Author Topic: Hey *GoldenPyrs* :D  (Read 5836 times)


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Hey *GoldenPyrs* :D
« on: June 03, 2007, 11:46:57 pm »
You said puppies?! I saw you mention 1 week old puppies! So, I thought I would be cruel and remind you of puppies. ;D I don't have all my pics on his hard drive so here are just some. hehe

Course then, they do grow up as you know :(


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Re: Hey *GoldenPyrs* :D
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2007, 12:18:24 am »
Found a couple more, aren't ya glad? :D

Here's a 1 week old puppy I know quite well

(right one, with the big head lol)


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Re: Hey *GoldenPyrs* :D
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2007, 01:27:15 am »
OMG, on that pic of the two together, if your little one weren't in the pic it would look like a mirror image. Even their tails are touching.

Yeah, I know..I got this one too.. They are really weird and do stuff like that all the time. Even in seperate crates..they sleep identical and stuff, we always laugh at how cute it is. Like twinsies or something. They used to pee outside at the same time lol.

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Re: Hey *GoldenPyrs* :D
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2007, 01:35:26 am »
AWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWW Kristina, I can't take it!  ;D  They are so precious I just want to climb into the pictures to hold them.  The one that you "know quite well", was that a tiny baby pic of Yukon or Yiska?  I just love their teeny, tiny little mustaches!  I knew that this would be hard, but this is pure torture for me.  The breeder hasn't sent pics yet, but they'll probably be coming via e-mail within the next couple of days and how on Earth are we going to resist?  Yep, they do grow up into that last cute pic, but see that doesn't help either!  I just happen to adore them when they're tiny and when they're huge (just ask the ones laying beside my chair right now).  You're a cruel woman sending me pyr puppy pics that are that darn cute.  ;D  I swear that I can smell the puppy breath from here.  

BTW, how's your not-so-little anymore jellybean doing and how's his or her momma feeling now?

And my pups:
Daisy a 9 y/o Golden/Lab mix
Sammy a 6-7(?) y/o Great Pyrenees adopted 3/07
Cassie a 3 y/o Pyr/Mystery Snuggle Bunny mix adopted 2/07

My angel girls waiting at the Bridge:
Cara 1989-2001 Great Pyrenees
Sally ? - 1993 Dobie(rescued '92)
Halley 2002-2006 Great Pyrenees


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Re: Hey *GoldenPyrs* :D
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2007, 01:48:02 am »
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Kristina, I can't take it!  ;D  They are so precious I just want to climb into the pictures to hold them.  The one that you "know quite well", was that a tiny baby pic of Yukon or Yiska?  I just love their teeny, tiny little mustaches!  I knew that this would be hard, but this is pure torture for me.  The breeder hasn't sent pics yet, but they'll probably be coming via e-mail within the next couple of days and how on Earth are we going to resist?  Yep, they do grow up into that last cute pic, but see that doesn't help either!  I just happen to adore them when they're tiny and when they're huge (just ask the ones laying beside my chair right now).  You're a cruel woman sending me pyr puppy pics that are that darn cute.  ;D  I swear that I can smell the puppy breath from here.  

BTW, how's your not-so-little anymore jellybean doing and how's his or her momma feeling now?

Yeah that's Yukon. I didn't get brand new pics of Yiska since I only decided on her (and saw her) 2 weeks before I drove out to get them. The first 2 are him and those last two. It's amazing how dark he used to be, almost black.

This is the first pic I saw of her, the breeder sent it to me by accident thinking it was Yukon- since they were the only 2 with mustache markings. I didn't know there was another with that that's the picture that sparked my interest hehe. Then she sent me the next one. Yiska was actually 'taken' by a woman that lived in Michigan and happened to back out the next day so I was able to get her too. :)


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Re: Hey *GoldenPyrs* :D
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2007, 01:54:22 am »
That's gonna be a very hard decision when you see those pics! Ahhhhhhhh. Before I knew about Yiska, I was thinking that down the road when their parents had another litter I could maybe get a sibling for Yukon. That came sooner than I thought! Haha. I am glad I got (most) of the puppy stuff out of the way at once though. That's so exciting! Gosh what will you do. You'll of course have to share pictures. ;D

Thank you for asking about me and the jelly bean. I'm feeling mostly pretty good. I've gotten a lot of energy back and have been busting my butt around here. I rearranged 2 rooms Saturday, complete with vacuuming the couch and every corner I could find and dusting lol. I thought, what's wrong with me..I'm much to early to be nesting! Think maybe my body is glad to not feel so ill.

