Author Topic: i'm backkkkkkkkk  (Read 2865 times)

Offline schelmischekitty

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i'm backkkkkkkkk
« on: August 12, 2007, 07:16:37 pm »
hey everybody!  sorry it's been so long.  it's been a CRAZY past two months.  we moved to mississippi just to be told that we got up and moved for nothing and that we WEREN'T being relocated.  we just moved into the new house on the 1st, and were told on the 3rd that they actually did decide to move us, and it will now be 30-90 days.  i couldn't be more angry at the army.  the whole time in mississippi was a disaster.  long story short, hubby's family and i did NOT get along.  hubby thought it was me.  yeah.  anywho. 

i was going to go home to have the baby (which we found out is going to be a girl, and we're going to name her maya) but when i finally got back to atlanta to set up housekeeping so that when she was born we could go home and chillax, i started having a few problems.  long story short, i was supposed to have her the end of october / first week of november originally, which got changed to the middle of september, which has NOW changed to "it could be any day now."  none of the doctors quite know what she's got on her mind, as she's really eager to get out one day, and i'll be having contractions every hour apart and she's ready to go, and then it'll stop like nothing and i'll go without a single one for a day or two and then i'll have another day where it's h*ll on earth for me all day and all night just to once again have something click and it stops again.  the doctor told us that he's just waiting for a call and will be there shortly after we are (we only live about 5 minutes from the hospital now).  today and tomorrow we'll be going in for a bunch of stuff trying to figure out what's going on, how old she REALLY is, etc etc etc since there's a big debate that the doctors chose the right due date to start with.  the really odd thing is that all of our doctors have told me i don't look more than about 4-5 months pregnant, and are quite confused by everything.  any advice on what to think, anyone??

on a sour note, i had to rehome caine, sheeba and diesel.  diesel went to a home that could give him more one on one attention that he really needed.  he lives here in atlanta now, and is doing very well.  i'm waiting on pictures from him, which should be here sometime in the near future.  his new family is awesome, with no kids and he even still has a little furr-buddy (pom) to hang out with.  rehoming him was truly awful for me and him both.  i kept it together until his new daddy had to pick him up and put him in the truck because he would not leave my side.  diesel even went so far as to growl and show teeth at his new dad, which is when i knew it was the right family b/c the man just comforted him and was really great about understanding.  i could tell he was upset, and visa versa.  they e-mail me weekly most times just to give me an update.  i think i cried for three weeks straight, and it still really hurts to think about it, but at least i still keep in touch with his new family and they have offered for me to come visit.  honestly, i don't think i could do it.

while in mississippi, sheeba and caine "turned vicious" at hubby's family's house.  we didn't have a choice but to rehome them with a mutual friend of ours (together) because of the fact we were staying at his family's house and i could not find anywhere to stay or board them because they waited until the last week of june and there was nothing open until the end of july, which was "unacceptable."  i swear it was pre-plotted.  this is what started our whole fight with his family, because after i did this, they started doing the same thing towards axle and i later found out that hubby's cousin was taunting them through the fence.  even more ironically they backed off of axle when he chased would-be robbers out of the house, yard, and jumped the fence after them.  he kept not only hubby's grandma safe, but also kept the thieves out of the new appliances / new furniture that was being stored at her house.  now, they "love" him and have even bought him treats when before all they did was tell him "go away" and talk crap about him.  i can't believe how forgiving dogs are, because i sure would have let the thieves in.  i have already let hubby know i don't want his family anywhere near me ever again.  on a good note, i still do talk to our friend and sheeba and caine live on the river and get to play all day with their kids and go swimming, etc. 

on the first of this month, packed and ready to go, my truck also let me down.  at the most inopportune time.  my brake line busted (supposedly due to the road salt that i encountered two years ago ???) and let me run through a red light.  my SIL says to me, " know that light is red, right?" to which i calmly replied, "yes"...  then she asked, "do you intend on stopping???" and i said "no" and got the typical why, and i stated quite bluntly, "because my breaks just went out."  her face was priceless.  luckily, it was in our hometown which is very quiet as far as traffic goes.  unluckily, the only person i almost hit was the sheriff himself ha ha.

anywho, enough rambling.  i just wanted to give everyone an update and ask how everyone is!  i've missed you all!
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
axle-140ish-lb akita (4)
peanut-5lb, 11 months chihuahua
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Re: i'm backkkkkkkkk
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2007, 08:20:08 pm »
oh how stressful!!! I hope they figure out what's going on with you and your baby!!!

Your truck story reminds me of this one time when my friend was getting frustrated in the mall parking lot. She proceded to drive the wrong way through one part of the lot and was getting herself very d she goes "what i'm a doing!!!!" to which i very calmly replied "you're about to hit a car" (we missed it) BUT she freaked out on me and goes "next time yell STOP! or something!!!"...


