Author Topic: Dogs with allergies?  (Read 9336 times)

Offline CalistogaPyr

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Dogs with allergies?
« on: January 24, 2007, 03:03:01 pm »
I'm starting to think that Bo has allergies...he r nose is contstantly dripping & her right ear is always full of this reddish-brown waxy junk.  She WON'T let me near her ear (never has, thoug) and when I took her to the vet to have them clean her ears, she knocked down 3 vet techs like they were bowling pins!!  I read online that you can give your dogs Tavist D for allergy symptoms, but I wans't sure if this is what she has.  Any suggestions?  Anyone else have this problem?
Jenn, Bo & Floyd
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Re: Dogs with allergies?
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2007, 06:18:47 pm »
Hi Jenn! I'm Jane. And I'm "owned by" Pyrs, "Rainbow". (4yrs old Feb.3rd) & Whisper (just had his 6 mo Birthday.)Rainbow has some airborn allergies that come on the end of August and last till mid September. Her eyes get runny. Nose gets drippy. She gets itchy. It's miserable for her. (& me) That's the time that ragweed and goldenrod are at their height here in Minnesota. I refuse to give her steroids & my Vet agrees with me on that. I do give her Benadryl to help with the discomfort. (Vet approved) And get her to the groomer for theraputic = followed by oatmeal =  baths. Give her extra 3,6,& 9 omegas. &CoQ10. & extra Vit C.

Anything going on out there in Ca that your Bo might be reacting to? The Vet checked for an inner or middle ear infection didn't he/she?

I know it's not a fun situation at all, but seeing Bo in my mind taking out the 3 Techs like bowling pins did give me a chuckle.

Hope the Beautiful Bo is feeling better soon.

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Re: Dogs with allergies?
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2007, 06:28:38 pm »
with her ears being all gooey it might be an ear infection.
steffanie in atlanta

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Offline Fumble

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Re: Dogs with allergies?
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2007, 08:25:38 am »
fumble is atopic, which basically means he has allergies... you know what time of year it is by his allergies too!  he gets icky ear infections and staph on his belly and under front paws area (or armpit like we like to call it!) 
good luck though!  once you pinpoint the cause then you can try to avoid it!  GOOD LUCK!
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Offline CalistogaPyr

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Re: Dogs with allergies?
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2007, 02:31:34 pm »
She's been treated for ear infections in the past, but they always seem to come back.  It's only in the one ear, too.  It doesn't stink, and she's not rubbing her ear, just shaking her head a lot.  About 3 months ago she started to have more rust-colored "eye boogers" than usual, which makes me thing that there might be something in the air that is bothering her.  It's been unseasonably dry in Northern California this winter, so I'm wondering if that has something to do with it.  What does the Benedryl do?  Dosn't that make them sleepy?

I think that I would have to sedate her if I were to really clean out the ear because she's pretty strong (as the 3 vet techs can attest to) and quick when she wants to be!
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Re: Dogs with allergies?
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2007, 03:37:07 pm »
Bo is such a beautiful girl!

The Benadryl does make them sleepy and calms them down a bit when they're going through the stress of the whole situation. (That might help you out a bit when you check her ears) Rain also shakes her head when she's going through her late summer problem. Constantly comes up to Mom and rubs her head on my leg. And she get's the same icky dark eye stuff too. I wonder if the dry weather isn't a contributing factor. (Late August & early Sept are usually dry up here too so more "stuff" seems to be in the air). My Son & DIL live in Chatsworth and they have problems from time to time with the smoke from fires when they're buring in the area. Just a thought.

Love the picture of Bo! More = PLEASE!

Offline CalistogaPyr

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Re: Dogs with allergies?
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2007, 07:15:03 pm »
Good idea to "get her stoned" on benedryl before I go fishing into her ears!  I was thinking I'd give her a Xanax that the vet prescribed for gun shot/thunderstorm issues, but certainly the benedryl sounds like a less pharmaceutical option! 

Thanks for the compliments for my lovely girl...she's a beauty.  I have absolutely NO annonymity when I walk her around town...everyon e stops to ask what kind of dog she is and to tell me how beautiful she is.  Although she can be challenging becuase she's so hypersensitive, it's a good thing for her since I am a therapist and used to dealing with sensitive creatures! =) 
As requested, here are some more photos of my girl:
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Offline sc.trojans

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Re: Dogs with allergies?
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2007, 08:58:16 pm »

Yep...this is allergies..... dripping nose, runny eyes, yeasty ears, red paws, itching, licking feet, licking anal area....all allergies.