I've been feeling the bean jumping around in there for a few days so I am even more convinced it's a boy now. I didn't feel my last girl baby until 15 wks, but I felt my boy the first time between 12-13 .. he was pretty rough on me. This one seems to be following in his steps! My Dr. is booked for a month out, so I don't get to have my initial visit and ultrasound until the end of the month!
« Last Edit: June 04, 2007, 01:55:57 am by mama2many »

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Re: Hey *GoldenPyrs* :D
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2007, 03:37:48 am »
It is tough!  We were talking to the breeder last year after Halley passed away and she was planning a litter for last fall but her dog didn't get pg.  We started talking about rescue (you know the story) and then adopted Cassie & Sammy earlier this year and we're so glad that we did.  Then I heard last week that she had a new litter, so we're a bit torn.  One more certainly isn't out of the realm of possibility, but it is a bit of a stretch so we're thinking about it.  If we take a puppy of course it will be for life, so it's something that we're really thinking about.  Daisy is 8 now and the vet recently scared me by telling me that her life expectancy is 10-12 yrs (I was hoping that it would be longer than for a pyr, but no  :( ).  Sammy we were told was 3-5 but our vet just told us that she thinks that he is probably 5-6 yrs and he does have joint issues due to poor breeding and severe malnutrition so we're really careful with him.  Cassie is 2 (we know this from her previous owners and vet records), so with a puppy we'd have the ages spread out a bit as well as a young playmate for Cassie and that's not a bad idea.  We have acreage, my husband telecommutes from home and I'm at home with the kids, so there's plenty of space & people around to care for them, but still...4 is 4.  Also, I have some big stuff going on.  It was just confirmed that my husband's employer is selling his division, though they have him planning his dept's portion of the merger so we're optimistic now that his job is secure.  Also, my parents are seperating (today, I think) after 49 1/2 yrs of marriage  :'(, and my Dad is talking about moving to our area.  :o  :o  You can these are considerations .  Still, one thing that we've learned in life is that you can't always wait for the "perfect" time, we tried that once and ended up with 3 kids not the 4 that we'd hoped for (but still, we are very blessed so no complaints), still...sigh.. .tough decision.

So, your little jellybean is turning into a jumping bean?? LOL  ;D  I looooved that stage and I remember suddenly (almost) feeling so much better and my energy level returning.  I thought that was a great time in pregnancy.  Sometimes though what would happen with me is that I'd be going full blast and then suddenly the energy was gone and I still had to keep up with the kids.  Then that was tough as I was yawning and they were running in circles!  Ha, ha  ::)  It will be exciting to find out the sex of your little one.  We have all boys, so I don't have any experience with feeling different with the different genders, but I've heard other people say that, too.  It will be exciting to know if you're having a boy or girl jumping jellybean.   ;D  ;D  Thanks again for the pics!  I can easily see why you ended up with both Yukon & Yiska, they are irresistable!!  ;D

And my pups:
Daisy a 9 y/o Golden/Lab mix
Sammy a 6-7(?) y/o Great Pyrenees adopted 3/07
Cassie a 3 y/o Pyr/Mystery Snuggle Bunny mix adopted 2/07

My angel girls waiting at the Bridge:
Cara 1989-2001 Great Pyrenees
Sally ? - 1993 Dobie(rescued '92)
Halley 2002-2006 Great Pyrenees


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Re: Hey *GoldenPyrs* :D
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2007, 04:14:15 am »
Yeah that is a lot going on! Gosh. I'm so sorry about your parents, wow is all I can say. That is a loooooooooong time to be married. I can't imagine knowing anything else. It's good that you guys have land, very good. We wish we had land. We have a nice sized yard for where we are but we know if we moved somewhere where the cost of living is much lower, we could have much more yard and more importantly- house. So moving for us looks like it is in our near future. That would be a huge change for me. I was born here, spent my elementary school years in AZ and then moved back here, have been here ever since. Anyway, we have no idea WHERE, we are looking all over.

I guess I didn't realize you only had boys, YIKES! Here I'm a little freaked out about thinking I'll have 2 lol. I think the puppy addition sounds like a great idea considering the ages of your others and circumstance. You're right, there is no perfect time. Planning seems to get me at least, nowhere.

Best of luck with your decision!
« Last Edit: June 04, 2007, 04:14:59 am by mama2many »

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Re: Hey *GoldenPyrs* :D
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2007, 05:22:17 am »
Well, I guess that I don't know any different.  I have 2 brothers (no sisters) and 3 sons, so we just laugh that our family specialized in boys.  LOL  :D  I hear that girls & boys are very different (well duh, right?  ;)).  Anyway, if you have 2 boys, it will be ok and they are a lot of fun, too.  I just wear tennis shoes...lotsa traction that way to keep up with their energy.  ;D Seriously, I think that it will be wonderful for you to have 4 kids, however it works out.