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Re: i'm backkkkkkkkk
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2007, 08:22:49 pm »
Steph!!!!!!  Welcome back, girl! No joke - I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering how y'all are doing!

Wow - I am still digesting your update!

I am so sorry you had to rehome Diesel, Sheeba and Caine. I cant even imagine how hard that was... though it sure sounds like they all are in loving homes - that hopefully brings you some comfort!  How are Axle and Peanut adjusting to the changes?

Soooooo you are having a girl?!  How great is that! I love the name Maya. Hopefully the docs can get a final due date narrowed down for her anticipated arrival.  Hang in there girl and take care of you and your daughter!  How are the boys doing? Are they excited to soon have a little sister to dote upon?

Are y'all back to living in Douglas County?

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: i'm backkkkkkkkk
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2007, 09:48:35 pm »
it does make me feel a lot better knowing they have great homes and that i can make a phone call / e-mail and check on all 3 of them at any time i want to, but it still does hurt  :'(

actually, we sold our house in anticipation of being relocated to a new duty station.  yeah.  they got us good on that one, so we're living in fulton county now, not far from east point (not such a hot area) on fort mcpherson (an awesome place, we even have a den of fox that live by the house).  i told hubby either we would move on post (not have to worry about rental agreements or buying / selling) or i'd stay in ms until we figured out what was what.  we moved on post ha ha.  we're right by 285 / langford pkwy (is that how you spell that?) though.

axle and peanut are doing surprisingly well.  all except axle getting upset and destroying the house again every time we leave.  we just got him to stop doing that before we moved.  his anxiety / allergies flared in mississippi, so he is decently bald on his front half and he has a rat tail right now.  that really sucks.  the good news though is that he's healing up now and doesn't have ewie gewie scabs / awful stench anymore.  he's also off all medicines again.  peanut it couldn't have phased him less.  he got a vacation, my mom babysat him while we were there, so he got to play with her two chihuahua's and socialize with same size pooches for a few weeks!  if anything i think he hated coming home with us lol.

the boys are a bit confused about the whole baby thing.  aiden think tristan is a baby and tristan thinks all the baby stuff is for him again b/c he's the baby.  we're still working on potty training, and the bad mouthing is bad full force with aiden.  his new thing is "no way" when i tell him to do something, as well as other smart answers.  tristan, well, he just refuses to talk.  we've started not giving him ANYthing until he says something though.  he's recently started to say juice, milk, cereal, etc.  peanut is still "no nut" or "numb nut" to both of them  ::)  aiden tried to put a little dress on the other day ha ha.  it was funny.  then when he understood it was for a girl, he thinks she's coming in the mail now.  now he goes for "boy" clothes, like when he got hubby's undies and put them on...  his head that is.

i love that story about the truck ha ha!  when mind did that i had to DRIVE it to the mechanic with only my front set of brakes (TG for 4x4s!) which i could hardly reach and were not really enough to stop the truck effectively.  when i got in to jimmy's i was in tears and they dropped everything they were doing, gave me a temp fix and sent me to his other shop and fixed it right away.  they were GREAT, i don't know what i would have done without them!
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
axle-140ish-lb akita (4)
peanut-5lb, 11 months chihuahua
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Offline ZooCrew

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Re: i'm backkkkkkkkk
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2007, 03:36:59 am »
Wow, it sounds like the last couple of months have been very stressful for you.
I'm so sorry you had to rehome 3 of your dogs. But it is nice that you found loving homes for them and can keep in contact with them.
I hope they can figure out what is going on with your baby.  Must be exciting to have a girl after 2 boys.  :)


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Re: i'm backkkkkkkkk
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2007, 04:19:55 am »
Welcome back Steffanie!!!! Wow, I wondered what had happened to you. How far are you 'supposed' to be in your pregnancy? How many weeks now? How weird about not knowing your real due date. The ultrasounds didn't tell you that? I would think they could tell you something by her measurments... or those tests that check for lung development if they are chancing on letting her come any day. I am SOOOO happy for you that you are getting your girl, and you picked a pretty name. That was a name we had in mind should Jude have been a girl. I'm so excited for you. :)

I'm sorry to hear about all the other problems and your doggies too. Glad you found them good homes. Looking forward to reading your posts and updates again!


Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: i'm backkkkkkkkk
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2007, 06:30:20 pm »
i'm "supposed" to be 36 weeks along now.  i had an US again yesterday, it said sept. 24th  ???  we're having all sorts of stuff done to try to figure out when she'll be here, because my first US wasn't done until late in my pregnancy (at 32 weeks, due to problems with tricare figuring out where i was supposed to go for my ob/gyn stuff) we really don't have a clue about when i'm REALLY due, but it shouldn't be too much longer regardless.  my weeks don't match up with my due date either, so honestly i don't know what to think.  on my "32nd week" the due dates (as set by the US) were off by like 2 weeks also though.  i was measuring 32cm on my tummy, which matched with my weeks, but not my due date.

on the other hand, the doctor is going off of the physical stuff and is saying any day b/c i've lost my plug, and was on a pretty regular schedule with contractions up until a few days ago, her head is WAY down (her forehead and above are below my pelvic bone for the past two weeks almost now, etc) she's gotten very quiet, as well as a few other things.  the radiologist is going strictly off of measurements, but then our other two kids were fairly small, so no one thinks that is going to be accurate, and i was told that my due date (as per the US) can be up to 3 weeks off now, so i guess that puts us possibly being due as early as the 3rd of sept and as late as the middle of october?

it's really just a BIG mess, but i guess she'll be here when she's here ha ha  i just wish i knew a little more b/c i'm excited to see her!

p.s.  it is VERY exciting to have a girl!  frills and dresses all the time for her lmao
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
axle-140ish-lb akita (4)
peanut-5lb, 11 months chihuahua
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Re: i'm backkkkkkkkk
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2007, 07:27:40 pm »
i'm "supposed" to be 36 weeks along now.  i had an US again yesterday, it said sept. 24th  ???  we're having all sorts of stuff done to try to figure out when she'll be here, because my first US wasn't done until late in my pregnancy (at 32 weeks, due to problems with tricare figuring out where i was supposed to go for my ob/gyn stuff) we really don't have a clue about when i'm REALLY due, but it shouldn't be too much longer regardless.  my weeks don't match up with my due date either, so honestly i don't know what to think.  on my "32nd week" the due dates (as set by the US) were off by like 2 weeks also though.  i was measuring 32cm on my tummy, which matched with my weeks, but not my due date.

on the other hand, the doctor is going off of the physical stuff and is saying any day b/c i've lost my plug, and was on a pretty regular schedule with contractions up until a few days ago, her head is WAY down (her forehead and above are below my pelvic bone for the past two weeks almost now, etc) she's gotten very quiet, as well as a few other things.  the radiologist is going strictly off of measurements, but then our other two kids were fairly small, so no one thinks that is going to be accurate, and i was told that my due date (as per the US) can be up to 3 weeks off now, so i guess that puts us possibly being due as early as the 3rd of sept and as late as the middle of october?

it's really just a BIG mess, but i guess she'll be here when she's here ha ha  i just wish i knew a little more b/c i'm excited to see her!

p.s.  it is VERY exciting to have a girl!  frills and dresses all the time for her lmao

Gosh, that's a big mess indeed! And with an u/s THAT late it's no wonder all the measurments are off, they are bound to be. Once you do them past 20 wks I think it is, they really can't tell you anything accurate. It's good that she is low in the pelvis and stuff seems to all be happening for some reason! Will be interesting to see when she finally comes and how big she is. I wonder why they think you look only 4-5 mos pg you said? But your fundal measurments are okay? Gosh, I'd be driven nuts over so much confusion. Last pg there was a week difference in dates and it made me crazy enough. This time I pretty much have the same situation. But what's a week- nothing really.

Have you been on a shopping spree?  ;D

Offline Duramax

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Re: i'm backkkkkkkkk
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2007, 03:08:55 am »
... what a crapy couple of months! i feel so bad for you :(. I was wondering why you hadnt posted in a while. the bad run of thing's has got to end some time, surely you're getting close to a good streak!
mother of:
2 babies
2 great danes -Duramax

"Some days you're the dog; some days you're the hydrant." -Unknown

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: i'm backkkkkkkkk
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2007, 04:05:53 am »
they say i only look 4-5 months along b/c my "up top" still pokes out further than my belly and my belly still goes down enough my ribs are at top and my tummy dips down and goes flat when i lay down for check ups.  if i wear a regular shirt you can't tell unless i put my hand at the top of my belly.  i haven't gained much weight at all really, but yeah, they said everything is measuring fine, and my uterus ok and she's developing fine, etc.  freaky, but i guess it means i'll get back to my norm faster. 

yeah, it is driving me nuts not knowing what's going on.  i REALLY want to know!

i haven't been on a shopping spree...  yet!  so far our families have bought everything we need (bed, carseat, enough clothes to fill 2-3 closets all the way up to 12 months and some even bigger b/c i started telling people we had enough clothes up to a year.  they even bought diapers,  shampoo, etc.).  when everybody stops i'll go shopping like nuts, that way i don't buy doubles, etc lol.

the past few months have been crazy, but at the same time, at least it all worked out.  although i'm sorry i had to give up the dogs, i know they're in a good home.  otherwise, don't feel sorry for me, just laugh about my bad luck with me ha ha  ;)
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
axle-140ish-lb akita (4)
peanut-5lb, 11 months chihuahua
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Re: i'm backkkkkkkkk
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2007, 06:41:08 am »
Welcome Back Steff!!  The only thing I can say is that its gotta get better!!!