Author Topic: experiences with training mishaps, anyone??  (Read 2714 times)

Offline schelmischekitty

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experiences with training mishaps, anyone??
« on: January 29, 2007, 06:02:50 pm »
ok, so i thought it would be funny to share stories of any training mishaps.  here are two that i've encountered.

this happened when axle was still a puppy (about 10 months old) and aiden was 6 months, just getting good at eating "real" food.  aiden's FAVORITE food was chicken nuggets.  well, when he'd eat them, axle would hound over him every time and i'd make an "eeent" noise to make him stop.  after a few months, aiden would start screaming every time i gave him a chicken nugget, and i couldn't figure out why, b/c he act like he wanted to eat it so bad but wouldn't.  well, come to find out, while i was training axle to leave aiden's food alone, aiden had also "learned" not to eat his chicken nuggets.

scenario two.  not dog related, but i LOVE to get aiden to torment brandon while he's in the bathroom.  childish, yes, i know but OH so funny.  i've taught aiden to say "daddy, you poop??" or "daddy, i gotta go, hurry up"  or "daddy, get out i gotta pee" too funny, i think, esp considering aiden is JUST starting to take interest in going "potty"  long story short, it was funny for a few weeks, until aiden started doing it to me now ha ha.
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
axle-140ish-lb akita (4)
peanut-5lb, 11 months chihuahua
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Re: experiences with training mishaps, anyone??
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2007, 06:08:27 pm »
Currently Bailey is in Rally-O classes. She is doing great as far as her exercises and what she is suppose to be doing- but she is bored. She literally lays down and goes to sleep when the other dogs are going thru thier exercises, and sometimes she will sigh, very loudly. I have a great trainer who is extremely amused. She has said that Bailey is the only dog she has ever had in a class that will get bored- sigh loudly and go to sleep. Bailey has even been known to snore.
We are going to try Agility in March and see if she is more interested. We have definitely decided that she will be training for Therapy Dog with her laid back personality.

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: experiences with training mishaps, anyone??
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2007, 06:11:29 pm »
how funny! axle was like that in our classes, but no loud sighs ha ha.   
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
axle-140ish-lb akita (4)
peanut-5lb, 11 months chihuahua
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Re: experiences with training mishaps, anyone??
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2007, 07:23:34 pm »
I just LOVE Jack and can just imagine him doing this.