Author Topic: Thoughts and prayers needed please  (Read 4194 times)

Offline princessnmi

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Thoughts and prayers needed please
« on: October 21, 2007, 09:12:34 am »
I know the strength of the prayers from BPO have touched many so I'm asking for your prayers and thoughts today. There are wild fires burning all over Southern California. My mom, dad and little brother were asked to evacuate this morning. As of 8:30am this morning they were packed and leaving their home. They can't see where the fire is, they don't know how close they are to them. Planes and helicopters are unable to fly due to the strong winds. Please keep my family and all the other people in Southern California being effected by the fire in your thoughts and prayers.
Proudly owned by: Robin-3 yr old Lab mix, Brody 14 month old Great Dane, Moose a 6 month old dane
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Offline aggghgmom

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Re: Thoughts and prayers needed please
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2007, 09:32:26 am »
Absolutely,  we will keep your family as well as all of the other families and of course, the people working on putting out the fires in our thoughts and prayers, how scary mother nature can be. 

Praying for rain and no winds


Offline LibbyP

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Re: Thoughts and prayers needed please
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2007, 09:51:03 am »
So sorry in hearing your family had to evacuate. I watched a part on the local news here last night about the fires and crazy winds. Hope your family and others are able to return to their homes safe and sound.

Keeping everyone and everything in our thoughts here in Ontario
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. ~ Will Rogers

mama to ~Libby 6.5yr E.Mastiff
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Re: Thoughts and prayers needed please
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2007, 10:28:37 am »
Keeping your family in our thoughts and hope they are safe. I am just watching the fires on CNN--it is so sad.

Offline princessnmi

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Re: Thoughts and prayers needed please
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2007, 03:36:34 pm »
Just a quick update. My family is safe in a small hotel room with 1 bed, 2 adults, 2 kids, 3 dogs and 2 cats. They have no idea if they still have a house but its really not looking good. I have a REALLY BAD feeling they are going to lose everything.  :'( I am very thankful they got out when they did and are safe. My mom is still uneasy because there is a fire burning North, South and East of their hotel right now. Lets continue to keep these families and the state in prayer
Proudly owned by: Robin-3 yr old Lab mix, Brody 14 month old Great Dane, Moose a 6 month old dane
Loved by my beautiful daughter Makaylee and my soon to be adopted sons Richard and Jay And the husband too I guess

Offline GrumpyBunny

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Re: Thoughts and prayers needed please
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2007, 04:03:37 pm »
I'm sending good thoughts in the direction of your family, and I am keeping my fingers crossed for their house.  Where does your family live, princessnmi?

I can attest that down here in San Diego it is a very surreal place today - the mayor has asked that as many people as possible stay home from work and stay off the roads.  There are simply so many people being forced to evacuate that the roads need to be kept clear for them - the fires have reached some very heavily populated areas.  There are still plenty of places that will take human and small animal evacuees, but it is getting harder for people to find places to take their horses, cattle, etc.  Many goverments offices, courts, etc. are closed today.  Many schools are closed, as well, and some of the ones that were open asked parents to come and pick up their children halfway through the day.  Not all of these schools are in danger, but the thought is that not only do they want these kids home with their parents, but that some of these schools may be needed as evacuation centers.  It is a normal day off for me, but the theatre at which I work is closed today, to comply with the mayor's request, with only a skeleton crew of 3 people working in my department.  Most of my staff called in sick anyway, judging by my email...  I have been watching the news since about 2:00am last night, with about a 4-hour break to try to sleep.  I recently heard that the shelter from which I got Ranger has been forced to evacuate... 

The fires are not close to me at this time - they are to the southeast and farther to the north as well, but the thing with this is that you just never know what is going to happen.  The winds are so fierce and so fast that the fires can travel extremely quickly, or jump for many miles.  It is very difficult at this time to get planes up for any kind of water or chemical dumps, due to the winds.  Even in my area, the sky is strangely colored and it is hot and smoky and hard to breathe or keep your eyes open.  Everyone's sinuses are going crazy. 

The fire department is stretched so thin that there just aren't enough fire fighters to go around.  Once a house catches fire, they can't try to put it out, only try to stop it spreading to neighboring houses.  I saw fire fighters on the news recently helping a home owner take belongings from his burning house rather than waste their time trying to extinguish it.  Also, many people are trying to stay in their houses until the last minute possible, which means that emergency personnel have to do door-to-door evacuations when fire comes to a new neighborhood, rather than attend to the fire.  If a new fire were to start in a new area (say, the huge dry vacant field next to where I live) there really wouldn't be much resource to fight it.

So, as I say, it is very surreal here.  I am just flipping channels obsessively looking for the latest.  Paranoid or not, the dogs have their collars on and I have some items packed and ready to go...

Sending good thoughts to everyone in harm's way.
*Founder of the Official Suspicious Chicken Fan Club*


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Re: Thoughts and prayers needed please
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2007, 05:47:40 pm »
Prayers and strength to each and everyone of you and your families out there. My Son and DIL are attempting to help with the evacuation. They are trying to save as many of the horses and other livestock as possible. While so many brave fire fighters are in the midst of this horror.

MANY PRAYERS go out to you!

Offline jabear

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Re: Thoughts and prayers needed please
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2007, 05:58:05 pm »
My mom, dad and little brother were asked to evacuate this morning. As of 8:30am this morning they were packed and leaving their home.

Where are they located? Michael's brother is in the Canyon County/Saugus/Stevenson Ranch/Aqua Dolce fire and evacuated earlier today too and his dad is in the Lake Arrowhead fire. I too hope that everyone is ok, that we continue to spare lives,  and that the stench in the air clears soon.
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

Offline princessnmi

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Re: Thoughts and prayers needed please
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2007, 08:12:58 pm »
My mom lives in Poway. She is in Clairemont Mesa right now. I don't know if her house is still there or not. I just got off the phone with her and she seemed in good spirits. All we can do is pray. Its all a waiting game. MY heart goes out to all of those involved.
Proudly owned by: Robin-3 yr old Lab mix, Brody 14 month old Great Dane, Moose a 6 month old dane
Loved by my beautiful daughter Makaylee and my soon to be adopted sons Richard and Jay And the husband too I guess

Offline Malishiku

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Re: Thoughts and prayers needed please
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2007, 08:58:46 pm »
We need RAIN!!!

The winds have been hectic and it is quite warm, even at night. The fire scent is strong.

Everything is fine where I am at, for the moment, I don't think they are going to reach this far (the closest fires are in Irvine). Everyone I have heard from so far were able to evacuate with their family, humans, cats, dogs and small animals (Escondido/San Diego area). The BIG problem are indeed the horses (and other livestock), the ones I've heard from are "safe" for the time being, but for how long? We are all hoping that they will have a home to return to.

-sighs- I'm thinking these fires are much worse then the last time they were on a rampage. Everyone is in my thoughts and prayers.

We really need a miracle though, we desperately need RAIN. The outside air is almost choking. If I didn't know any better, I would believe that I'm breathing in ashes!
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