Thank you, the situation with my parents is really heartbreaking and I just hope that whatever they decide that they'll be happy with their decision long term and I refuse to take sides.  I'm so afraid that they'll regret it later but pride will get in the way of a reconciliation .   The dogs are wonderful at helping lower my stress level.  They are so affectionate and funny sometimes.  Cassie loves to hop into my lap & she makes a big lap dog!  I bet a puppy would have me laughing a lot, too....hmmmm, still thinking!   ;D

Since you've always lived in warmer climates, what areas are you most interested in?  I love how much info is available on the net.  We did a lot of our research on the web before moving here and then we visited a lot before finalizing our move and that worked out well for us.  It's probably also a good way to find dog friendly communities.  Also, if your interested in making friends with local pyr people maybe you could talk to some of the pyr club people in that area and I'm sure that they'd be a wealth of local info, too.  If you moved there then you could go to some of their picnics and parties, if you wanted.  They can be a lot of fun and lots of great dogs to pet, too.   ;D  ;)  Just a thought!

And my pups:
Daisy a 9 y/o Golden/Lab mix
Sammy a 6-7(?) y/o Great Pyrenees adopted 3/07
Cassie a 3 y/o Pyr/Mystery Snuggle Bunny mix adopted 2/07

My angel girls waiting at the Bridge:
Cara 1989-2001 Great Pyrenees
Sally ? - 1993 Dobie(rescued '92)
Halley 2002-2006 Great Pyrenees

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Re: Hey *GoldenPyrs* :D
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2007, 12:51:59 pm »
they are so sweet, and fluffy!
mother of:
2 babies
2 great danes -Duramax

"Some days you're the dog; some days you're the hydrant." -Unknown


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Re: Hey *GoldenPyrs* :D
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2007, 10:17:06 pm »
Well, I guess that I don't know any different.  I have 2 brothers (no sisters) and 3 sons, so we just laugh that our family specialized in boys.  LOL  :D  I hear that girls & boys are very different (well duh, right?  ;)).  Anyway, if you have 2 boys, it will be ok and they are a lot of fun, too.  I just wear tennis shoes...lotsa traction that way to keep up with their energy.  ;D Seriously, I think that it will be wonderful for you to have 4 kids, however it works out.

Thank you, the situation with my parents is really heartbreaking and I just hope that whatever they decide that they'll be happy with their decision long term and I refuse to take sides.  I'm so afraid that they'll regret it later but pride will get in the way of a reconciliation .   The dogs are wonderful at helping lower my stress level.  They are so affectionate and funny sometimes.  Cassie loves to hop into my lap & she makes a big lap dog!  I bet a puppy would have me laughing a lot, too....hmmmm, still thinking!   ;D

Since you've always lived in warmer climates, what areas are you most interested in?  I love how much info is available on the net.  We did a lot of our research on the web before moving here and then we visited a lot before finalizing our move and that worked out well for us.  It's probably also a good way to find dog friendly communities.  Also, if your interested in making friends with local pyr people maybe you could talk to some of the pyr club people in that area and I'm sure that they'd be a wealth of local info, too.  If you moved there then you could go to some of their picnics and parties, if you wanted.  They can be a lot of fun and lots of great dogs to pet, too.   ;D  ;)  Just a thought!

Where are you guys? We really have no idea..we're kind of randomly picking states and checking populations, incomes, crime rates and house pricing. Hubby had to go to Indiana last month and that's what started this whole moving idea. He saw how cheap things were out there so we got to looking and talking. He keeps saying Indiana, Colorado..I'd rather not move THAT far since the only family I have is here. His family is in Kansas. We were looking in the Carolinas, just all over even Mass..since I have a friend that lives there. It would be hard to go where there is no one I know, not to mention no one to help us if we ever need..not that we have a bunch here..just my first husbands parents that live near us, are a huge help. It would be sad to leave them. My mom and sis live an hour to 1.5 hours away and I barely see them. :( Moving where it actually got cold or snowed would be a world of change for me, I don't know how to even deal with it haha.

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Re: Hey *GoldenPyrs* :D
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2007, 06:35:29 am »
Ooo  my Word   those  puppies are just  way toooo cute..

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Re: Hey *GoldenPyrs* :D
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2007, 05:00:21 pm »
Wow, I'd missed this.

Julie, that's very sweet of you, thank you!  It's really been an amazing last year, but the up side is that I'm finding strength that I didn't know that I had and that's always a good thing.   :)

Kristina, we're in the Northwest.  I've only been to CO once, but I remember that it was really beautiful.  Oh, and a little bonus?  I'm quite sure that there are a lot of Pyrs in CO, is that true Julie?  I seem to recall that the Pyr Club & Pyr Rescue are very active there.  Anyway, we know that Chammie and her Pyr day care friends are there, and I would love to meet all of them!   ;D  :-*

And my pups:
Daisy a 9 y/o Golden/Lab mix
Sammy a 6-7(?) y/o Great Pyrenees adopted 3/07
Cassie a 3 y/o Pyr/Mystery Snuggle Bunny mix adopted 2/07

My angel girls waiting at the Bridge:
Cara 1989-2001 Great Pyrenees
Sally ? - 1993 Dobie(rescued '92)
Halley 2002-2006 Great Pyrenees