Author Topic: Pit ban in Denver, Miami, Cin - what do u think???  (Read 19372 times)

Offline rockettgirl68

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Re: Pit ban in Denver, Miami, Cin - what do u think???
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2005, 08:00:33 pm »
yes there is a yahoo site who is fighting bsl give me some time an i will get the link for you  ok
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Offline Saljen

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Re: Pit ban in Denver, Miami, Cin - what do u think???
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2005, 04:02:05 pm »
i just find all of this frightening. Proliant's story of being stopped on the street with a cop prepared to confiscate their dog is just mind-boggling to me. does this sound like nazi germany to anyone? i know that we are talking about dogs and not humans, but to most of us here i think that our dogs are just as important as a human family members. i just don't see how this isn't stepping on our rights.

it goes right along with too much else going on in this country. i'm not getting into specific politics here becasue i don't want to offend anyone, but i think that no matter WHAT political party you're with, you've got to see that there's a lot of weird stuff going on lately, and that our rights are being tampered with on a near daily basis. this country is going in a very specific direction, and i for one don't like where it could possibly lead to.

and now, our state govts are just deciding based on no real credible evidence (since when have their not been dog attacks?) that certain breeds are now too dangerous to be owned, and even in some places, EXIST??? i read that list of breeds posted in another topic ... its practically every popular dog in this country over 30lbs! what is that list specifically? will they be banning those as well?

in another topic, someone said that rotts have killed 30 people in 15 years in the US. you cannot DO this stuff based on these kind of statistics! 2 deaths a year? that is LAUGHABLE! how many more people than that drown in pools? die of lung cancer just from SECOND HAND SMOKE ALONE? are killed by guns? wreck their motorcycles? heck, more people probably die every year from tripping on their darned shoelaces than are killed by dogs. does that mean we should BAN shoelaces? OF COURSE NOT. but my point is, by the same logic as calling these dogs dangerous just because there are a few inevitable deaths which are just a part of LIFE, then you should be banning anything else that causes as much as or more harm! but obviously, that is not happening. i am just not sure what the specific agenda here is. and i don't understand how they can be doing this to us. unfortunately, it is happening because we're letting it. we do need to organize. SERIOUSLY organize. does anyone know of any groups that have a high profile that aren't just nutjobs like peta? it seems like if you could get a very visible well-known group on-board, then you could at least have a better chance of being heard.

Offline rockettgirl68

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Re: Pit ban in Denver, Miami, Cin - what do u think???
« Reply #17 on: July 31, 2005, 07:08:31 pm »
well as i said before you want to be heard think about marching on the white house an your state capital just like the million man march an mad mothers did they got heard an what they wanted we need to do the same its time for all pet owners to be heard  but thats something no one seems to want to do an one person cant do it by themselves we need to ban together to make it work
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Offline zimas_mommie

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Re: Pit ban in Denver, Miami, Cin - what do u think???
« Reply #18 on: July 31, 2005, 07:27:06 pm »
It is so sadd that are nationa has come to this... the last dog I owned name was Tyson! I rescued him from an abusive home ! He was abused so bad he wouldnt even walk into a room he just stayed in one spot untill he felt safe! These dogs have such a battle out here already they dont need to fight the death penilty too!! They are made to be fighters these dogs are just as loving as any other!! Its just a shame we dont have laws to protect them and stop people from turning them into fighters instead we just kill them??? Thas crazy!!! My tyson is now in a loving home doing very well!! happy and living with another dog and a cat and a big back yard!!! Heres some pictures of aloving pittbull!!

Offline cuttles/sadieMay

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Re: Pit ban in Denver, Miami, Cin - what do u think???
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2005, 08:51:04 am »
I think the most dangerous thing about a pit would be the owner! These dogs are just getting into the wrong hands, and the good owners are the ones who are suffering. Our laws in Northern Ontario for Pit Bulls is not quite so strict. Im not exactly sure what the laws are but from what I have heard, the law is that all Pit Bulls need to be spayed or neutered and when they are being walked the owner must wear a muzzle on their dogs to prevent any attacks. This seems like a sufficiant law and alot more humaine than killing them!
More responsible pit owners is the answer here not death!

