Author Topic: Update...Bray and Max  (Read 1637 times)

Offline ReneeB

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Update...Bray and Max
« on: December 08, 2006, 01:50:19 am »
Bray is now 1 year old and weighs 110 pounds.  Max is 10 weeks and weighs almost 30 pounds.
Both are doing well.  Bray really likes having a playmate, they go from morning till night with few breaks in between. 
This morning we had a small issue (glad hubby wasn't home).  I was feeding both the the guys, max in the kitchen and bray in the entry to the kitchen, he was being lazy.  Anyway bray pushed his food away from him twice, it was about a foot away from where he was laying. I had just turned my back...I was arranging all of my beautiful Big Paw cards on my mantle. 
Apparently Max had finished his food and decided that Brays food was far enough away from bray so he would just take a few normally they share or save the last couple of bites for each other.  I usually stand between them and keep them in their own dishes. 
Well just as I turned around I heard Bray telling Max to get out of his space...Max squalled and ran into the other room then back around to me and back to the living room.  I quickly scolded Brayden for being so rough and went to check on still squealing Max.  As I sat with Max trying to calm him down Brayden came into the room.  Max saw him and started in screaming again and tried to hide behind the beanbag chair.
Bray backed off until the noise finally ended and came over to say sorry, he gave Max a full bath from head to tail.  When he was done bathing max, Bray proceeded to lay down on max in the beanbag chair.  Max emerged from beneath the big mound of fur and began chewing on Brays ear and neck, then toes.
They are so funny together, if Brayden sees Max geting into things he is not suposed to he growels at him.   If he dose not leave it Bray will get up and push Max away.  I
If they go out pottie in the front yard together and Max dosn't come when he is done and called to the door, Bray will go over to him and 'pin' him with one paw.  Usually when Bray removes his paw Max is more that ready to come to me.
Hubby has really grown attached to Max...I think he is working on loving Max almost as much as I love Bray.  They are funny too...max will ignore Walt for no other reason than just to do it and it really gets Hubby goin'.  Hubby of course dose not let Max get away with it and they eventually end up on the floor together hugging and playing.
We were watching a movie last night and my 11yo daughter was laying in the beanbag...Max walked in the room and over to her, stood there looking at her for a minute and proceeded to crawl up on top of her in the chair.  She eventually got up and he took control of the chair.  She ended up laying on the floor while he slept in the chair.  After the movie he crawled off of the beanbag went to her laid his head on her shoulder and put his 'arm' across her chest...did not get a pic :-\.
Sorry this is so long I have posted some pics of the crew...
Renee, (will always love and miss Brayden)

Offline newflvr

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Re: Update...Bray and Max
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2006, 02:36:18 am »
OMG!!!  They are SO cute together!  I love them!

It so interesting to watch how they communicate... even squabble!  Last weekend when we had Chester's brother Paco in for the weekend, Paco watched as Chester wrestled with Cowboy and then jumped in to the fray.  It's the first (and ONLY time!!) I've seen Cowboy bare his teeth and snarl.  I think he was saying, "Okay, Chester is my adopted brother and I'm used to him.  You, big fella, are an uncouth, unneutered pain in the pattooie!  GET OUTTA HERE!!"  Paco didn't go near Cowboy again!!

Keep posting those pictures! ;)  They are adorable together!

Offline bluskygirl

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Re: Update...Bray and Max
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2006, 03:11:46 am »
That is sooooooo cute! It makes me wish I had room for a buddy for BElla.  Maybe someday.... and certainly not until I get past the puppy terror months.  ::)
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Re: Update...Bray and Max
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2006, 03:26:48 am »
Awwww, great pics!!  Both your boy's are so adorable!!  I think sometimes their "tiffs" sound and look a lot worse than they really are.  Keep posting those pics!  :)

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Re: Update...Bray and Max
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2006, 07:39:38 am »
They are both too cute! More pics!

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