Author Topic: I dont know what to do :(  (Read 5088 times)

Offline Krystal_00

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I dont know what to do :(
« on: August 03, 2007, 12:31:26 am »
Our new puppy Decker has the...squirts. I thought it was just because we switched his food all at once. So this goes on for a few days and his poop is not getting and solider. In fact its not solid at all, its shooting out the back of him :(  Then I notice the other dog, Mack, is having shooting squirts too!! I cant get them to the vet till tomorrow. Ive been feeding them pedialyte and keopatic(sorry if that spelled wrong) and the vet told me not to feed them anything but bland food, so I cooked up some scrambled eggs (first time in my 22 years ive cooked eggs, i was proud!!) and rice. Is there anything else I should be doing to help them out? Im worried sick that they have caught something, or that Decker brought something with him when he came(he came on a plane) They are both eating and drinking well.... :( :( :(
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Offline People Whisperer

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Re: I dont know what to do :(
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2007, 12:39:06 am »
Try boiled chicken and rice. And pumpkin of course...Keep us posted

P.S. Maybe he has guardia? (sp?) We had the same thing with Lily when we brought her know, new environment, stress, etc.
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Re: I dont know what to do :(
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2007, 03:00:41 am »
oh, so gross...I feel for ya. I've always had good luck with the meat and rice, too. The vet should be able to get you squared away. If the puppers are going to see the doc tomorrow, it won't hurt them at all to fast until them. Koji just had some of the same nastiness, and I fasted him per vet's phone instructions for about a day. Out of guilt, I gave him a slice of bread, but otherwise he did fine. Eating may make their tummies hurt more if they're having trouble.
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Re: I dont know what to do :(
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2007, 06:41:58 am »

To start, have them skip a meal to rest their system and give it a chance to clear out.  The more you send in, the more the body must rush to hurry it out if in fact it is battling something (bacteria, viral etc.)

After skipping a meal (you can feed just chicken broth to keep them well hydrated), then start with a bland, cooked meat - usually chicken or ground turkey is best and canned pumpkin.  You want to start with pumpkin - which is high fiber - to see if this firms them up or makes the body flush harder.  This helps to indicate what is going on, since if it is bacterial, it will feed on the fiber and flush more (translate: faster diarrhea). If it firms them up however, then it isn't bacterial - and potentially viral.  Either way, there is inflammation in the intestinal lining and this must be healed before stool will return to normal.

You should stick with this diet for at least a solid 10-14 days to heal the GI Tract.  I also recommend a couple of Standard Process supplements that you can get from a vet:  Gastrex and Okra Pepsin to help clean them out and heal the lining.  I also use Digestinol for healing.

If you have one of those vets who just prescribes something to falsely firm them up (so you feel better, but they don't) such as Flagyl (metronizadole) - save your money and skip it.  This just masks the symptoms and does not treat the problem at all.  The bacteria, or virus, or inflammation must be treated. Stool is a product of that and merely a symptom, so remember that the stool is not what you are treating.

By the way, I am hearing of a lot of this this summer - something viral has been going around where I live and a lot of dogs got the runs until it resolved.

Good luck!
SC Trojans
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Offline Krystal_00

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Re: I dont know what to do :(
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2007, 07:53:43 am »
Thank you all for the good advice!!

Well I took the boys to the vet today, they both got an exam and a q-tip up the pooper for a fecal sample. The vet said there are "very large rod shaped bacteria" floating around in there, so he gave me some pills (I'm not sure what they are called at the moment) to see if that works. If the poop is still water on wednesday (long weekend here) we are supposed to come back.

So far today the poops have been formed. Not water, but still pretty loose. Mack always has poops on the looser side, I think from the Innova, but hes pretty healthy otherwise so I dont worry too much about that. I haven't seen Mack poop today but Deckers were alright.  I will be keeping a close eye on the two of them. 

I was feeding them a very bland diet yesterday and today....just scrambled eggs and rice. They actually liked it (go figure) but the vet told me to very slowly introduce their food back in and see what it does. They were both so hungry yesterday it was a sin :(  They even got into the trash (something Mack has never ever done!!) Luckily I caught them before they were able to eat anything!!

Again thank you all for the help and support and I will keep you updated!
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Offline Duramax

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Re: I dont know what to do :(
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2007, 08:03:37 am »
Boiled hamburger meat and rice will do too.  Perhaps some canned pumpkin for fiber. Or oatmeal.  Or, I remember other members have actually fasted their puppers. 

Good luck tomorrow at the vet. Let us know how it goes.

this is the advice that i got when max got the squirts and i fasted max for a day also...and that was the end of it, worked just like it was supposed to. hope this helps :-\
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Re: I dont know what to do :(
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2007, 08:54:58 am »
I feel your pain!!  I'm glad everything seems to be on the up and up for you.  Issy STILL has diahrea, she had to be treated for worms again so that makes worms twice, giardia once,and parasites once!!  Every once in awhile I'll think her poop is starting to take shape and it's like only the first part of it, the rest is diahrea!!  She's going back to the vet this week for her last round of shots and another worm check so I'm going to ask them a few questions.  She seems to be growning ok, getting taller, and has boundless energy!!  I've tried the pumpkin for a few days before and it didn't help, tried immodium too, no luck and I've been putting yogurt in her food (which she loves!).  Anyway, hopefully hers will clear up too.  Maybe I'll have to try hamburger and rice for a week.
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Offline GoldenPyrs

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Re: I dont know what to do :(
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2007, 09:08:40 am »
Daisy has IBD and it causes occasional flare ups of nasty vomiting & diarrhea.  The vet has also told us to have her fast for 12-24 hrs to allow the digestive tract to empty, calm down & heal.  Then to start food again slowly with a few tablespoons of cooked rice & pureed chicken baby food to see if the diarrhea starts again.  

Hopefully it's just a simple bacterial infection and the meds work quickly.  Poor pups!

And my pups:
Daisy a 9 y/o Golden/Lab mix
Sammy a 6-7(?) y/o Great Pyrenees adopted 3/07
Cassie a 3 y/o Pyr/Mystery Snuggle Bunny mix adopted 2/07

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Offline Sillygoose

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Re: I dont know what to do :(
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2007, 05:00:33 pm »

By the way, I am hearing of a lot of this this summer - something viral has been going around where I live and a lot of dogs got the runs until it resolved.

Good luck!

I wonder what it is. Merri and Tripper have been having it off and on all summer. Tripper was given pills the last time we were at the vet for his eye infection. But the minute I stop the pills it comes back. I think both dogs are going on a chicken and rice diet for the next couple of days, and if it doesn't clear up then I'll know something a little more serious is going on. Funny though Annie has normal poop.

Offline Fumble

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Re: I dont know what to do :(
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2007, 12:57:22 am »
how is your baby doing now??? Hopefully better!  i always find that boiled hamburger (fumble's allergic to chicken) and rice work best to clog them up! 
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