Author Topic: The time has come  (Read 6074 times)


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The time has come
« on: February 05, 2008, 05:17:12 am »
To say goodbye. Three of the Pyr babies board planes on friday to go to thier forever homes. In some ways I am over joyed. I have never worked so hard and worried about a group of pups as much as I have worried about these in my life. A huge part of my life has been counting to six over and over and over.(making sure all are there and are ok) 
Then reality sets in and I have to say goodbye. The littlest girl is going the farthest. I am hoping that her new mom will be logging on this weekend and joining us here on BPO, so I dont want to spoil anything. I know that the mom of the two boys will be posting thier arrival as soon as she has time to sit down and get on the computer.
I have held them as much as they will allow and breathed in thier puppy smells and cried and told them how much I love them. It is not suppose to be this hard.
Even when I am in there cleaning the puppy room for the 10th time in 3 hours, I realize that I am even going to miss that part of the adventure.
I am not a failure and wont be at this- and I will pull it together at the last minute. I know that these babies are going to homes that are going to love them and give them the best of everything that they deserve. I am just heartbroken that the time has arrived.
Both "expecting" moms have promised pics and frequent updates, which is going to make this a lot easier and I am hoping to fly out to see the boys either late spring or early summer, so its not necessarily good bye forever.

I am going to have to start getting a grip, I know, rescue means loving and caring and sending to a new forever home, its just not easy. Especially with what I went thru with these guys.

So now does any loving BPO families want to help me get thru this adventure any faster- there are still three that will keep me in the puppy room cleaning....

Offline navarre1316

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Re: The time has come
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2008, 06:18:32 am »
You are giving any animal that you take in, whether it's a pup or an adult, the best start or do-over that you can.  You have done that over and over again and you can continue to do it!  I think that it is perfectly fine to be sad and bittersweet, it means that you LOVE what you do and when those feelings aren't there anymore you need to quit.  I envy you being able to do what you're doing, and I hope one day I'll be able to do it too!  The major plus about it is that when those animals leave your home they are going somewhere that will give them the love that they need.  These first rescues, even though you've done it before, will be the hardest but they will also be one of your greatest accomplishment s!!  Good job!
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Re: The time has come
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2008, 06:49:30 am »
You are such a great person for taking in these pyrs and then starting your own rescue. I feel honored to know a person as wonderful as you.

I'm sure it's very hard to give up these pups that have been your life since the day you brought them home. Just knowing you saved these pups' lives, nursed them back to health when they were sick, and now they're being placed in loving homes where they will be spoiled and then some. That has got to feel like a huge accomplishment .

It's great to hear you have placed 3 in homes. I wish I could take one. Ohhhh how I wish I could take one (or two!). Unforunately it's just not possible right now for a few different reasons. But I do know they will find great homes. I sure hope all the owners keep in touch and join BPO so we can watch as these babies grow into adults!!
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Re: The time has come
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2008, 06:59:49 am »
I can feel your sadness Paige :'( You have done a wonderful job with those little feet  ;D I am amazed by people like you who work so hard to help dogs.
I grew up in Russia. When dogs have unwanted puppies they dig a hole in the ground and place puppies in there and cover them with die  :'( :'( :'( Can't get any worse  :-X
"To once own a Great Pyrenees is to love and want one always."
Mary W. Crane

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Offline GrumpyBunny

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Re: The time has come
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2008, 07:18:06 am »
I think it's only natural to be sad that your babies are moving on, even if you know it is to a good place.  I think the picture wall is a good idea.  Even though it might be a little bittersweet to look at, it would also remind you of all the good you have done.  You do rock, incredibly hard, and I feel proud to know you as well.  I would even take a puppy, if I could.  ;D
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Re: The time has come
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2008, 08:36:17 am »
Maybe this will help put it in perspective. I wrote this after I had fostered and found a home for my first pup:

Ode To A Foster Dog
by Jeanne Hieb

I knew from the day you came to me
That I could never call you mine
But when you looked at me so needingly
I left all sense behind.

I knew that soon you’d leave my home
And fall in love with someone new
But from the moment you put your trust in me
I put aside all thoughts of losing you.

