Author Topic: Eukanuba spokes person for Vick- this guy is a Moron  (Read 15060 times)


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Re: Eukanuba spokes person for Vick- this guy is a Moron
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2007, 01:20:40 am »
First of all. Welcome to the Board Beverly. Your Fur Baby is absolutely adorable.  :-* And I, too, thank you for your response.

It does do good to scream from the rafters. And in this case it has brought attention from you. Right?

This particular group (BPO) of Friends from across the Country and across the World have one thing and ONLY one thing in mind. The health and welfare of our beloved companions. And just like Momma Bears - we will stand up to protect them in every way. SO. That is the chosen battle.

I have a real Gut Feeling that you are of the same mind. Having worked many years for an extreemly large Corporation I know your imput must be limited. But I hope you stay connected here. It's in my mind, the best Community out there. 


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Re: Eukanuba spokes person for Vick- this guy is a Moron
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2007, 03:04:18 am »
Ok I didnt really know who J.T. Thomas was, so I googled him. And of course he was a Football player among other accomplishment s. So that being said how in the world did he end up at a dog show handing out samples? I am guessing that he is not working part time to supplement his retirement handing out samples. So he was at the Houston dog show- handing out samples and making statements. How did he come to be in this position? Now I am baffled. He doesnt seem to just be some one off of the street. See at first I just thougth that J.T. Thomas was a true spokes person for Eukanuba, didnt even question anything other than that, now it just gets more and more interesting.
Beverly we do care for our dogs and all dogs and obviously the dog community is going to keep this alive in hopes to stop some of the abuse by what some people consider a sport.
So if I am understanding this, Eukanuba outsources its sample distribution to other companies and it just so happens that this man was a employee at that company?
And now he has basically been re-assigned?
Sorry if I am sounding a bit blonde, I am sure that I have a rampant blonde gene here some where and it is shining bright tonite- So humor me. Can we get all of the details on Mr.Thomas and this so called company and again why hasnt Eukanuba not made a public announcement? By not making that public announcement and apology it really leads the general public to believe that this is Eukanubas spokes person- at the very lease Mr.Thomas should make a public apology and offer a donation to a pit bull rescue.


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Re: Eukanuba spokes person for Vick- this guy is a Moron
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2007, 03:08:11 am »
please forgive me for some of the typos in my previous post- I get worked up over issues like this and my brain, along with the rampant blonde gene, and my fingers do not communicate as well as I they should. I would like to be able to do something to just stop the needless abuse in this world and maybe by speaking out, I may make a difference.

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Re: Eukanuba spokes person for Vick- this guy is a Moron
« Reply #18 on: August 09, 2007, 04:35:44 am »
I'm personally not believeing anything until I see it on Eukanuba/Iams website. Ideally coming as a direct quote from the president. Having someone claiming to be from Eukanuba post on a pubilc forum is not proof enough for me. (not saying the preson does not work for Eukanuba,they may very well hold a position there, but this is an open forum and on the net.  We all know that we can be anyone on the internet)

Wow. Well, I've already said to Paige not to believe everything she reads on the net, so here are my own words thrown back at me.  :)

You don't have to believe me. Please feel free to call our toll-free phone line and ask the rep if we support dog fighting. (800-525-4267).

The leadership team at Eukanuba is aware of this tread--because it's my job to let them know about things like this. Thank you for all your feedback.
Customer dot Service at Iams dot com

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Re: Eukanuba spokes person for Vick- this guy is a Moron
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2007, 05:39:53 am »
so what i have gotten from your posts is that Euk. is against dog fighting. but you are not willing to publicly state it? You also acknowledge that many people have been misslead by this man who spoke for Euk. But are not willing to set the record straight? You also said that you have to pick your fights, which i fully agree. which is where my question comes from... this whole Vick/dog fighting thing has been such a big high profile case. It's odd to me that Euk. is choosing to not "pick this fight"....
mother of:
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2 great danes -Duramax

