Author Topic: Another fight!  (Read 2103 times)

Offline shine

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Another fight!
« on: December 04, 2007, 06:19:36 pm »
Bodhi and Ribbit got into a fight last night....over a glove!  They have fought in the always seemed to be over food...we made some changes in how and where we feed them and have been much more vigilant when they are together.  Things have been going well, we haven't had any problems in quite awhile.  Then last night my husband came home from skiing and left his gloves on the kitchen table.  Bodhi *adores* gloves.  He stole one off the table and took it into the living room to shred it.  The other one must have fallen on the floor, and Ribbit went over to sniff it.  I'm not sure.  All I know is that Bodhi went flying across the room and pounced on Ribbit. This pissed Ribbit off, and he attacked Bodhi.  We had a helluva time getting them the time we did, Ribbit was crying and Bodhi had a bite on his lip that was bleeding like crazy!

Bodhi definitely has issues with this...he will chase the other dogs away from things that he wants.  He usually jumps on them growling and pushing them away with his head and paws, but not biting....this is enough to scare most of them off.  But not Ribbit.  Because he is part Cocker he is testy and scrappy, so he goes into full-out attack when Bodhi does this.  Even after my husband got ahold of Bodhi last night, Ribbit attacked his face. 

We had called a trainer when the fights first started a few months ago...he gave us some basic ideas, but I would really like some *specific* ideas for working with Bodhi and Ribbit.  Any suggestions?  It scares me to death when this happens, I am a nervous wreck for a week afterward!
Sharing my life and love with
Bodhi - Newfoundland
Rio - Loyal Lab/Beagle Mix
Zildjian - Dalmatian
Dolly - Weird Hound Mix
Stubby - Weird Corgi Mix
Ribbit - Grumpy Cocker Mix
House Cats - Bump, Delilah, Stashe, Mischa, Moose
Barn Cats - Archie, Betty, Midge
The Pigs - Ginger & Marianne

Offline maxsmom

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Re: Another fight!
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2007, 08:58:29 pm »
Just my 2 cents worth, but it sounds to me like your dogs don't acknowledge that either one of them is alpha in their pack.  It sounds like you and your husband are definitely the human alphas, but they have not worked out a hierarchy in the 4 legged pack.  Unfortunately, it has been my experience that at least with my dogs, one of them ends up getting hurt (not broken bones, bleeding to death or anything like that) in order to establish pack order, when you have 2 very dominant dogs.  I have always let them work it out amongst themselves, but mine have always been somewhat equal in size, age, etc.  It has been my experience, that not allowing this natural process has only delayed the inevitable as they will continue to push the issue.  If I wasn't comfortable or in a position to let them do that, I would definitely hire a trainer to come to the house, observe their behaviour and work with me to see what could be done to alleviate the worst of it.  Good luck.
Max  2 Irish Wolfhound
Jake  2 Great Pyrenees
Cody   3 Tibetan Mastiff
ChiChi 1.5 Caucasian Ovcharka
John and Nicki Maine Coon cats

Offline Amy (guffer)

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Re: Another fight!
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2007, 10:12:52 pm »

I can really sympathize with you.  When Zeus and Apollo were have issues with fighting, it scared the heck out of me.  Zeus even drew blood on Apollo's face a couple of times, not to mention hubby's arm!  Thankfully, their "problems" only lasted about a week and nothing bad has happened since.  My theory is that the neighbors un-altered female was in heat.  Just a guess though. 

As far as Bhodi and Ribbit go, maybe just keeping a squirt bottle around to correct them as soon as you see any sign that they're gonna start?  It worked for us when our boys both wanted the same toy or the same spot on the couch. Good luck.  I know this must be really stressful for you.