Author Topic: Need help building Ellie's immune system  (Read 2880 times)


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Need help building Ellie's immune system
« on: April 09, 2007, 05:29:37 am »
SO I have been thinking about my girl's health lately and am wondering what I can do to help build her immune system...

Here is a little background on Ellie.  She is a 3 year old dobie/pit. I've had her since she was 8 weeks old.

She has post-spaying incontinence that surfaced since she was about 8 months old. She has been plagued with UTI's since about the same age.

She had lots of puppy related issues that she no longer has.... colitis, demodectic mange.  She also had a bout of girardia at about 7 months.

So I am thinking her immune system has been comprimised at an early age...  her biggest issues since puppyhood are UTI's, in fact she just had one a month ago... and now she has an ear infection, which is a new ailment for her.

All things considered... she acts fine and still has tons of energy, etc...  I just hate the thought of her suffering any.

So any ideas on what to do about her continual UTI's? and what I can do to help build her immune system.

The vet recommended putting her on a Science Diet food to help lessen the crystals in her urine, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. She currently eats Canidae.

Thanks for the help y'all.... sorry for the long post.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2007, 05:30:27 am by EllieAndBlu »

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Re: Need help building Ellie's immune system
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2007, 05:39:58 am »
The American Animal Hospital Association notes that this (UTI's) is a serious health problem, and suggests that consumers try mixing one to two ounces of cranberry juice into the pet's food as a preventative measure. Cranberries also contain heart-healthy antioxidants, also frequently added to pet food products.
steffanie in atlanta

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Re: Need help building Ellie's immune system
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2007, 06:14:39 am »
I've heard wonderful things about The Missing Link. Its supplement designed to add things that dogs would normally get in the wild, but are deprived of in their regular diets. I've never used it, but heard of so many people that love it.

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Re: Need help building Ellie's immune system
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2007, 06:35:21 am »

There is a lot you can do to help build her immune system. I think the first step and most critical is to always evaluate what assaults are being levied on her immune system.  Consider everything her immune system is having to "grapple with" or "manage" because the more overworked it is, the more exhausted and compromised it will become. The greatest assaults on the immune system are chemicals, toxins, vaccines, and drugs (the latter two both contain chemicals or toxins).  So this includes, pesticides, lawn chemicals, toxic cleaning chemicals used on surfaces she comes into contact like floors, mats, carpet etc., flea and tick chemicals, heartworm pesticides - you get the idea.

Drugs should be considered because if her body is trying to rid itself of toxins and expel them, this usually manifests as ear infections, eye discharge, skin eruptions and issues, etc.  So not interfering in this process and suppressing it is key.  Allow it all to run its course and help facilitate it.

What you feed is critical - you are feeding a good quality kibble, but she may have yeast overgrown issues - urinary and ear infections often point to yeast involvement.  So consider switching her to a grain and starch free food.

Look into products that facilitate nutrient absorption and healing such as Fido Wobenzym, Seacure, Olive Leaf, Wild Salmon Oil is a source of Omega 3s and a great anti-inflammatory and immune booster.  There are many more.....

I do not recommend Missing Link because while it contains many wonderful ingredients for dogs, there are a few that are particularly bad for allergy dogs and those with certain issues.  It contains flaxseed oil which can clog the respiratory cells of dogs, and is a common allergen for dogs so I would avoid - stick with fish oils for this benefit.  It also contains yeast and carrot which are two of the last things you want to give a dog with allergies, a yeast problem, or an ear infection that could be yeast related.

Hope that helps...
SC Trojans
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Re: Need help building Ellie's immune system
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2007, 08:23:58 am »
Y'all ares suchs a HUGE help - thanks so much for the input! Feel free to keep it coming as my quest for info is now in full force  :)