Author Topic: CABEZA IS DRIVING ME NUTS!  (Read 2573 times)


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« on: March 06, 2008, 09:03:27 am »

So, we've been staying at my mom's all week because Mark has been refinishing the wood floors upstairs in our house. My mom has a 2 bedroom condo. Well, there is a full guest suite downstairs with its own bathroom and everything, a full-sized futon, big screen TV...

Mark and I have been sleeping in the guest room upstairs. BUT, Molly has REFUSED to sleep downstairs cuz she's "afraid". OMFG. Anyway, so, she has been sleeping on a ginormous air mattress upstairs in the middle of the not-so-big living room. OF course, every day she just leaves it fully inflated, so I have to deflate and put it away so it doesn't take up the room the whole day.

Anyway, so Cabeza has just paced and whined for like, a solid week. Its been so hectic. I've been all enormous and haven't felt much like walking, Mark has been totally wiped out by the time he gets here after working all day and then sanding/staining/finishing our floors. So, Cabeza hasn't gotten his evening walks.

He is driving me UP THE WALL. He'll be laying on the floor, and then as soon as anyone even breathes, let alone gets up or walks to the bathroom or something, he JUMPS up, scraping his back nails across my mom's hardwood floors and RUNS to the door crying and panting and pacing and generally being really anxious.

I WANT TO BE AT HOME NOW! I'm sure the floors are going to be gorgeous, but GOSH DANG IT! GET ME HOME!

Offline People Whisperer

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« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2008, 09:36:52 am »
I really hope Mark finishes your gorgeous hardwood floors VERY SOON!!!
Nicole, why can't your daughter take Cabeza for a walk?
Or you can hire a dog walker for an hour and it will be soooooo worth it! You can't stress your little one out before he is even born :-* :-* :-*
"To once own a Great Pyrenees is to love and want one always."
Mary W. Crane

I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it :)

Offline amberdoggoneit

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« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2008, 10:41:40 am »
O I am so sorry :-* but I am right there with ya.  I havent been feeling really well the last couple of days and exams are coming up.  
So I have been studying and sleeping.  Well for the last couple of days I have been in the bedroom trying to get over whatever it is that I have.  
Hubby had to go out of town this morning for three days.  Well I get up and the dogs are going crazy.  Spinning in circles whining. I ask hubby if he had walked them latley.  HE said o I thought we were taking a break from walking them while you were sick.  
So now he is out of town and I have two dogs desperatley wanting to walk.  
I am there with you!
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker" border="0
Bell 3 1/2 yr old Weimeraner
Baxter 3 yr old English Springer Spaniel
Buble 10 month old English Springer Spaniel


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« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2008, 11:08:51 am »
Thanks for the support, ladies.

Oh yes. Before I even posted this, I called Molly and told her that she WILL be walking Cabeza this afternoon and WILL NOT be going to her friend's house after school like she usually does.

She's usually really helpful with dinner and cleaning and stuff. Its just been hectic for all of us because we've been staying at my mom's. I get there right after work, but Mark and Molly have been getting there late, after they work on the floors.

I'll show you guys pictures. Molly actually worked her hind end off doing the floors with Mark. She ran the belt sander, applied the stain, and cleaned up saw dust. She worked every bit as hard as him. So, when they get to my mom's at like, 8-9pm, they're both EXHAUSTED, too.

Its just been hard on all of us, and this weekend back home will be sort of a welcome relief. However, now we've got to paint and then get all of our furniture back in our rooms. *Sigh* Its like it never ends!

Stella...I was thinking about playing out that fantasty tonight. Molly is going to visit her dad for the weekend, and my mom is out of town. My dad really wants us to stay and hang out with him, but I'm thinking a nice hotel, just Mark and I, and leaving Cabeza with Mark's mom and dad. Thanks for the reminder!


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« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2008, 02:20:07 pm »
the little man needs to go out and cruise the hood man.  he has love to share and ladies to smooze.


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« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2008, 07:25:45 am »
Ok. So its 5 am. I suppose you all know what that means...

Yes. My stress level is at an all-time high.