Offline rockettgirl68

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Re: Pit ban in Denver, Miami, Cin - what do u think???
« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2005, 02:17:08 pm »
so right  its the bad owners giving them such a horrible name  its like they have forgotten petey from the original little rascals  he was a good dog an a pit
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Offline Anky

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Re: Pit ban in Denver, Miami, Cin - what do u think???
« Reply #21 on: August 02, 2005, 04:51:31 pm »
We were at Walmart today and matt asked me for a quarter to get candy out of the vending machine (And yes he's 23 years old).  While he was deciding between Skittles and those Fruit shaped things, I was looking at the other machine.  In one of them were these figurines called "Homies".  Front and Center are too big hispanic guys holding back pitbulls on chains.  Seeing this thread made me want to look up their website.  I couldn't find those two figurines, but they have a whole section dedicated to their "Outlaw" canines.  On the front page of their Dog pound it says

"These Hardcore Dogs Been Picked up by animal control officers and deemed hostile, unsociable and aggressive in behavior. No one has ever attempted to claim or adopt them. Therefore they are doing HARD TIME. They have developed their own social structure inside Cell -Block C (where they are kept). These dogs are not allowed to mingle with the other dogs. They don't get to share the yard or work out with the general population. Things like bones and doggy snacks smuggled in from the outside create their monetary system.  Yes, it's a dog eat dog world inside the Dog Pound...

People like this are the reasons that pits are regarded the way they are.  When it's OK to make Children's toys with pits being portryaed as viscious lunging killers, then obviously there's going to be no chaning the public's mind.


Edited to add:

I found this under the regular character listing.

« Last Edit: August 02, 2005, 05:35:23 pm by Anky »
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Offline rockettgirl68

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Re: Pit ban in Denver, Miami, Cin - what do u think???
« Reply #22 on: August 02, 2005, 10:11:18 pm »
they are another axample of bad owners that is why it is up to us good owners to change that way of thinking
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Offline Saljen

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Re: Pit ban in Denver, Miami, Cin - what do u think???
« Reply #23 on: August 03, 2005, 12:03:18 am »
well as i said before you want to be heard think about marching on the white house an your state capital just like the million man march an mad mothers did they got heard an what they wanted we need to do the same its time for all pet owners to be heard  but thats something no one seems to want to do an one person cant do it by themselves we need to ban together to make it work

YES! absolutely! i'm all for it. who else is with the idea of banding together to form a group, organize a march, etc.?

and if we're talking about this, there must be MANY MANY others ready to do something about it as well.

Offline rockettgirl68

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Re: Pit ban in Denver, Miami, Cin - what do u think???
« Reply #24 on: August 03, 2005, 12:05:33 am »
cool i fully believe it is something that is going to have to be done  the fun part will be getting enough people together to do it
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Offline Saljen

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Re: Pit ban in Denver, Miami, Cin - what do u think???
« Reply #25 on: August 03, 2005, 12:34:40 am »
ANKY - that absolutely sickens me. i've seen those 'homies' before around here too. but i had no idea about how they were portraying dogs.

in my town (Lawton, OK) there is a fairly bad gang problem and along with it, a large amount of dog fighting. its disgusting. you can see in many backyards of gang territory neighborhoods (we just moved out of one), rows of kennels all with pit bulls - looking underfed and acting very aggressive. i know that people who dog fight often starve them so that the animal is more viscious. we once had a beautiful pit wander into our yard, ribs protruding out horribly, battered ears, and just as friendly as he could be. we fed him. and fed him and fed him. the poor thing would gobble down anything we put in front of him. we finally put him in the backyard with our two Westies. he was afraid of the Westies! he was one of the sweetest dogs we'd ever seen. we started trying to find a home for him but couldn't. we contacted the local Humane Society and another animal rescue group, but they couldn't help us either. all these groups did at the time was find foster homes for cats~! both groups did tell us tho that if we called the pound, they wouldn't even adopt him out and by city law, would just kill him immediately. i just couldn't hand the poor creature over to a death sentence. and at the time, it was my mother's house i was living in, and she said she just couldn't have a pit bull living in her home (my mom unfortunately clings to her pit misconceptions and is afraid of them). she also said she didn't think we could afford him tho either. the poor thing had something wrong with his mouth and his tail, and we probably couldn't have afforded the vet bills. so finally, one night my father let him go. we all cried. we couldn't figure anything else out. fortunately at least he did just take off down the street, seeming happy to roam rather than being sad that we put him out. we never saw him again either, so i hope he found a home. a REAL home that is. there was a house of gang members just around the corner from us with pits, and we figure he probably had come from there. he was EXTREMELY starved, and yet he wasn't dirty at all, so it was as if he had been starved under someone's care. he was just SO sweet and a big of a chicken really, so if he did come from there, they probably threw him out because he wouldn't fight.

it just makes me sick that this beautiful, loyal breed is being used this way by some people because they think its COOL and the macho thing to do. complete idiots.