Author Topic: We're back from the vet  (Read 5898 times)


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We're back from the vet
« on: August 20, 2007, 02:23:00 am »
No bad news! The Vet decided to run x-rays on her own because upon examination of his leg, when she would try to extend the shoulder, is when he felt pain. They were able to get the x-rays without sedating him which was nice. His shoulder looks great, both of them look excellent and no sign of any lesions or fractures or anything. So, she said it's a soft tissue injury that needs strict rest and prescribed him some Deramaxx for a week for the pain. She said to start him out at about 2 weeks strict rest, no playing, no running etc, walked on a leash and back inside. I'm kinda surprised seeing as though that's really all he has been doing for the last 2 weeks. Not until the last 2 days have I been letting them outside seperately though, so they wouldn't rough house- maybe that was keeping it from healing. Anyway, since it's gotten worse in the last couple days, I've kept them apart.

He was a great doggy there, loved everybody and just a big well behaved teddy bear and enjoyed all the rubs. ;) He has lost weight though, about 10 lbs in fact, he only weighs 61 lbs now. :( I know Yiska weighs more than him at this point. I'm hoping that maybe if some of the pain is relieved, he'll get his appetite back? Hope so.

So, we are more than relieved it was nothing serious, I was seriously just waiting for the bad news. Now I can't wait until he is back to his old self, hope he starts improving soon.

We thank you for all the well wishes, they came in handy! :)
« Last Edit: August 20, 2007, 03:30:03 pm by mama2many »

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Re: We're back from the vet
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2007, 02:26:15 am »
So happy to hear that it wasn't something too serious.  8)
Now Yukon, make sure you get lots of rest, and stop worrying your momma like that!   ;)
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Re: We're back from the vet
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2007, 02:40:19 am »
I'm so glad that Yukon is okay and it's nothing serious. 
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Re: We're back from the vet
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2007, 02:53:46 am »
Huge, huge, HUGE sigh of relief here!  In fact, I think that we may just start a happy dance here!  I'm really happy (as you can tell  ;)  ;D) about your news.  For those of you that are wondering why I'm getting so darn excited, we lost Halley, our 3 y/o Pyr a year ago to bone cancer and her symptoms were awfully similar to Yukon's so I've been really, really worried!  She also was limping, her appetite dropped, and she had a swollen area on her shoulder.   :'(  So you can see why I've been holding my breath here for you all!!   However, Halley's tumor showed up clearly on an x-ray and the fact that Yukon has a clear x-ray is giving me this huge happy dance!!!   ;D  ;D  ;D   YAY!!!

I know that you're going to have your work cut out for you trying to keep an 8 mo old puppy still for 2 weeks, but maybe he'll be more cooperative if he has lots of bones and toys.  Anyway, please give your sweet boy lots of hugs from us and slobbers from Daisy, Cassie & Sam.   :-*  ;D  :-*

And my pups:
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Re: We're back from the vet
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2007, 03:02:13 am »
Huge, huge, HUGE sigh of relief here!  In fact, I think that we may just start a happy dance here!  I'm really happy (as you can tell  ;)  ;D) about your news.  For those of you that are wondering why I'm getting so darn excited, we lost Halley, our 3 y/o Pyr a year ago to bone cancer and her symptoms were awfully similar to Yukon's so I've been really, really worried!  She also was limping, her appetite dropped, and she had a swollen area on her shoulder.   :'(  So you can see why I've been holding my breath here for you all!!   However, Halley's tumor showed up clearly on an x-ray and the fact that Yukon has a clear x-ray is giving me this huge happy dance!!!   ;D  ;D  ;D   YAY!!!

I know that you're going to have your work cut out for you trying to keep an 8 mo old puppy still for 2 weeks, but maybe he'll be more cooperative if he has lots of bones and toys.  Anyway, please give your sweet boy lots of hugs from us and slobbers from Daisy, Cassie & Sam.   :-*  ;D  :-*

Aww thank you!! He really hasn't been active is the thing, when he's not outside with Yiska, he does his business and wants back inside. He goes in his crate without a hitch and sleeps all day so he really is getting a lot of it shouldn't be too difficult. Poor Yiska wants to play though I know. The vet asked me if he was a very athletic guy..umm NO. lol. He didn't even care about the other dogs at the vet..he must REALLY not feel good.

Thanks for being so sweet and so supportive.


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Re: We're back from the vet
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2007, 04:04:14 am »
That's GREAT news! ;D I've been checking in off and on all day. (big sigh of releif here!) Give your Bear a big hug for me. & one to Yiska to. :-*

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Re: We're back from the vet
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2007, 05:37:37 am »
That's great news, I'm so happy for you that he is going to be ok. I bet that's a big relief for you. Big hugs and kisses to Yukon from a another Pyr mom.


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Re: We're back from the vet
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2007, 01:53:00 pm »
Well that is a relief and he may start eating more once he doesnt hurt as much. I am so glad that it is not anything serious. Poor Yiska has lost her playmate, but I bet he is better in no time at all now that you know what to do to get him better. I am not sure that I could contain the Tugs for that long, as he does have his hyper active playtimes every day.

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Re: We're back from the vet
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2007, 02:29:18 pm »
that is such good news! He will heal very quickly!

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Re: We're back from the vet
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2007, 04:10:56 pm »
Thats great news.
As far as the crate rest goes..Lucci was always put on 6 weeks of crate rest for her soft tissue injury problem. Hang in there I know its not easy to do.

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Re: We're back from the vet
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2007, 05:30:12 pm »
glad to hear that it went good, hope he's back to himself in no time.
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Re: We're back from the vet
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2007, 02:45:10 am »
I missed all of this!!!  So glad things worked out great.  What a relief.
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