It didn’t take long to understand
Your every nudge and bark and whine
I fell in love with you more each passing day
But it was only on borrowed time.

And then that day came all too soon
When your new family came for you.
You ran to me, then ran to them
And I think somehow you knew.

The joy in their eyes when they looked at you
Matched the love for you in my heart,
And I knew right then they would be the ones
To give you a brand new start.

I held you once more and kissed your nose,
I scratched you behind the ears,
I released you to their open arms
And tried to fight back my tears.

I watched as they led you away from me,
Wondering how my heart would ever cope
When you turned and barked and wagged your tail
As if to say, "Thank you for giving me hope."

"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain

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Re: The time has come
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2008, 07:34:00 pm »
Oh Paige

I give you SO much credit!!!  You have done such an awesome job with those babies that the families that get them are blessed.

I'm sorry that you are sad - but you will be able to take a breath and you will have the room and experience to start again when another helpless dog needs your help - you are truly an angel!!

I so wish I could have taken one of those pups but a wandering, light colored, hairy dog just wouldn't work for grumpy husband (he did awww when I showed him pictures).

Will you posting more photos for us before they head to their no and sooo happy owners?


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Re: The time has come
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2008, 08:56:12 pm »
Oh Hun,
You are an amazing person!  Dont ever forget that!!!  It is a rare person in this world who will put others needs before their own.  It is a pleasure to know you and it gives me hope that there is still good in this world.   Thank you for hope.  Thank you for being you,  The only solace I can offer is that you did the right thing and you are a good person.  If you ever need anything, i think we can all agree, that anyone of us would be happy to help!!!

Be strong,


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Re: The time has come
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2008, 12:31:40 am »
Paige you are wonderful!!!!


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Re: The time has come
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2008, 03:20:17 am »
Oh Paige.... you are such an amazing, caring, selfless person! I applaud you and am sending tons of hug your way!


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Re: The time has come
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2008, 04:03:21 am »
I am so sad with you but you have done such an awesome job!  These little guys have had the best start possible because of  you.  Now I will take Tug from you to help you out !!

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Re: The time has come
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2008, 07:37:27 am »
Aww Paige!  I'm sad with you, but I'm also thrilled for you.  You've done such a great thing for these puppies.  You've given them life, where if it weren't for you, they would never have been able to smell the fresh air, or feel the joy of snuggling with each other and their mom.  If it weren't for you, they would never have had the chance to go to these wonderful forever homes that you have found them, and never know the love of a family.  You'll pull through this with the knowledge that you've given them a chance to live.  For that, you are an angel.

If it were just me in my own house I wish I could take one of the remaining babies, but my family has repeatedly said no (even after seeing their pictures!  I know, I don't know how either!).  But I know that the families you do find for them will be wonderful, and hopefully they will join BPO so we can continue to watch your babies grow. 

Please give them a kiss on each of their little noses for me, and a big hug for you! :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
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Re: The time has come
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2008, 05:32:48 pm »
I have missed the story on these pups? did you rescue them?

I can relate to what you are going through and your pain :'(
I rescued 3 pyr pups at 10 days old,bottle fed them,watched them open there eyes(literally)watched them take there first steps,we had 2 of them on antibotics and fluid injections for the first few days,it was touch and go,I rubbed there stomaches with warm clothes to get them to potty...all just like momma dog, if not more.The time came that i had to let 2 of them go,it was hard,I cried,changed my mind 2 or three times saying i was just going to keep them but in reality I new that I just did not have the room...I bathed them one last time,groomed them and watched them go to there new homes,I felt like I had lost a couple of my children..I did..the 4 legged kind.Lucikly one went to a family member and the other a friend so I get updates weekly on there weight and vet visits,That helps make it easier.Bear is the one I kept so he is extremely special to me and even more so now with the others gone,I am like a Momma Bear over him.

So I can relate to your pain,Hubby comforted me in saying over and over that I gave them a chance at new life,a life they wouldnt have had,they would have died,I saved them and brought them up to happy,healthy feel good in that.

I do not know your story on your pups,but I can say.. feel at ease that you have gotten them this far,watched over them so carefully and now time to make a life in there forever homes.The updates will make you feel good abotu what you have done..and then you can say..a job well done.
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