Author Topic: Not So Pleasant Walk - Hurry Up Fall!!  (Read 2380 times)


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Not So Pleasant Walk - Hurry Up Fall!!
« on: August 30, 2007, 06:31:39 pm »
As most of you know, I live in NC.  I have lived here my whole life and am a definitely certified warm weather girl, but I have always loved that, and up until recently, we had 4 distinct seasons here.  Now, we have been experiencing triple-digit, record-breaking heat over the past month or so (I could go on a tangent about how global warming sucks, save the planet, go green, but I'll refrain).

I have always had allergies and taken medication March - May and then again in August - beginning of October.  For the past 2 weeks, they have been in overdrive.  I've been battling headaches, a cough, and all-around yuckiness.. just enough to make you want to punch someone.

Needless to say, in all of this, Ranger hasn't been getting the walks that he loves so dear.  It has just been too hot, even at night (where it has been a balmy 90 degrees).  Even he thinks he wants to go outside, gets out there, and decides.. um... yeah, not so much.

I'm starting to feel like the worst pet parent ever, even though I am heeding all the warnings that it is too hot and folks, as well as pets, should stay inside if at all possible.  I just know how important walking the Big Guy is for him, and me.  Seeing as how I am on sabbatical right now, I'm getting a little mushy myself.

So, a "cold front" has moved through and we are supposed to have a high of 91 today and a low of 69.  Of course, it is gonna be in the 70s around 3 a.m. and I plan to be on dream #2 by that time, not walking the Big Guy.  I'm pretty sure it would tick him off if I woke him up at 3 a.m. to go on a walk, too.   :D

I check the hour-by-hour forecast and it is going to be 81 by 10:30 a.m.  I check the clock.  Great - we can just make it before it gets too hot.  I suit RangerRoo and I up and away we go.

First of all, the dude at the weather channel needs to check his thermometer because it is NOT 81 degrees out there.  Of course, maybe I needed to check the humidity level, which I did NOT do, like an idiot.  Duh.   ::)

I take a deep breath, tell Ranger that this will be a short one, and away we go.  So, we are trotting along and about 10 minutes into our walk, my legs start itching.. like the devil.  Great.  I am sweating like a pig, because I'm pretty sure we are walking through the 7th circle of h*ll at this point, and all those lovely little things that I am allergic to are now sticking to my skin.  Again, I'm an idiot.   ::)

So, while I am chanting, "Don't scratch, don't scratch, don't scratch," Ranger looks like he is getting ready to lay down and take a nap under a tree.  I tell him, "Let's Go," to which he gives me the, "You've got to be kidding me.  We are walking through the 7th circle of h*ll.  I didn't sign up for this Mom."   :P

I give him a pat on the head and decide on a short-cut.  We weave through more of the aforementioned plants that I am allergic too and now my legs are on fire and red.  Sexy! 

We finally make it home and I barely get Ranger in the door before he collapses on the hardwoods to cool off.  I get a fan and put it in front of him, bring his bowl of water over, and give him an ice cube.

Then, I fling clothes everywhere and jump in a COLD shower to try to get all the stuff off of me that has irritated my skin to high heaven. 

Can it pretty please be fall so that Ranger and I can enjoy the great outdoors again??  Or can we just come bunk with one of you guys that is enjoying some cooler temps??   :)

** Modified b/c I didn't proofread.  Again, Duh!   ::)
« Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 06:33:34 pm by dohertyswissy »

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: Not So Pleasant Walk - Hurry Up Fall!!
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2007, 06:35:10 pm »
if we all sign a petition, will it make it so??  i agree whole heartedly with you!  i miss fall and winter!!
steffanie in atlanta

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Offline Sillygoose

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Re: Not So Pleasant Walk - Hurry Up Fall!!
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2007, 06:37:27 pm »
Pack up the dog and come on over to Montreal. we've got beautiful walking weather right now. A petition is something we can try though.

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Re: Not So Pleasant Walk - Hurry Up Fall!!
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2007, 06:45:03 pm »
Oh, I am jealous of your warm weather!  Want to trade?  It's been fall-like in Maine for weeks now and it's so depressing!  I mean, fall is gorgeous here, but we only had a few nice summery days this year and to see the leaves turning already is just too much!  It's getting dark so early, the crickets are chirping and the field is full of golden rod and queen anne's lace...where did summer go?!
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Re: Not So Pleasant Walk - Hurry Up Fall!!
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2007, 06:52:34 pm »
Oh Boy I feel for you. I suffered through terrible allergies when I was younger. I can relate to wanting to puch
I outgrew most of them into my early 20's. I still get the odd bought of them :'(
Sending cooling thoughts your way --I am a fall girl too. I have had enough of this humidity crap ;)

Tea with honey it may help your cough :)

Offline kathryn

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Re: Not So Pleasant Walk - Hurry Up Fall!!
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2007, 07:31:55 pm »
There are different seasons?!?!  No one told me that!  The dogs and I play and exercise at around 8-9pm each night.  That is when it's at least somewhat cool.  There's nothing like waking up to 80-90 degree weather.  To make things worse we have the rain every other day or daily now. 

I wish I had some good advice on the allergies for you but I don't.  I hope it helps some to know that there are some of us in the same boat as you.  We just don't have seasons here in Houston. 
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Re: Not So Pleasant Walk - Hurry Up Fall!!
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2007, 12:24:30 am »
Ugh!!! :P
I know exactly how you feel with the allergies.  I'm at work right now, and OMG!  My eyes are so puffy and itchy I can barely keep them open, I sniffle every 5-15 seconds, and I can't eat popcorn anymore b/c my throat is so raw and itchy from coughing.  I too will sign a petition for fall to hurry up and get here.  Poor Naja hates to go outside b/c of the heat too.  It was nice here for a few days.  But now it's back to being sucky.  Funny how when I lived in BC my allergies didn't bother me once.  And I lived out in the boonies surrounded by trees, and plants of all types.  Wahhhh!!  I wanna go home!
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Offline navarre1316

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Re: Not So Pleasant Walk - Hurry Up Fall!!
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2007, 02:02:23 am »
I'm right there with you, except I'm down here in Mobile!!  I too am a year round allergy sufferer, as I have both indoor and outdoor AND I just found out in March that apparently I am now allergic to.........DOG S!!!!!!  I also would like to know if signing a petition would help,if only it were that easy!!  I also love Zyrtec and Flonase when I can afford them!!!  I usually am tired for about the first three days of taking Zyrtec and then I'm fine!!!  I have a tendency to go horse a lot when my allergies are in full gear so I always have people asking me "are you sick again?"  talk about wanting to punch somebody!!!!!

Is there a fall dance we can do??
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