Author Topic: Barking at strangers.. ugh (sorry long)  (Read 4467 times)


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Barking at strangers.. ugh (sorry long)
« on: December 20, 2006, 10:45:43 pm »
Lola is a barker. She barks at people she doesn't know that are outside in the yard and she does occasionally bark for attention if someone is outside she knows that isn't paying attention to her. ::) Drives me insane! She will also bark if she's in the truck and someone she doesn't know approaches. Yet if you take her out of the truck... she's quiet. She almost seems territorial (she's only 8.5 months old though :-\ ) but at the same time she is anti-social with people she doesn't know. She's been that way since we got her.. definite lack of socialization as a pup. She missed the critical socialization period shut in a house alone with her mom and littermates and then with her first owner that was a complete tool and never took her anywhere. We have worked our butts off trying to socialize her and she has came a long way in that time. Although not where I'd like her to be. :( I think she may be going through a fear stage since lately the behaviour just seems amplified or like it's backtracked. :( Even though we haven't slacked in her training.

Up until a month ago it was just her. But now her behaviour seems to have rubbed off on Bubba. >:( But he has taken it a step further now and will bark at strangers entering the house. Only when they are coming in.. once everyone is in the house and sitting down he stops and is his normal
self. If I wait to let him see the company after they are already sitting he doesn't bark at all. They can get up and do whatever and he's fine.

At first I thought he may have been picking up on Lola's anxiety. But regardless of whether she is there or not he's reacting the same way. I wouldn't say he's being aggressive. He's never even remotely attempted to bite/nip. It seems more fear based. Anxious and jumpy. If the person turns away from him he'll stop barking and come up and sniff them, but if they face him he backs up and barks. He's even started doing this when he's in the truck. Hubby took Bubba with him to get gas and he said he barked his brains out at the poor gas attendant. It sooo odd. Bubba used to pull me to see stranger, it got to the point where I couldn't walk him anywhere he had to say Hi and slobber on everyone.

After talking with my hubby we both realized that his behaviour starting changing within the first week of getting Lola. That's when he started barking in the yard and it's progressed to what he's doing now. He hardly barked at all for any reason before we brought her home.

Could he be picking up on her insecurities and anxiety? I know dogs can learn behaviours from each other.. The barking is one thing.. but they are both exhibiting the same fear-based behaviour whether they are together or not. Unless they are both going through a fear stage at the same time. ??? Which I guess is possible but it just seems unlikely. :(

To someone that has never met them before they look like aggressive beasts. It's frustrating, upsetting and embarrassing all at the same time.

To go from having one well trained, happy go lucky dog to now having 2 barking monsters.. I just feel like a failure.

I am going to be contacting my trainer and get them both evaluated after the holidays.. but does anyone have a good stiff drink (lol), tips, insight, ideas.. anything.. :'(
« Last Edit: December 20, 2006, 10:46:25 pm by Lyn »

Offline bluskygirl

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Re: Barking at strangers.. ugh (sorry long)
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2006, 11:48:43 pm »
I'm sorry you're going through this.  I can relate to some degree. My last dog was teh most protective beast I've ever seen. She would park and paw at the front window if someone was walking down our street... on the OTHER side!  She barked and everyone and everything. It was embarressing, I know how you feel. It was also frustrating becuase she was a sweet dog, but she made everyone scared of her.  With Bella, she barks at kids.  I understand her barking is because she's excited and kids are her most favorite thing in the world, but the parents of the kids think I have a "deadly weapon" in tow and steer clear of me.  Hang in there.  Hopefully a behaviorist will be able to shed light on Bubba's changes, and give you some tips on how to fix both Lola and Bubba's attitude.  I wish I had some good advice. I don't, but I can give you my sympathy! I've been there, and am there on occassion still.  I know how much it can make you feel like you've failed as a pet owner.  Don't let it get to you. Think about how much you do for your dogs, as compared to the dog owners out there who are happy to just chain their poor dog to a tree and give it some food once in a while.  Don't give up!
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Offline gypsymom

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Re: Barking at strangers.. ugh (sorry long)
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2006, 12:56:03 am »
Our Gypsy has been with us about a month, and since she came to us with no available history, we haven't really been socializing her until she got up to date on shots and spayed. She does bark at people and dogs outside the house and will really bark if we are in the car and someone tries to come up to her. Our trainer recommended a spray bottle with 9 parts water to 1 part listerine to spray at her when she does this with a " No bark" or "Leave it- friend" type- command but like Stella said I also think, at least the first bark, she is doing her job. If she carries on I will then spray her. This does seem to at least take her attention off whatevers outside for a minute. Hope this is helpful!

