Author Topic: Pyr help-cautious canine-long post, sorry  (Read 1557 times)

Offline CalistogaPyr

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Pyr help-cautious canine-long post, sorry
« on: March 23, 2007, 08:27:00 am »
Hey everyone!  I'm just looking for some help with my girl, Bo.  She's 3 1/2 now and as she's aged, she's become more and more cautious around other dogs.  She was socialized well and exposed to LOTS of dogs & people as a younger dog, but it seems like the older she gets, the more snarky she can be around other dogs.  For example, we were out on the boat on Sunday and when we got back to the boat launch, there was a hound dog puppy (probably a year old) and some tiny jack russel puppies running around.  She got very upset & barked at them while Floyd, ever the friendly guy, ran around with them.  We put her in the car while we loaded the boat & she was fine, although she barked at them as we were leaving.  When we're on walks, sometimes she barks at other dogs on the street, but then again, sometimes she doesn' depends upon how the other dog reacts to her first.  One day she was super friendly & the other dog started barking first, and then she responded by barking back.  She weighs 130lbs, so her bark is BIG and LOUD.  To clarify, she's NEVER bitten another dog or person, and was actually nipped on the nose by another dog at the park a long time ago.  When my father in law brought his two dogs to visit last weekend (1 1/2 y.o. German shorthair pointer & 14 y.o. jack russel) she was TOTALLY fine with the old guy and mildly tolerant of the puppy (after barking at her for about 15 minutes-putting her in her place, I guess).  I can't figure it out!  She's my first Pyr, and I know that they are prone to dog aggression, but her behavior seems less like aggression and more like a fear reaction-like she's scared of the other dogs and wants to scare them away first.  Her personality is such that she doesn't do well wtih new things (Neophobia-big fancy Patricia McConnell term) and takes a long time to get used to new stuff.  She LOVES Floyd, but that, too, took a while for her to adjust to.  I'm not sure if there's anything I can do to help her be less fearful or if this is just par for the breed. 
Thanks for listening!!!

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Re: Pyr help-cautious canine-long post, sorry
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2007, 02:13:45 am »
I'm not sure if I'm going to be much help, but I had to say that your Pyr is BEAUTIFUL!!!  Wow! So stunning! 

So...on to the advice...When my newfie was being a little brat to other dogs in our obedience class, the trainer had me treat him and highly praise him when he was exhibiting calm behavior (i.e., no growling, submissive licking, etc.).  We used a clicker to help mark the exact positive behavior.  Secondly, I learned not to pet your dog or reassure them (i.e., No "It's ok!!" to your dog), as that may indicate to them that there IS a reason to be anxious, aggressive, etc.  Thirdly, when Winston seems to be acting a bit aggressive, I put him in a "time-out" (i.e., a sit-stay)for about a minute.  I think he's getting the point....

Good luck!

Offline Binky

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Re: Pyr help-cautious canine-long post, sorry
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2007, 03:11:05 am »
I wish I could help butour Pyr, Binky, is also very skittish about new things.  She is very dog friendly but has suddenly developed a fear of children.  If I move something in the house, she will circle around and act scared for several minutes before she settels back down.  Very strange. We also took a lot of time to expose her to new places, things, aniamls, people, but she still shies away from strange objects and people.  Maybe it is a Pyr thing although I did a lot of research on the breed and the last thing I expected was for her to be skittish.  Anyway, your dogs are adorable!
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Offline CalistogaPyr

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Re: Pyr help-cautious canine-long post, sorry
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2007, 04:25:13 am »
Thanks for the lovely compliments on my furkids!  Bo is especially stunning and is a traffic stopper.  You'd never know she was un-papered, from a backyard breeder (don't ask...).  Although I suspect that some of her extensive health &  behavior problems stem from poor genetic lines, I would not trade her for anything. 
Her fear of new things developed when she was about 2.  All of a sudden she's afraid of kids, new dogs, loud sounds, new places and changes to her routine.  It got really bad when we moved to our new house almost two years ago-we had to put her on anti-anxiety meds because she was such a mess.  She's better now, but it's been a long haul.  Today she had a melt-down about our neighbor's dog being in our yard (not her fault-the dog comes over all the time uninvited and his people refuse to not let him wander the neighborhood).  I squirted her with the hose and told her to "just watch", which is the commmand I've trained her with to not bark but pay attention.  I've been ignoring her otherwise, which seems to help-don't ask me why.  Anyway, I wasn't sure if this was a Pyr thing or if it's a Bo thing, so that's why I posted!! =)
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Offline Steebs

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Re: Pyr help-cautious canine-long post, sorry
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2007, 05:12:51 am »
I've been a dog-owner all of my adult life (German Shepherds) and have been told I have a natural training knack by more than one pro. Bought my first beloved, Shilo, when I was 18... that was 30 years ago. Shilo and 2 since (Roxy & Sophie) have gone to wait for me in spirit. I've spoiled them all rotten but they were (and are) excellently trained, well-mannered and supernaturally in tune to me. I always got apartments listed as "no dogs allowed" back when I rented apartments. Even had one amazed landlord refer to them as "trained soldiers". Just wanted you to know I thought I knew a LOAD when it comes to training dogs and I would gladly give you advice except I think I have a better suggestion... Just recently I read a book called "Cesar's Way". It's written by that man everyone's calling "The Dog Whisperer".  I mean to tell you it's one of the best moves I ever made.  PLEASE read that book! I honestly believe it's all you need to do to solve the issue. That book was a Godsend for me (and I believe that incredible man is a Godsend for dogs in general!) Out of the entire book I disagreed with only about 5% of his views and opinions ~ any book we eat the watermelon spit out the seeds ~ but this book had VERY few seeds!  I would suggest this book highly to any and every dog owner, especially those with dogs who have issues or may be developing them, and even more so to those who worry they "can't teach an old dog new tricks". We can! Hurray for "The Dog Whisperer"! 
"The only bad thing about dogs is their lifespan." - M.K.Blair