Since everyone so far is only talking about drugs et al to alleviate symptoms, but no one has discussed curing the allergy I thought I would share my original post.

Here is my post in this forum on allergies from August 29, 2005, 10:20:21 PM » 

I would like to shed some light here on allergies for this discussion - for those of you who have posted that your dogs have allergies, you have discussed the triggers (food, environment, fleas etc.) but I have not seen any discussion of understanding the CAUSE of allergies. I hope this helps....

Allergies are the result of a hyper-sensitive immune system and tend to be genetically pre-disposed - the immune system is central to genetics but it can also be caused by immune system damage.  Dogs with compromised or hyper-sensitive immune systems are usually those that have been assaulted by chemicals and unnatural preservatives (vaccines, flea/tick chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers, heartworm chemicals, chemically preserved dog food etc.) or whose recent ancestors have and have it passed onto to them in their memory T-cells.  Studies show that it takes 3-4 generations to undue genetic or DNA damage from these items. back to allergies....y ou can focus on the triggers so long as you can reduce exposure to them or eliminate them for the animal's comfort, but the real focus should be on improving the immune system and vital force (or health) of the animal.  To start, one must recognize that the worst thing you can do is pile on to the immune problem by injecting the animal with an immune suppressant (cortisone shots) - this is the ultimate failing of western vet medicine and should be well publicized for what it is - it creates an instant "impression" for us humans of help or health because it suppresses the immune system so far that it cannot react to the offense, thereby rendering it weak and ineffective for any purpose - including all the other things the immune system needs to protect against and in the future.  We see a lack of external reaction and feel good - the animal is not in better shape, as the issue has just been driven down into the body further and will find another way out - eventually - either as more reaction, often worse and bigger than before - or a different reaction - such as hotspots, or goopy eyes, or gunky ears etc.  Just remember that medically the skin is referred to as the "third kidney" due to it function as an expelling organ - the skin is highly effective at this function and will expel toxins and inpurities from our bodies when needed - our knee jerk reaction to want to suppress that  and drive it back down is misguided - we need to let it out and this is why when humans get hives, most good doctors advise letting it "run its course through the body" until it is done expelling.  Same for hotspots and other skin inflammation.

I have seen many things dramatically improve the condition and health of allergic prone dogs - to really get a great understanding of everything you can do, I highly recommend a book by a renowned holistic vet in the U.S., Dr. Martin Goldstein called "The Nature of Animal Healing" - He discussed allergies at length and other skin inflammation and gives a lot of help in  his book.  One product he recommends and so do I is called Beta-Thym - you can order it online - it contains plant sterols, contained in plant/veggies but deficient in our foods today and these help to modulate the immune system (or calm in down) - it also contains amino acids and thymus which both help to regulate the immune system and this product works well.  Another thing I have found it allergies cannot truly be helped without a dramatic change in diet in most cases - the quality of food must be improved and if possible, fresh whole foods with enzymes, amino acids, vitamins and minerals intact should be provided - this always has a big impact and is what an immune deficient animal is lacking the most.  It is critical that enzymes, amino acids et al be intact for nutrional absorption and therefore should not be destroyed by heat processing etc.  Finally, remove the chemical assaults on the animal - an allergy dog is showing you the current state of the immune system and potential things to come in the future as a result.  A continuous assault of flea, tick, heartworm, vaccine, and pesticides will result in cancer, kidney or liver disease eventually.  By the way, vaccine manufacturers clearly print on their packaging for vets that a sick or compromised animal should never be vaccinated - they know this to be harmful and do not warrant their product if given to such an animal - a compromised animal includes allergies or other immune response (after all, this is the very system the vaccine is targeting) - so if your vet is advising vaccines knowingly for a highly allergic dog, time to find a new vet - mine would never do such a thing.

Sorry for this being so long - but hoping I explained this all - please pick up a copy of Goldstein's book,  order some Beta-Thym, evaluate all the chemicals your pet is exposed to and eliminate, and research further to understand the importance of a wholesome diet for your dog.

Good Luck!
SC Trojans
with Gracie and Skylar


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Re: Dogs with allergies?
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2007, 12:12:56 pm »
OH! I just LOVE your Bo Girl! I can certainly feel the sweetness of her. Thanks so much for the PICs! I needed a "Bo Fix" today!

The advice from Rachel is very good. Great, actually. I'm fortunate to have a Holistic Vet. (Long story there.)I do give the Benadryl for Rain's extreem discomfort and will continue to do so during the few weeks of extreem stress just to help her through the seasonal "crazy itching". 

