Author Topic: What is the most annoying thing your dog does?  (Read 12692 times)

Offline People Whisperer

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What is the most annoying thing your dog does?
« on: October 29, 2007, 05:46:36 am »
I thought it would be a funny little survey  ;D

I will start...Lily would be hanging out outside and when you let her in she goes straight to the front door, stands there and looks at you like she has to pee REALLY badly. I know it's not true because we got back from a walk 30 min ago. I take her back to the fenced area and she goes straight to the deck and wants to get back in. And she does it again and again and again untill you take her for another walk. Sooooo annoying!!!
"To once own a Great Pyrenees is to love and want one always."
Mary W. Crane

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Re: What is the most annoying thing your dog does?
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2007, 06:27:06 am »
Bubba has an internal timer when it comes to mealtimes. As soon as it hit 4pm he starts to pester me. He'll run from me to the potty door back and forth and back and forth staring at me and grunting, hahaaha. The reason he runs to the potty door and back is that when he was still housetraining I used to take him out to potty before and after each meal. So he thinks that if he goes outside and comes back in I'll feed him. LOL He's going to be really screwed up once the clocks go back. LOL

Lola's most annoying trait is her nudging. She does it at times when you least expect it. So if your holding a drink and she decided to nudge you... your going to end up wearing it. LOL
« Last Edit: October 29, 2007, 06:28:04 am by Lyn »

Offline People Whisperer

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Re: What is the most annoying thing your dog does?
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2007, 06:58:19 am »
OMG, Jenn, I would go insane with all that  ;D ;D ;D
You must be a very tolerant person  :D
"To once own a Great Pyrenees is to love and want one always."
Mary W. Crane

I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it :)


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Re: What is the most annoying thing your dog does?
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2007, 07:11:32 am »
Well, Cabeza is practically perfect, which I think makes his annoying habits even more annoying. You're so used to like, not even noticing him that when he does certain things, you're like, "WHAT?! I HAVE A DOG?! HUH?!"

So, in the car. He SUCKS in the car. He paces and whines and begs for his window to be put down, but then rests his head on yours and pants and whines and pants and whines and...well, you get it... the middle of the night, if a squirrel has like, peed in the yard, Cabeza cries until you take him out so he can mark the squirrel's pee...

He likes to stand directly in front of you while watching a movie and pant in your face.

Oh, and he licks his feet and legs. That used to be HORRIBLE until I switched his food. Then it stopped, but now its starting again. I can't figure it out. He's on EVO and I don't think its a food allergy. I think he just likes to do it when he's bored. He will also lick the carpet or couch so, I think its kind of the same thing.

Mabel didn't really do anything annoying. She was quite stately and queenly. She did used to do this thing when she first came to us. She could open the gate. She'd open it and get out, and then hide in the bushes overnight. She'd always be on the porch in the morning though. She only did that a few times and then she realized we rocked and didn't want to sleep in the bushes anymore.


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Re: What is the most annoying thing your dog does?
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2007, 09:19:00 am »
Merlin really does nothing that is annoying. You have to be awake to be annoying, and that is a rare occurance for him. The only time he is remotely annoying is if someone is stretched out on the couch at night, and he cannot get up there to (you guessed it) sleep.
Strider has made a career out of annoying. He whines, cries and howls to go outside, even if he was just out 10 minutes before. He announces that he wants back in by alternately throwing himself on the screen door and jumping up and hanging from it to peer in and make sure you are coming. After eating, he must have a human napkin to wipe his face on. He hunts the fish in the fish tank, and flies and creepy crawlies incessantly. He plays fetch 20 hours a day, but only in the house, and if you are too tired to throw, he will make enough noise that you wished you were dead and throw it just so he shuts up. When he decides to take a nap it is generally stretched out across whatever chair you are in, and the fact that you may need to breath is not his problem.
And that is all I can think of right now. Anyone want to adopt?

HAHAHAHAHH! While this is the most hilarious thing I've ever read, I can assure you all. Stella does not exaggerate. Tis all true.

But garsh he's cute!!!!! And his fur is sooooo silky!

Offline aggghgmom

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Re: What is the most annoying thing your dog does?
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2007, 10:42:51 am »
Harleys most annoying habit?  let me count the ways - lets just say he is the MOST annoying animals I have EVER had - its a good thing I love him because hubby would have sent him packing years ago!!