Molly took Cabeza for a walk after school yesterday. Except, instead of taking him down to the awesome lake we live on, and walking him around our nice, quiet, pretty neighborhood, she took him down the nastiest, busiest street in town and to the public library. Its a very long walk to the library, especially when its 20 degrees out, and you are only wearing little canvas shoes, cotton ankle socks, no gloves, no hat, no scarf. (Middle schoolers are WAY TOO COOL for these items, by the way)

So, she calls me from the library.

"Can you have Mark pick me up? I'm at the library.Its too cold to walk home!"

"Why? I thought you were taking Cabeza for a walk?"

"I did. I walked him to the library."

UUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUGH. And of course, she is calling me from some strange boy's cellphone.

Ok. So, then I pick her up. Cabeza has some sort of nasty, oily dead fish smelling substance all over his underside, his feet, his legs, his fur pants. I suppose its just road nastyness since Molly walked him down the busy road with no sidewalks.


She pitches a fit about washing him, Mark yells at her. I'm crying at this point.

We drop her off at her dad's and then take Cabeza to his parents. At that point, I'm still hoping for an awesome date. His parents have the flu, and we sit there and talk to them for 3 hours. Literally. At 9 pm, we still haven't even had dinner,let alone, you know...a date.

So, we go eat. At 10:30, we're both absolutely exhausted and decide to just bite the bullet and sleep at my parents. My mom is out of town.

When we pull up, my dad is leaving. Strange. I had to pee, so I ran into the house. Mark went and talked to him. He told me that my dad was LOADED. fspockened. Great.

So, my dad left. Much to my chagrin. I've been up all night worrying. He came home at 3:30, and then left again. He almost drove through the gate on his way out. I can't sleep. He left his phone here. I've already called the police, they don't have him. I don't know where the h*ll he could be.

Oh, and even when I WAS sleeping, Mark pulled the covers off of me about every 10 minutes. When I would try and pull some back on, (as opposed to laying there shivering) he would wake up and yell at me.

I feel like total crap right now. I haven't slept a wink.

But, at least Cabeza isn't running around whining and pacing. That's good, right?


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« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2008, 10:07:05 pm »
Ok...its almost getting laughable now. I mean...laughin g like a mad man kind of laughing.

So, we get up today...well, I was already up. Mark gets up. We go have breakfast and then clean up my mom's. We washed all the sheets, cleaned the guest bathroom, etc. We're all set to go home and get our furniture back in order and sleep in our own bed with our own blankets.

We get to the house. We go upstairs to see the finished product. You guys aren't going to believe this...

Ok. So we chose a semi-gloss polyurethane for the sealer on the floors. Its almost a matte, very very low gloss. On Thursday, I had gotten a new can of the stuff cuz Mark ran out. (That was the last coat) He used it on the last coat of the baby's room and half of our room. We go up there, and the baby's room is like, SUPER shiny, and the half of our room that used the new can is ALSO gleaming its @ss off!!!

Can you believe it?! So, MOlly's room, the hall and half of our bedroom is a nice, flat matte sheen. The baby's room is shining like a freaking diamond. It looks ridiculous. There is no explanation for it. Its the same product, same company, its even the same batch number!!!!

So, now I'm BACK AT MY F-ING MOM's and Mark is re-sanding and applying a new coat of finish.

I'm going to flip.

The one cool thing though is this. I found a really really sweet Pottery Barn armoire on craigslist for $400. Its $1300 on the Pottery Barn website!!! So, I'm getting it tomorrow. I'm stoked.

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« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2008, 10:16:43 pm »
OMG!!! That's horrible :'( :'( :'(
We had almost the same thing happened last year. We spent 3 days painting one room and ran out of paint. I went to Home Depot and bought another bucket. After we finished we realized that the color is NOT the same. We had to repaint the whole room. SUXES!!!
I am sending you TONS of good vibes and and hugs! Hang in there girl  :-* :-* :-*
"To once own a Great Pyrenees is to love and want one always."
Mary W. Crane

I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it :)

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« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2008, 10:18:23 pm »
Oh man. :-\ I bet you can't wait for it to all get done. It'll be over soon.  ;)
Milwaukee, Wi

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« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2008, 10:19:18 pm »
awwww, thanks Olesya. I would freak out if that happened. Its just so stressful, and I just keep thinking how there is less than two months left until baby, and we have to finish the floor, and then paint, and I have to re-finish a dresser and UUUUUUUUUUUUGH!