"Some days you're the dog; some days you're the hydrant." -Unknown


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Re: Eukanuba spokes person for Vick- this guy is a Moron
« Reply #20 on: August 09, 2007, 07:53:42 am »
very well said tina! i couldnt have put it better myself.. i'll believe it when there is solid proof

Offline Winslow 151

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Re: Eukanuba spokes person for Vick- this guy is a Moron
« Reply #21 on: August 09, 2007, 03:52:32 pm »

Unfortunately, We on this board, are not the "Majority" of Eukanuba customers, or Purina, or IAMS. We care about the quality of the food we feed our loved ones.

I see a typical "large corporation mentality", with a huge marketing budget that has a Beverly, doing a great job, placating the informed, but the majority of Eukanuba customers are blissfully uninformed and will not change their shopping habits by switching dog food manufacturers. I am sure 99% of Eukanuba customers have never heard the comment made by "Mr. Thomas" and probably are barely aware of Michael Vick and Dog fighting in general.

Sorry but the concern we have does not effect the pocket of Eukanuba, so we are not even a blip on their radar screen!!

This is just about economics, that is not to say, I don't appreciate Beverly addressing BPO's concerns, but in reality this thread will go no further in Eukanuba then Beverly's monitor when she logs on.


« Last Edit: August 09, 2007, 03:54:45 pm by Winslow 151 »
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Winslow's Dad

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Re: Eukanuba spokes person for Vick- this guy is a Moron
« Reply #22 on: August 09, 2007, 04:46:58 pm »
You all seem to feel that we should be making a public statement. As Winslow 151 said, as wonderful as you are, this board is not the majority of our customers. The majority of our customers have never heard of Mr. Thomas.

Rich also implied that most of you don't even feed our food; however, here I am having a dialogue with you and being paid to do it. You may not feed our food, but we care about your opinion so we're talking with you.

And I must gently disagree with Rich when he says that this thread will go no further then my monitor because I AM responsible for bringing your comments to the bosses of the company.

I also must disagree with Rich when he implies that people who feed Eukanuba are uninformed. Eukanuba consumers are not stupid.

What's wrong with taking the message to the people who are actually asking the question? My first posting here was a formal statement from my company. I posted as a representative of Eukanuba. Didn't you find it a little bit corporate-sounding? If you had rejected me, I would have gone my way and not posted again. But you didn't reject me, you invited me in and we are having a discussion that I can take back to my company to make our business better.

I cannot give you more information on Mr. Thomas then I've already posted. I'm not trying to hide anything--employment and non-employment is a topic best left to Human Resources. He was not our spokesperson. He did not express the opinion of my company.

Paige recently emailed me (customer dot service at iams dog com) on another topic. I told her, don't believe everything you read on the Internet. We should all take what we read on the Internet with a grain of salt and a rasher of reason. That's all I meant by that statement.
You are all very dog-centric and that is a WONDERFUL thing. You don't seem to feed Eukanuba, but you care about getting the word out to correct a misconception about the company--I greatly appreciate that. Thank you for allowing me to be part of this discussion.
Customer dot Service at Iams dot com

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Re: Eukanuba spokes person for Vick- this guy is a Moron
« Reply #23 on: August 09, 2007, 04:50:22 pm »
BTW Rich, that is one cute Newf you got!
Customer dot Service at Iams dot com

Offline Winslow 151

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Re: Eukanuba spokes person for Vick- this guy is a Moron
« Reply #24 on: August 09, 2007, 05:11:00 pm »
Hi Beverly,

Thanks for the reply, there is a HUGE difference between un-informed and stupid, I never referred to Eukanubas customers as stupid, and if that was inferred in my post I apologize.

I see no evidence that this thread goes further then your monitor, but I take you at your word that it does;-)

I hope that Eukanuba takes a stronger stance and helps to "Inform" their customers that they do not support animal cruelty, and Illegal activities involving pets, but we have yet to see that in print or in advertising by the company other than a few posts by one representative on this board.