Well there is the mounting...eve rything and yes he is neutered, taking him for a walk around the block can take hours so he can mount the recycle bins, electrical polls, numerous dogs, cat, bunnies, squirrels anything!!

Whining!!! Night and day whenever I leave the room and he can't see me he just plops down and whines and cries drives the family nuts and yes sometimes I have to be where he can't see me!

The internal clock - heaven forbid I miss 6:30 am - 6:00 p.m. or the 8:00 p.m. biscuit!!

If I fall asleep on the couch and it is his bed time he will nudge me to get the couch back and the 1/2 snausage that he gets before bed.

And the most annoying very NEW issue is drooling - now I know many of you have drooling dogs and if I bought a dog that was known for drooling it would be one thing but he didn't drool until he turned 6 years old and its not slingers he just sits and drips (not even after he has water) then my socks get all wet and gross..  Yuck

The one that drives hubby nuts:  He sleeps all day even if we are home - then when we try to sit at night and relax he is a hyper maniac and just barks and barks and barks at hubby!!

Oh well I want to trade him in for a hampster - but as I recall from my earlier years my hampster was a pain in the neck also!!

Offline Sillygoose

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Re: What is the most annoying thing your dog does?
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2007, 10:53:00 am »
Lets see. I'll start with Annie. The fact that she is 5 and doing her business in the house is vert annoying. She whines when she wants to get upstairs from the dog den. And she has major drools. She doesn't like to go out when it's raining, so she'll whine until I bring her back in.

Merri has a tongue that can be quite annoying. It is constantly out. So when she is looking at you it's liek she's sticking her tongue out at you and because she won't keep it inher mouth it is always dirty becasue it drags everywhere when she is sniffing. And she absolutly had to destroy and sort of furniture, book, or bedding that is in her path.

Tripper has to be the center of attention. He wants out, he wants in. He wants to go down to the den, he wants to come up. He wants out he wants in and the problem with this is I'm a big suck and obey! Too darn cute I guess and I will one day pay for it I'm sure! And it takes forever for him to eat because he has to see everything that is going on. Takes a bite runs off checks out everthing them comes back for more.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2007, 10:53:27 am by Abbeyroadpyrs »

Offline People Whisperer

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Re: What is the most annoying thing your dog does?
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2007, 11:01:38 am »
I knew it would be hysterical to hear about everybody's dog annoying habits  ;D ;D ;D
I have all these images in my head that make me smile  :D
Thanks for sharing  ;)
« Last Edit: October 29, 2007, 11:02:04 am by People Whisperer »
"To once own a Great Pyrenees is to love and want one always."
Mary W. Crane

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Re: What is the most annoying thing your dog does?
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2007, 05:01:50 pm »
My list would be shorter if I list the things he doesn't

Wow this post will be very easy to answer for a few members of our

Puck...well he will pretty much dislocate your shoulder to play ball by nudging underneath your arm. You have to put him in another room just to shoot pool. He drools all over the table in an attempt to get the balls. When he was younger he use to jump right up on the table.

Farley....FArl ey...oh where do I start with Farley. Pretty much whatever Farley does is annoying. The worst is at night he has to be right next to me. So he runs his head along my back in an attempt to get under the covers too. Not nice at 3 in the morning....the whole cold nose thing.

Rosies most annoying thing is eating the bread off the counter ALL the time b/c we always forget to put it up. Just when you want a midnight snack there is no bread :-\ Plus Rosie nibbles when excited everything and any thing. Including my butt,arm,leg and grocery bags when you come in. I can hardly make it from the front door to the kitchen with everything still in the bag and not hanging out through the bottom of the bag.

god I could go on and on and on but I would hate to overtake the ::)
« Last Edit: October 29, 2007, 05:03:58 pm by Icerotti »

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Re: What is the most annoying thing your dog does?
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2007, 05:58:40 pm »
I'll start with Copper the 13 yr old .. many years ago someone broke into my apt. and she scared them away by screaming at them .. she screams at all men if they surprise her, and I'm talking about an ear piercing, hair stand on end nails on chalk board SCREAM.  And, she can't quit once she starts .. I have to pick her up and hold her until she zones back into the real world.  Oh, and when she hears a door bell on TV or the radio .. she starts barking and runs to the door - she just knows the pizza person is there with food. (I don't have a doorbell anymore - can you guess why?)