I'm going to order the book suggested. And check out the Beta Thym as well.

My Vet gives Vacs only every three years. This is a whole new topic. But one we should perhaps explore and express.

HUGS to BO! She's lovely! Just lovely!

Offline CalistogaPyr

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Re: Dogs with allergies?
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2007, 03:14:44 pm »
Thanks for all the great information about allergies & dogs!  I have known that Bo was sensitive, as we learned the hard way that she is allergic to grains.  We have since changed her diet to a non-grain based carbohydrate diet with good results.  I am also giving her supplements from (Fresh Factors & Stress Free Calmplex)for her knees & anxiety.  They seem to be helping, too.
I ordered some Beta-Thym, so I am anxious to try it out.  At this point, I am open to anything!  I also ordered some Grizzly Salmon Oil, as I read that Omega-3 Fatty Acids were also good for treating allergies. 
I hope that this will help to ease whatever suffering she might be experiencing and to enhance her quality of life.  As Einstein said "I am still learning"!!
Jenn, Bo & Floyd
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Offline sc.trojans

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Re: Dogs with allergies?
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2007, 09:19:29 pm »

Good call on the salmon oil - I am not familiar with the brand but just be sure it is wild salmon oil - not farmed.

Yes, fish oils are anti-inflammatory and so can only help an inflammatory state - they offer a host of other health benefits as well.

Be sure to be consistent on the beta-thym - improvement is not overnight.  Let us know how it goes.

Good luck!
SC Trojans
with Gracie and Skylar

Offline CalistogaPyr

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Re: Dogs with allergies-update on Bo
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2007, 11:34:35 am »
So I've had Bo on the Salmon Oil & Beta-Thym for a week now & we're seeing some improvements!  I've noticed that her eyes are less gunky and that she seems to not be shaking her head as much.  My question is for SC Trojans: does she stay on the Beta-Thym indefinitely or is this just until her symptoms abate?  The literature on the website is limited, so I wondered if you knew. 
I also noticed that she's eating less...not sure what that's about, but I think she was eating too much to begin with!  She would eat her dinner & then lay in front of the dish whining until we put more in her bowl (up to 4 cups of kibble in a night).  Now she seems satisfied with just 2 1/2, which is what she should be at for her weight & size.  I wonder if that's an indication that her body is functioning better?  Might be nothing.
Thanks for the recommendation & keep the good info coming!!
Jenn & Bo
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Offline sc.trojans

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Re: Dogs with allergies?
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2007, 03:54:20 pm »

Since Beta-Thym is basically plant sterinols - a component we all benefit from and is often lacking in diet, it is not a bad thing to be providing indefinitely to ensure her immune system remains balanced.

On the other hand, it certainly depends on the individual dog.  If the immune system becomes modulated and balanced, and there is nothing else that assaults the immune system so that the animal remains healthy -nothing else may be needed.  But if you continue to vaccinate (which is designed to stimulate the immune system)or provide chemicals, then the immune system will likely becoming hyper-sensitive again and ongoing issues will continue.

I hope that helped....
SC Trojans
with Gracie and Skylar

Offline Fumble

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Re: Dogs with allergies?
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2007, 08:29:38 am »
She's been treated for ear infections in the past, but they always seem to come back.  It's only in the one ear, too.  It doesn't stink, and she's not rubbing her ear, just shaking her head a lot.  About 3 months ago she started to have more rust-colored "eye boogers" than usual, which makes me thing that there might be something in the air that is bothering her.  It's been unseasonably dry in Northern California this winter, so I'm wondering if that has something to do with it.  What does the Benedryl do?  Dosn't that make them sleepy?

I think that I would have to sedate her if I were to really clean out the ear because she's pretty strong (as the 3 vet techs can attest to) and quick when she wants to be!

OMG! benadryl doesn't always make them sleepy.. it made fumble CRAZY!!!!  wired, could't sleep, extra drool...
"My newfoundlands live my life as passionately as i live theirs"
"I slip the hater of what i've become.  they slip the halter of what they've been, and we live together, passionately, changed"
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Offline CalistogaPyr

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Re: Dogs with allergies?
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2007, 04:57:45 pm »
Update-Bo is doing well on the Salmon Oil and beta-thym.  I also added Missing Link Plus powder.  Her eyes are improving and her ears seem to be better, as well.  Still struggling with her stomach issues...I think it's going to be a life-long management issue.  One day it's great the next day it's booty blowout.  Not so different from people, I guess! =)  Thanks SCTrojans for the beta-thym recommendation ...we're almost through our first bottle!
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