I do see Eukanuba sponsoring events in the hunting and dog sport areas and hope to see Eukanuba using these forums to advertise the stance you present on this board.

Until that happens these posts are all symantics, between well meaning people who want this issue not to fall out of the minds of people weather they own pets or not.


PS Thanks for the comment on Winslow he is awesome as I am sure your Pup is too!!
Happy Tails to All
Winslow's Dad


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Re: Eukanuba spokes person for Vick- this guy is a Moron
« Reply #25 on: August 10, 2007, 03:38:27 am »
I just think that at this point, its a mute point. I dont know why Eukanuba wont make a public statement. Big business though-we are the little guy. To make a public statement or to get the Houston Chronicle to recant seems like such an important issue to a few of us is just not important enough. I have sent Beverly a personal email. Gracie lost her life primarily because she is a pit bull. Being born as a pit bull is a death sentence from day one for so many of these dogs. If Eukanuba doesnt want to make a public statement, I would love to see them donate to a pit bull rescue. I would be more than happy to point them in a few directions. Gracie lost her life because of the selfishness of humans and for a sick horrible event that they call a sport. RIP Gracie.

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Re: Eukanuba spokes person for Vick- this guy is a Moron
« Reply #26 on: August 10, 2007, 07:05:16 pm »
You're not giving up are you Paige?

Hey, we all belong to multiple dog boards.  Let's send that article on to them.  Hmmm, while we're at it, how about some rescue organizations, PETA, ASPCA. 

Any others I left out?
here here!
mother of:
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2 great danes -Duramax

"Some days you're the dog; some days you're the hydrant." -Unknown


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Re: Eukanuba spokes person for Vick- this guy is a Moron
« Reply #27 on: August 11, 2007, 06:37:20 am »
No I am not giving up- I had a bad day yesterday with the loss of Gracie. Gracie died simply because she was a pit bull. I saved her from certain death once but was unsuccesful on my second attempt. I sent Beverly an email telling her about Gracie, I told her that since she had explained to me that her company also donates to different organizations, that I would love to see her company step up to the plate and donate in Gracies name. Trust me I could certainly point her in the right direction. I didnt get a reply- Beverly posted on this board but didnt reply to my email. I also would be more than happy to meet with Eukanuba in person and I pointed that out as well. I have also been thinking, and we are a board of about 5000 give or take, so we do represent a large group. Not everyone posts thier opions on this board, but they are reading, we know that by how many people sign in as guests on a regular basis.
So if Eukanuba wants to take a stand and make it a public stand, let me help them. First and foremost, make a stand as a corporate giant against Breed Specific Legislation. Its not just pit bulls that are targeted. Eukanuba also needs to make a stand to support, not just verbally, but financially, the pit bull rescues who so desperately need help. Right now illegal dog fighting is a hot topic and not just in the dog world. Usually companies are always looking for a way to continue to get thier name out in the public. So Beverly, the challenge is on, if Eukanuba is truely against dog fighting, then here is the opportunity to prove it, now it is up to Eukanuba. Also Beverly, this is not personal against you, it is your company and J.T.Thomas and although we are a small group we are a vocal group and it is amazing what one small group can actually accomplish when they are passionate. Eukanuba may think that we are too small of a group to be concerned about, but we are global, stretching from one continent to another, and we have friends and we belong to other boards. Lets see Eukanuba turn this into a positive lets see if the corporate heads of Eukanuba really do care.


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Re: Eukanuba spokes person for Vick- this guy is a Moron
« Reply #28 on: August 12, 2007, 06:56:22 pm »
Anyone checked out this morning? Beverly & EUK? How about you?


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Re: Eukanuba spokes person for Vick- this guy is a Moron
« Reply #29 on: August 12, 2007, 07:18:32 pm »
HOW COOL! We're on itchmo!!!