Author Topic: occasional dry heaves??  (Read 5656 times)

Offline baggins

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occasional dry heaves??
« on: January 24, 2007, 11:15:21 am »
Our <10 month old Bernese has been having occasional dry heaves/gagging for a few days.  He usually gags 3-4 times and then swallows like he's throwing up in his mouth.  He has thrown up on the carpet a few times but it's always about 1-2 ounces of clear liquid with no smell (water/saliva).  His eating, drinking, playing are all normal so I have no clue.  The only thing that is consistant is that he seems to always do it after running up the stairs.  Anyone?

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Re: occasional dry heaves??
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2007, 12:15:54 pm »

Hard to tell without more information, but what I can offer is that Berners have sensitive digestive tracts. This is actually commonly discussed as one of their "weaker" systems and why so many of us do not feed processed food as a result.  All of my Berners have had sensitive digestive systems, and my boy used to vomit bile occasionally.

Frequent bile vomiting is indicative of a bile motility disorder - since bile serves as the "laundry detergent" if you will for the digestive process.

This can also be a reflection of acid reflux basically, especially if it occurs after exertion.  If his system is too acid, this can be addressed through diet.  Since vets are not trained in nutrition at all, they will only advise an antacid be given or some prescription diet sittin on their shelf - avoid these as they mess up the rest of the digestive balance and you will ultimately see other problems.  If this is the case, and it is ignored, it will worsen and damage the esophagus.  Digestinol is the best and most effective product I have seen as curing inflammation anywhere in the digestive tract should this be needed.

Then again, this could also be a throat irritation since you say he gags several times before heaving.  Gagging can be real or imagined in a dog - in other words, something could really be logged in there or otherwise bothering him, or he scratched his throat consuming something and now the scratch feels like something is there and he trying to remove it.  I would start here to make sure there isn't something there and I would feed him some soothing things to try to alleviate in case this is the culprit.  Some warm, low sodium organic chicken broth with slippery elm usually does the trick.  Raw organic honey is also helpful.

If this doesn't work, then look at what you are feeding and evaluate the entire health picture here - it is likely he will be a sensitive boy digestion-wise and may be too acid or even too alkaline, or bile is not working properly.

SC Trojans
with Gracie and Skylar

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Re: occasional dry heaves??
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2007, 12:20:18 pm »

Oh, I forgot to say too that if he does this just after drinking water - then this is called "aspirating".  Water goes down the wrong pipe (windpipe) from gulping too fast, and then they gag and try to heave up some of it.  Some dogs never learn and do this a lot.  If they did this and gag enough because it bothers them, they can truly irritate/scratch their own throat and then the cycle starts - gagging because they now have a sore throat and it bothers them.....

Something to consider too.....
SC Trojans
with Gracie and Skylar

Offline baggins

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Re: occasional dry heaves??
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2007, 01:21:04 pm »
thank-you.  His diet has always been the same and it doesn't seem that food or water triggers it.  i walked him for about an hour yesterday and he never gagged...then when climbing the stairs to go to bed he did..and coming down them again this morning.  I'm glad you told me about aspirating with water because I've seen my other dog do that occasionally.  From what I've been reading it seems that items lodged in his throat or stomach always makes animals have problems with eating/drinking, but that doesn't seem to be the case.  I'll keep you posted on if it gets better/worse before the weekend.

Offline baggins

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Re: occasional dry heaves??
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2007, 04:10:26 pm »
I thought I would give an update.  The vet thought it might be kennel cough, so told us to palapate his throat to see if he gagged..which he did not.  It's been about 3 days and he has stopped the dry heaving/gagging but occasionally will clear his throat (especially in the morning)like a smoker with flem.  I think maybe he had a cold or something, but it is almost 100% better so I am happy.  Thanks for all the advice.