morning - which is very cool and I'd never seen before.  It's the same little tune every morning.  I should try to catch it on video.

And where do I start with Anna Banana?  She can be anywhere in the house and if I take the ice cube tray out of the freezer, she's there in an instant.  Loves her ice cubes!  (Cheap treats for us! hehe).  If I'm patting Sheba,she'll put up with it for a minute or two, but then starts licking Sheba's ears like "'re done...move along or I'm going to lick you to death".  She also high fives, and carries her water dish around in her mouth (sometimes the water is not yet gone, which makes for a lot of fun)!
Newly owned by Anna Banana, kind of owned by Sheba
and always remembering Barkley - crossed the Bridge on May 19, 2006.

Offline Fumble

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Re: What does your dog do that you've never seen before?
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2007, 08:38:11 am »
Bubba is my beer hound. I NEED to get him on video doing this.. he takes a bottle out of the case and puts it on the floor.. Then he steps on the neck so that any beer left in the bottle spills on the floor. He drinks it then repeats the process until the case is empty and the floor is covered in slobber and bottles. LOL Funny thing is he never takes a bottle to the same place twice.. it's like he knows I'll hear if they clank together. :D

But he made the mistake of teaching Lola to be a beer hound. She hasen't quite perfected the technique. She just smashes the bottles around and gives them both away. Hahaha

fumble too!!! what booze hounds!! no pun intended!
"My newfoundlands live my life as passionately as i live theirs"
"I slip the hater of what i've become.  they slip the halter of what they've been, and we live together, passionately, changed"
-Both from "in the company of newfies"


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Re: What does your dog do that you've never seen before?
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2007, 08:50:31 am »
hmm... what doesn't fumble do that's weirD! lol!! he is a weird puppy!!  plus with his multiple personalities!! 
let me get a list here going...
-plays tag/hide and seek.. if you hide behind a tree he will stare at it till you move, once he can see the slightest bit of you he jumps at you.  with the tag, he literally does just that... if you bop him and then walk away he comes up to you, nudges you and then runs away... this is ENDLESS no one ever wins..
-Like is said before, he loves beer bottles and will find them wherever they are.  Ive begun my search for the new dog beer, no luck yet
-he doesn't really play TUG tug... he plays tug but when you let go he brings it back, i think he just likes the game where you let it go and he has to come back. 
-he talks till he's blue in the face... tells stories about everything.  stacy and i always say that he is a detailed story teller, down to the amount of grains of sand in each story.. he can whisper, but only at the beginning of his stories...
-He thinks he can camo himself in bushes... goes and hides in them... but don't tell him he's not, we don't want to hurt his feelings...
-He can turn the sink on in the kitchen
-And he can catch mini marshmallows in his mouth if you throw them at him.

i can't think of any others at hte moment, but i'll let you know if i do!!
« Last Edit: February 01, 2007, 09:14:54 am by Fumble »
"My newfoundlands live my life as passionately as i live theirs"
"I slip the hater of what i've become.  they slip the halter of what they've been, and we live together, passionately, changed"
-Both from "in the company of newfies"


Offline FumbsAuntie

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Re: What does your dog do that you've never seen before?
« Reply #24 on: February 01, 2007, 02:51:55 pm »
eiren forgot to mention the most strange thing that fumble does... HE NIBBLES ON YOUR EARLOBEs!

Offline K9ldy00

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Re: What does your dog do that you've never seen before?
« Reply #25 on: February 02, 2007, 05:54:07 am »
Dozer is my beer hound, he loves it. If you have a beer you can't set it down or he will get it. Tealk has this thing for metal, He loves to lick it, his crate, the wrought iron trim on the coffee tables, the rabies tags on the other dogs ???  Grizelda runs in circles around the dining room table to let you know she has to go outside. That's all I can think of right now, I'm sure there's more.
Dog Mom to
Dozer, Tealk,Zander,Zeva, Tesla