Author Topic: 1 yr Bernese--Whine, neck/nerve issue? MRI? Help??  (Read 5380 times)

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1 yr Bernese--Whine, neck/nerve issue? MRI? Help??
« on: May 30, 2007, 05:21:44 am »
Our 1 year old Bernese Mountain Dog had been whining <10 times/day when you pet him around his neck and he pushes his head back, when he stands up too quickly from laying down, etc..he also limps a little on his front-right paw after he yelps.  The vet says she thinks it's a nerve in his neck sending pain to his paw. She prescribed an anti-inflammatory and steriod (starts with a "p") for 10 days and it went away. But, now he's off the meds and he's doing it again.  Now they want to send us to a specialist for an MRI...around $2000 after initial consult, blood work, etc.

Anyone have any suggestions or similiar experiences?  I thought it might be wobblers syndrome, but he doesn't have any of the normal other symptoms.  Help please???

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Re: 1 yr Bernese--Whine, neck/nerve issue? MRI? Help??
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2007, 06:56:43 am »
Oh boy!  I'm so sorry that your poor pupper is going through all of this!  :'(  I don't have any suggestions I'm afraid, but I know that there are some very experienced BMD people on the board and I'm sure that they'll be along shortly to help.  I feel for you!  Please let us know how things go with your pup!

And my pups:
Daisy a 9 y/o Golden/Lab mix
Sammy a 6-7(?) y/o Great Pyrenees adopted 3/07
Cassie a 3 y/o Pyr/Mystery Snuggle Bunny mix adopted 2/07

My angel girls waiting at the Bridge:
Cara 1989-2001 Great Pyrenees
Sally ? - 1993 Dobie(rescued '92)
Halley 2002-2006 Great Pyrenees

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Re: 1 yr Bernese--Whine, neck/nerve issue? MRI? Help??
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2007, 10:22:25 am »

I would go to see an orthopedic specialist and get a specialist opinion before leaping for the MRI expense.  Regular vets are not equipped to diagnose potentially orthopedic problems and it is worth getting this opinion first.

Berners frequently have back and neck problems - while severe disc issues are not common, vertebra compression is and worth ruling out.  It sounds like he could have anything from a C4 to a C6 out of alignment, or as the vet suggested and I agree is more likely, there is also nerve involvement (given the signals to the front leg).

If you were to consult a physical therapist, they would explain where the nerve endings are located and how something out of alignment in the neck can compress, and readily send nerve signals down the front leg and appear to be a leg issue.

Berners are heavy boned dogs so if they are big jumpers, or hard wrestlers with other dogs, they readily get themselves out of alignment in their neck and back. Also, if a dog runs head first, then turns his head to brace himself and hits something with his neck and shoulder - this is easily done as well and a common action for a Berner.

Hopefully that is all this is and some visits to a physical therpist can get him re-aligned and back in order.

Find a Board certified orthopedic specialist and start there.  Hopefully they can refer you to good physical therapists in your area if that is appropriate.  Where are you located?  Have you spoken to your breeder?
SC Trojans
with Gracie and Skylar

Offline baggins

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Re: 1 yr Bernese--Whine, neck/nerve issue? MRI? Help??
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2007, 12:29:56 am »
I have an appointment for June 11th for a neurological exam, but I like the idea about the physical therapist too.  I'm in Denver, CO and have not contacted a breeder yet.  I'll let you know after this initial exam and if we need additional follow-up/MRI.  I really don't want to pay for an MRI (obviously) but try convincing the wife.  I hope the initial exam/consult by the specialist will be enough. 

I would go to see an orthopedic specialist and get a specialist opinion before leaping for the MRI expense.  Regular vets are not equipped to diagnose potentially orthopedic problems and it is worth getting this opinion first.

Berners frequently have back and neck problems - while severe disc issues are not common, vertebra compression is and worth ruling out.  It sounds like he could have anything from a C4 to a C6 out of alignment, or as the vet suggested and I agree is more likely, there is also nerve involvement (given the signals to the front leg).

If you were to consult a physical therapist, they would explain where the nerve endings are located and how something out of alignment in the neck can compress, and readily send nerve signals down the front leg and appear to be a leg issue.

Berners are heavy boned dogs so if they are big jumpers, or hard wrestlers with other dogs, they readily get themselves out of alignment in their neck and back. Also, if a dog runs head first, then turns his head to brace himself and hits something with his neck and shoulder - this is easily done as well and a common action for a Berner.

Hopefully that is all this is and some visits to a physical therpist can get him re-aligned and back in order.

Find a Board certified orthopedic specialist and start there.  Hopefully they can refer you to good physical therapists in your area if that is appropriate.  Where are you located?  Have you spoken to your breeder?


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Re: 1 yr Bernese--Whine, neck/nerve issue? MRI? Help??
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2007, 12:53:18 am »
I would try going to a animal chiropractor. I used one for our rotti ( he was wobbling in the back end and licking his paw--she said he licked his paw b/c of the pain) and it really helped with his back and his back leg. She figures he had a pinched nerve. I went there when my vet suggested that he would need to see a specialist and have back surgery.(would have been at least min of $1500) That was about 2 years ago and he has never has surgery! He has had great relief and improvement from this treatment. It is not any more expensive than a person going to the chiro...the inital vist here was $60.00 Canadian and $40 for any visit after that . It is like treament for humans where you start off doing quite a few and then tapper off to  1 or 2 a month we got to every 3 months!
I hope your  pup finds some relief soon. Please keep us posted.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2007, 12:56:14 am by Icerotti »

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Re: 1 yr Bernese--Whine, neck/nerve issue? MRI? Help??
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2007, 05:19:50 am »
Great - glad to hear you are in Denver.  You have a lot of options available to you then including Alameda East (

You also have the Canine Rehabilitation and Conditioning Group in Englewood ( which also has satelitte locations including Wheatridge.

Good luck!

SC Trojans
with Gracie and Skylar

Offline baggins

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Re: 1 yr Bernese--Whine, neck/nerve issue? MRI? Help??
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2007, 06:06:46 am »
Thank-you for the links!  He seems to be doing ok lately, but the wife still wants to get the neurological exam.  I will let you all know what happens after June 11th.  At this point I don't think we'll be paying for an MRI as the yelps seem to be more and more infrequent.  I can't imagine what the specialist will say though other than "yep, needs an MRI to truly diagnose"

Great - glad to hear you are in Denver.  You have a lot of options available to you then including Alameda East (

You also have the Canine Rehabilitation and Conditioning Group in Englewood ( which also has satelitte locations including Wheatridge.

Good luck!

Offline baggins

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Re: 1 yr Bernese--Whine, neck/nerve issue? MRI? Help??--UPDATE
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2007, 03:22:05 am »
So, we had an appointment on Monday at the neurologist, but my wife accidentally sent us to the wrong vet so we could not make our appointment.  The vet has a 2 week waiting list, but this may be a good thing because Murphy hasn't yelped in about a week so my wife's memory lapse might have saved us $150.  I told her that we should watch Murphy and if he starts having the problem then we reschedule.

Thanks for all of the advice.  I'm crossing my fingers that the dog "grew out of it" or something since I can't imagine not spending a lot of money trying to figure out what the problem is.  I hope it's just a growing issue, but only time will tell.