Emmitt - the 7 yr old is probably the most selfish person in the world (whoops I mean doggy)  He has OCD also in that he takes all the toys (not just his) ALL the toys and lines them up across the door way from the kitchen to the den .. in a straight line mind you.  No cat or dog better try to cross.  If Steve or I mess with the toys he straightens them up first with the one you moved then nudges the rest to be sure it's straight.  He's become a party entertainment.  Cop's toys are under our bed .. Sadie's are at the end of the driveway outside (she sneaks them out in the early mornings before Emmitt gets up)

Sadie - the 2 yr old - I'm going to blame on whoever on here helped me keep her out of the cow pastures and answering to her name when I first got her a couple of months ago ... you said when she starts going for the pasture call her name and when she comes to you give her a treat and praise her.  Now, when we're sitting out on the back porch she goes down the drive and up to the fence .. we'll call her name and she comes bounding up the drive back to the porch to get her treat .. within 5 min. if she's still hungry I guess .. she'll wander down the drive to the fence until we call her and she comes running for that treat.. repeat as many times as she wants or I bring her in and feel like watching her pace from the garage door to the porch door .. meanwhile I know the other two dogs are in cohoots with this because now when I call *S A D I E* while we're on the porch both Copper and Emmitt come running for treats too.

Do I have to say it ... DOGS RULE  .. ouch
Copper, 12 yr old American Cocker
Emmitt, 7 yr old English Springer Spaniel
Sadie, 2 yr old Newfie
OnryHenry, 17 yr old King Feline of KY


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Re: What is the most annoying thing your dog does?
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2007, 07:06:15 pm »
Grace will hand people her paw until they take it and hold it for a while or until she gets a cramp in her leg.
i thought this would be a cute trick to teach her until she decided to use it over and over and over again at the most unopportune times. 
i can be showering and i get paw.  i can be sleeping and i get paw.  i can be cooking dinner and i get paw.   i can be driving and i get paw.  i can be brushing my teeth and i get paw.  i can be sleeping and i get paw. 
you get the picture.

Offline People Whisperer

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Re: What is the most annoying thing your dog does?
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2007, 07:09:18 pm »
Grace will hand people her paw until they take it and hold it for a while or until she gets a cramp in her leg.
i thought this would be a cute trick to teach her until she decided to use it over and over and over again at the most unopportune times. 
i can be showering and i get paw.  i can be sleeping and i get paw.  i can be cooking dinner and i get paw.   i can be driving and i get paw.  i can be brushing my teeth and i get paw.  i can be sleeping and i get paw. 
you get the picture.
Did Kiden teach Grace or Grace tought Kiden? LOL  ;D
"To once own a Great Pyrenees is to love and want one always."
Mary W. Crane

I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it :)


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Re: What is the most annoying thing your dog does?
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2007, 07:09:58 pm »
Grace will hand people her paw until they take it and hold it for a while or until she gets a cramp in her leg.
i thought this would be a cute trick to teach her until she decided to use it over and over and over again at the most unopportune times. 
i can be showering and i get paw.  i can be sleeping and i get paw.  i can be cooking dinner and i get paw.   i can be driving and i get paw.  i can be brushing my teeth and i get paw.  i can be sleeping and i get paw. 
you get the picture.
Did Kiden teach Grace or Grace tought Kiden? LOL  ;D
I think Kiden taught Grace.  she is such a follower.

Offline People Whisperer

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Re: What is the most annoying thing your dog does?
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2007, 07:11:14 pm »
Grace will hand people her paw until they take it and hold it for a while or until she gets a cramp in her leg.
i thought this would be a cute trick to teach her until she decided to use it over and over and over again at the most unopportune times. 
i can be showering and i get paw.  i can be sleeping and i get paw.  i can be cooking dinner and i get paw.   i can be driving and i get paw.  i can be brushing my teeth and i get paw.  i can be sleeping and i get paw. 
you get the picture.
Did Kiden teach Grace or Grace tought Kiden? LOL  ;D
I think Kiden taught Grace.  she is such a follower.
Jeeeen, tell Kiden to keep his annoying habits to himself!  ;)
"To once own a Great Pyrenees is to love and want one always."
Mary W. Crane

I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it :)


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Re: What is the most annoying thing your dog does?
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2007, 07:17:04 pm »
Nawh!   Grace needs a few more annoying habits.  :)