Author Topic: Hi, I am new  (Read 16408 times)

Offline melissajean

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Hi, I am new
« on: August 29, 2007, 03:01:38 am »
My name is Melissa. I am 23 years old. I live in the Upper Penisula of Michigan, or as its also know as the U.P. I have a 4 year old son named Shane. Right now we live in a no dog or cat apartment, But we do have a Ferret named Avery, a Budgie (parakeet) named Stewie, a Russian Tortise named Chrissy, 2 Hermit crabs named September and October, a few Tadpoles that are unamed, and 8 Rattie girls.
I am wanting to add a dog to our family when were able (when we move outta here) I have always loved large slobbery dogs, but never really owned one, the time was never right. I am looking for a large dog, a breed that is generaly known to be good with kids, I know every dog is diffrent, and not to leave Shane unsupervised with the dog EVER. I would be giveing the adult dog a walk of about two miles everyday. And possibly swimming, we live next to lake Superior.
Like I said, I have never owned a large breed before, what are some things you do diffrent with a large breed as oposed to a small one? I know there are diffrent feeding requerments, exersize requerments, Anything else? I know you cant heavely exersize a dog till there bones stop growing or they could be dameged. Any thing else? What are some pros and cons of a huge breed (besides the yard leavings lol) What about with kids and large breeds? I probably wont be getting a dog for about a year (I am useing this time for research) So my son should be 5. He has a dog at his dads house. I dont know what breed, or how he interacts with it, like I said its at his dads.
I look forward to hearing every ones advice and stories, both good and bad. Dont hold anything back, I am here to learn.
I look forward to meeting all of you and your dogs :)
Thank you

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: Hi, I am new
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2007, 03:18:20 am »
our akita is great with kids.  i know most are good with YOUR kids, but not others.  we raised axle around TONS of kids though, and he loves everybody.  he's a freak to start with, at almost 145lbs.  he's the pic by my user name.  he doesn't typically do well with the heat (a lot of giant breed dogs don't), and doesn't like to swim, but he loves baths.  the up side is he stays clean typically.  upsides of giant breed dogs?  there's more to love, they don't get hurt as easily with kids around (we have a baby due, and 2 and 4 year old boys).  my experience is they've been easier to potty train, though some will differ lol.  people don't harass you when you walk, and you ALWAYS feel safe.  traveling is harder sometimes, esp. if you're staying with family though, they're not typically very understanding and will criticize you at every chance they get.  most of us have had that happen at one point in time or another.  vet bills are also a lot bigger.  everything is bigger!  boarding can also be hard to do.  with axle he's considered a "vicious breed" and we can never find anyone to board him and only one or two places to groom him.  with that though, grooming runs us $30 at the place we frequent, but $75 is the cheapest we've EVER found elsewhere...  for just a bath.  sorry for the length, it's nice to meet you!

modified b/c i kept shuddering and putting "good good with your kids" etc lol
« Last Edit: August 29, 2007, 03:18:58 am by schelmischekitty »
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
axle-140ish-lb akita (4)
peanut-5lb, 11 months chihuahua
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Offline navarre1316

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Re: Hi, I am new
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2007, 03:50:29 am »
Good for you for researching first!!!  Look up some breeds, see which ones you may be interested in and READ!!!  Read some books on the specific breed because they will help you understand some of the little quirks your pup will have!!  And start reading some training books too, you can never know enough!!  A crate, to me, is a must!!!  So much easier to train with one of those.  Also get your son around more big dogs so that he will also know what to expect and how to act himself.  Good luck with your search, definitely read some of the old posts on this board also!
God placed me on this earth to accomplish certain tasks...I'm so far behind I'll never die!!

Navarre: GSD 9/13/99-5/14/06 patiently waiting
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Offline Duramax

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Re: Hi, I am new
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2007, 06:20:07 am »

I have found my big dogs to be slower to react agressively than many smaller breeds, but to require a strong understanding of their place in the house in order to be under control at all times.

