Author Topic: looking for advice  (Read 5993 times)

Offline choppersmom

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looking for advice
« on: January 19, 2008, 01:07:08 pm »
I have a 2 year old female pit bull. Yesterday I found an Akita mix (male about a year old) that was apparently abandoned. I took him to animal control to have him checked for a micro chip and to see if anyone reported him missing but they said that someone probably just dropped him off because they didn't want him. they told me they think he's about a year old. So far the two dogs are getting along wonderfully and if I don't find his home and they continue to get along I am going to keep him. My question is this are the dog agression issues only between the same sex? In my research it looks like these should be one of the worst possible breed combinations but they are getting along great so far. I have also read they akita's are food aggressive but I thought that was a learned behavior, ( he has not shown and food aggression yet) I guess I want to know if anyone can give me an ide of what I'm in for. I don't know if it matters but both dogs are the same size (about 60-70 lbs). I have expierence dealing with large dogs but not Akita's specificaly. Any advice ya'll can give me about what to expect would be appreciated. They think he may be mixed with a husky.

Offline navarre1316

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Re: looking for advice
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2008, 01:27:59 pm »
As with any dog, socialization and training is key.  I don't know about Akita's specifically but I'm dog sitting one right now who is 4 and is an absolute gentleman.  Now he did try me when he first got to my house (tried to hike his leg on my furniture) and every once in awhile I'll tell him to do something and he looks at me like "you're not my mom".  But I let him know I'm boss and he does it!  And my brother has had pitts for years and out of them all he's only had major problems with one female who didn't like male dogs!

Personally I think it's all about their training.  Yes, I know some dogs have specific things that they may not like but most things can be worked through.  Did they look over his whole body for the chip?  I know one dogs chip had moved into her thigh, so they didn't find it at first.

Good luck, and never hesitate to ask any questions that may arise!
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Offline Bubbalove

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Re: looking for advice
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2008, 01:58:37 pm »
I agree that it definately has to do with the individual dog's personality.  Kita our last Akita girl got along with just about every other dog. She was runt of her litter and sick for most of her life, so I am convinced that had a lot to do with it.  She was just a lover.  Kana, on the other hand is all BOY.  He is a punk, and when given the chance will push limits with any other dog, male or female.  Some of his best friends, though have been male.  MANY other Akita owners say that we should never introduce another male Akita into our house without expecting fights.  Although, we knew a woman years ago that had a male & female Akita at home that she witnessed almost kill each other over territory in the back ????????? 
Sounds like you are doing well so far!  Thanks for taking the Akita in, not many people would do that because of stereotypes about the breed.  You are an angel!!
Kana - 4 y/o Japanese Akita
Kita - 8/2005 crossed Rainbow Bridge
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Offline maxsmom

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Re: looking for advice
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2008, 02:29:07 pm »
Sounds like you are off to a great start and most likely will not have any issues.  Also since they are both the same size, any fighting should be pretty fairly weighted between them.  If something does come up, I would try to let them settle it.  I don't think you are going to have problems.  What you have done for the Akita is great.  I wouldn't worry about the breed names, I would just love my dogs.
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Offline choppersmom

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Re: looking for advice
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2008, 03:02:12 pm »
Chopper is spayed, Butch is not neutered but I'm making an appointment w/ my vet monday to get him his shots and fixed.