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: Barking at strangers.. ugh (sorry long)
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2006, 01:42:17 am »
honestly, the house and the car are "theirs" and they are doing what dogs do, and telling you someone is there.  i wouldn't call it aggression until they nip, or growl.  my dogs do the same thing about people entering the house.  i read that you can try putting a baby gate up (to help you keep them at bay) and then making them sit stay, maybe try the "leave it" command and let the people walk past him / her so that they give the dogs a chance to smell them.  just don't give them attention while they're barking.  once they've calmed down, let the new people pet them calmly.  about bubba doing it now too, the excessive barking may just have him upset and jumpy.  once she calms down, i'm sure he will.  don't give up!  the water bottle idea is awesome!
steffanie in atlanta

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Re: Barking at strangers.. ugh (sorry long)
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2006, 07:15:15 am »
Lola and Bubba are instinctively doing what they are suppose to do, they are protecting thier family. It sounds as if Bubba is simply announcing his prescence to your company. It doesnt sound as if either of the dogs are aggressive. Bubba is maturing now and he is taking his job as your companion and your protector some what seriously, but not over the edge. Jake and Dakota do not like having someone walk into our house, however once they are assured that there is not any imminent danger- they settle down. I do not discourage the behavior for several reasons. One, it is instinctive and there maybe a time for one of the dogs to actually protect someone in the family against an unwanted visitor. Also I would rather there be an announcement from the dog that they are on guard, rather than a stealth attack. Again instincts still play such an important role in our companions, even though they are domesticated, and that instinct has to be respected.
I also have a female that is a barker- I have been told that the barking is a announcement to the world that she is there and she is on the job.
You may be able to distinguish the different barks in the dogs. I can always tell when it is a announcement bark or a warning bark and just knowing the difference in the two barks determines how I react. Your reaction to thier behavior will play a major role how they play out each situation, if they pick up on a fear or anxiety from you, there may be a time that the non aggression becomes an aggression to a perceived threat.
Hopefully the situation will even itself out. I know it has here at the house, but I still appreciate knowing that Jake is all too willing to take care of his family if there ever was a threat.

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: Barking at strangers.. ugh (sorry long)
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2006, 09:00:31 am »
i agree whole heartedly with that!  if you act nervous, they'll change from "hey i'm here" to "hey back off you're scaring my momma!"  that's totally true!
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
axle-140ish-lb akita (4)
peanut-5lb, 11 months chihuahua
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Re: Barking at strangers.. ugh (sorry long)
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2006, 07:42:53 am »
You all bring up a good point. Generally when they get carried away I do get irritated and anxious. So I could very well be sending off those vibes and sending Bubba into overdrive and once he starts, then Lola starts.. or vice versa.

Actually a co-worker of hubby's just came to pick him up for their christmas party. He parked right outside the door and hubby went out to talk to him. They both ran to the door to see who was here.. Bubba started barking, Lola joined in beside him growling and I told them to give it a rest and walked away. They both quit a few seconds later. So it must in fact be me and my irritatedness (lol) But that was definitely an improvement! ;D

I don't mind them barking to announce their presence or tell me that someone is here. It's Lola's endless barking that drives me up the wall. :D Plus Bubba's bark is deep enough to rattle the darn windows. haha

The water bottle idea is awesome! I'm definitely going to try that next time. Bubba hates water with a passion, so hopefully it will quiet him. Lola I don't know if it would help with her. She snorkles in the bathtub. LOL

Thanks again everyone!


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Re: Barking at strangers.. ugh (sorry long)
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2006, 11:51:10 am »
Update! The water bottle was a huge success! Even with Lola. She may love water but not when it's squirted in her face. haha

Hubby went outside, hammered on the doorbell and banged on the door. I let them bark a couple times and said 'ok enough!'. If they continued they got squirted in the face. It only took twice before hubby could ring the doorbell and once I said enough they were completely silent.

Bubba was still a tad too intense though. He's super focused on seeing who is coming through the door. But since it was daddy he didn't progess to his barking fit. So we just need to get someone they are not too familar with to knock/ring the doorbell and come in.

IMO They should not be barking at someone that I let in the house, period. This all seemed to get 'worse' with Bubba's hormones kicking in. It's progressed from just the yard, to the house and the truck. So if he keeps it up he's going to be testicle-less in the very very near future. I said from the get go that if any bad behaviour developed he was losing his manhood. LOL

But I called our trainer and she said in Bubba's case it sounds like he's being territorial. He's regarding everyone other than those he considers his friends and family as intruders. She said we could work with him ourselves since he's not being aggressive. (The people he's barking at think otherwise, lol) But it would be easier to just take him in to her where she could set up meetings with 'strangers' we don't have strange people coming here that often. Although he may not react to strangers when he's out of the truck and on neutral territory. So we may need to get the trainer to come here. I don't know..  ???

Sorry I'm rambling now.. hahaaha I have a habit of doing that. I was just going to make a quick update and then I turn it into a book. :D

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: Barking at strangers.. ugh (sorry long)
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2006, 02:27:03 am »
congrads on it working!  about the treats high on the door i have to laugh because mine would just tear it down, since diesel and axle can both reach the top of the door frame with they stand up ha ha!
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
axle-140ish-lb akita (4)
peanut-5lb, 11 months chihuahua
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