I totaly agree with stella! my boys are totaly wonderfull with the kids, Max checks on Brett (6 month old baby) when he's fussing, and puts up with Ashton (my 2 year old) combing his furr and 'painting his nails' and other stuff.
yup, look for yourself, i think they're adorable together.
mother of:
2 babies
2 great danes -Duramax

"Some days you're the dog; some days you're the hydrant." -Unknown

Offline melissajean

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Re: Hi, I am new
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2007, 09:09:25 am »
Thanks guys.
Thats one thing I love most about big dogs, they seem so much more laid back than little dogs, not saying I dont adore little ankle biters, I do. The best dog I had was a male Yorkie. But he was nervouse around new people, or quick moveing people, and around kids he was a nervouse wreck.....Cour se I can see how he was nervouse about those little girls that one time, they did exspect me to give him to them lol. He was a big mean dog untill they looked at him, then he was a big mean dog from behind moms legs lol. And yes I socialized him to everybody when he was little. I took him everywhere.
Another thing I like about big dogs is the safe feeling you get from haveing em around. I usually walk late at nite. Its just so much more peacfull, but if you do run into somebody there usually not somebody you would wanna talk to.
I like the Newfie, but heard they need alot of grooming, and must be dried after swimming or they smell sour.
I also like the Great Dane, the Mastiff, the Doberman (We had a Dobe, setter mix, and she was awsome), and a few others that for some odd reason I cant think of right now......My mind is a blank lol........... I hate when that happens lol. I am always open to breed sugestions. I figure you guys live with these breeds, you know there temperments, there anoying habbits, and everything. I do like reading books and everything though, but sometimes it seems like they only tell you the good stuff about a breed, and I doubt its the good things that are going to try my patience lol.
Thanks for the welcomes  :)
Great pics by the way everybody, in your avatars and such. So cute


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Re: Hi, I am new
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2007, 02:19:51 pm »
Hi Melissa...I am to many!  Hope you find the info your looking for here.  Its a wonderful place to learn.  Research is the key and you are doing the right thing...I have always loved all animals but BP's have always been my favorites.  They have so much love to give but training is the key...Not sure who said it but a crate is a must!!  I have a 85lb lab and a 200lb English mastiff and boy do we have a wild house!!  Throw 2 chihuahuas in the mix and its total chaos!  I would have it any other way...Again welcome! Oh ya...and if its large slobbering messes...then I suggest checking out the OEM!! 

Offline RMSChloe

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Re: Hi, I am new
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2007, 02:58:14 pm »
WELCOME!!!!!!! :D :D :D  Its great to hear your doing research! Hopefully youll find a lot of answers here! I second ALLLL the crating! Crating is the best thing i ever did for my sanity...and my pups. I have a soon to be 6month old Great Dane right now. The one thing i can say about a large breed that i feel is the best thing to do, aside from training and housebreaking, is SOCIALIZE! when my pup was just a weeee little one (wait, i dont think she ever was little....) we took her everywhere, and we still do. taking her around other people was the best thing we ever did, we started out with just one or two other people at a time, then moved to small gatherings, and now, shes comfortable at parties, no matter how many people are there. shes never a spot of nervous around anyone, old or young, big or little. which is great for us because our family is very large, and we have a lot of parties. shes also been around a variety of animals, shes great with all of them. she LOVES our cat, the horses,...shes awesome with all other dogs shes around, big paws, little paws, doesnt matter. shes a real lover... again, welcome! i hope you find that big paw your heart is looking for!!! heres some pics of what i mean when i say she LOVES the cat! (ever see a cat and dog spoon before...)

Shes not a dog... shes a Great Dane!


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Re: Hi, I am new
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2007, 03:52:12 pm »
A YUPER! YAY! How cool! hahah! I just got back from the UP.

We had our honeymoon up there. Which part are you from? My husband's family is from Michigan, so I'm an honorary Yuper. ;) I'm Nicole, and I share my life with Cabeza and Mabel, who are 2 black, hairy  mystery mixes. We believe Cabeza to be Newf and Chow, and Mabel...hmm... .Golden/Collie/Chocolate lab? Who knows?

Anyway, I'm glad you're doing your research. I was going to suggest a Newfoundland, too, as they are absolutely wonderful with children, LOOOOOOOVE the water, and LOOOOOVE the cooler temps you have up there in the UP. They do need extra attention to their coats, as they're long, thick, and double. (They've got a shorter coat underneath the longer one to keep them warm...kinda like duck down)

There are lots of wonderful breeds out there, and some seriously awesome mixes. I've had the experience of living with a Newf and a Dane and many many mixes. Good luck, and if you stick around here long enough, you'll definitely get all of the ups and downs of about every sort of big paw!

