Author Topic: UnFRICKEN Real  (Read 2277 times)

Offline The Brindle Pack

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« on: January 01, 2007, 11:19:27 am »

If you read my Six Week Post-Op post you would know that my only wish for the New Year would be to make it 30 days without a visit to the vet.

Well guess what.... we are not even going to make it 12 hours!!!

Tucker had a tumor removed just before Christmas and we have had a heck of a time keeping Scooter from licking the area.  Well early this morning the stitches disintegrated Tucker shook his head and now he has a gapping hole that needs to be stitched again.

Because he had just eaten we need to wait until 11am to take him to the ER; they will have to anesthetize him before they can stitch him up. 

So much for my New Year's wish.

Offline Kermit

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« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2007, 11:23:44 am »
Aw, Cindy, I'm so sorry!! :-[ Nothin' worse than stitches coming undone!! Can you band-aid the wound together for the time being?? That's what i did when Turkey pulled out some staples one time, and it actually held everything together... until she pulled out the rest of the staples.

Hang in there!!!! Tell your furkids to give you a break after this! ;)

 :-* :-* :-*


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« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2007, 11:58:01 am »
Bummer- well maybe this will be your ONE for the year 2007. I totally understand about the vet bills. Hopefully once you guys are past this- all will be good- you are in my thoughts and payers and hopefully Tucker will heal quickly.

Offline kathryn

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« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2007, 12:26:40 pm »
That bites!  There is a glue (I think the name is vet bond) that you could probably get and keep on hand.  It's kind of like liquid bandaid.  It might also taste bad to keep the others from licking the wound site.  I hope Tucker feels better soon.
Kaila - Belgian Malinois
Shiner - Malinois x Ridgeback
Toulouse, Cayenne, Raven - DSH

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« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2007, 02:09:38 pm »
Oh Boy thats frustrating.  Hopefully that will be all for this year ;)

Offline mynameislola

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« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2007, 07:08:47 am »
That glue mentioned above may be Superglue which was invented to be a surgical adhesive but it was not approved by the government for that purpose.  It is becoming more common in human surgery and is a part of our first aid kit.

It does not work well on dogs who won't leave the incision alone.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2007, 07:09:35 am by mynameislola »
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Offline The Brindle Pack

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« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2007, 09:19:34 am »
Well we took Tucker to the ER and it was decided not to re-stitch his ear.  The risk of infection is high so we will need to irrigate twice a day, keep Scooter from licking it, and run a course of antibiotics.  I was amazed that we were out of there is less than an hour and for under $100.

The ER doc had not seen Tucker since February 2005 and was amazed that we have control of his seizures.  This doctor worked with us in the early days and had his doubts that we would ever get control... we all had our doubts.  He was FLOORED that it had only been six weeks since Tucker's FHO. He told us that many dogs that he has seen are still only doing toe touches at six weeks.

Now if we can just keep everyone healthy!! 
« Last Edit: January 02, 2007, 09:24:14 am by The Brindle Pack »