Offline melissajean

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Re: Hi, I am new
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2007, 06:54:41 pm »
Thanks guys  :)
I am not actually a yooper lol, I was born a Troll (Below the bridge lol) But I live in Baraga County.
Lol No, Ive never seen a dog and cat spoon lol Thats adorable.
I dont mind slober at all, in fact I would love to have a dog that slobbers lol.
What kind of crates do you find work best? The plastic or the metal? Why?
What kind of food is best? Why?
Would a two mile a day walk be ok for a large breed, or would it need more?
I want to get either a older puppy or young adult. Preferably from the shelter.
Thanks again guys :)

Offline kathryn

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Re: Hi, I am new
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2007, 07:16:56 pm »
Hi Melissa and welcome to the board.  I'm Kat and my guys are listed below.  My pups aren't as large as most of the others but they are great dogs.  Mine are high energy so a 2 mile walk is usually just a warm up for them. 

I have one that loves the enclosed plastic crate and a couple of others that love the open wire crates.  It's really their preference over what feels more comfortable to them.  I have both so they get a choice around here.

Hope that helps some
Kaila - Belgian Malinois
Shiner - Malinois x Ridgeback
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Offline PennyK

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Re: Hi, I am new
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2007, 08:40:30 pm »

I don't have anything to add that hasn't already been said, but I'll throw my vote in for the smooth coated Saint Bernard. 

Teddy is everything I ever wanted in a dog and he loves "his" kids (my daughter is 8, my son is now 6) like crazy!  Teddy is still a puppy and he does tend to get overzelous when playing wiht my son but I'm posative that isn't the dog's fault!  LOL!

Hope you stick around so we can meet the new addition when the time is righ!!
Every girl needs a Teddy bear!

Offline melissajean

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Re: Hi, I am new
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2007, 09:12:59 pm »
Thanks guys.
I was actually thinking about a Saint too. And somebody else said a Great Pyn. Might be a good choice for me.
Can you guys tell me a little more about these dogs?
Thank you :)

Offline melissajean

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Re: Hi, I am new
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2007, 03:08:27 am »
Yeah. There are so many great breeds its hard picking just one. Maybe I should buy a whole big ranch, with tons of land and get one of each lol

Offline ptkennel

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Re: Hi, I am new
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2007, 08:35:03 am »
Another option for a great dog for kids is an Irish Wolfhound.  Ours adores the kids, we have a 5 year old boy that hangs out with her all day long, they are best friends.  She loves the kids more than us.  They are a very attached dog to the family, and they like to be where everyone is, not left outside by themselves.  Wolfhounds love to walk.  You have to check out with the breeder how soon to walk the dog (long walks on leash), some vary in age, growing patterns differ in breeds.
Kennel or crate training is a must, we used a 48 wire crate that had a divider in it to make it smaller and then bigger. 
We also have a newf, she is wonderful with kids, they can crawl on her or whatever.  If you like teddy bears and the fluffy coushy way they feel when you hug them then you would love a poofy newfie.  The only thing that is not a great thing about newfs is the grooming.  If you are not keen on a lot of hair then they are not the breed for you.  We had Rottweilers fro 13 years and I will have to say that the newf is a million times better than the rotti.  I loved our rottis, but they aren't as good with kids, a little unpredictable.  Mine never bit any of our kids but they growled, our newf has never  done that.  Neither has our Wolfie.
Joy, Newfoundland
Gabi, Newfoundland
Amy, Irish Wolfhound
Sara, Irish Wolfhound
Gintaro, Irish Wolfhound (from Poland)
Desa, our Borzoi
4 Irish Wolfhound puppies, Saturn, Gemini, Delta and Mercury

Offline 2Criminals

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Re: Hi, I am new
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2007, 11:03:38 am »
Well to confuse the issue further for you....I vote for the Bullmastiff. Not as large as the OEM, less drool, fairly active, mine loves treks through the trails and dog park (any large breed should be limited until mature though), lazy in the house, easy to train (my first dog EVER and completed level 3 obedience with flying colours) and loves to cuddle. We don't have kids at home but he has been great with our nieces, nephews, random kids and loves my grandma :-*