Author Topic: Hard bumps on my puppy's lips -- Pavavirus? Cancer?  (Read 7662 times)

Offline Razor1973

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Hard bumps on my puppy's lips -- Pavavirus? Cancer?
« on: March 13, 2008, 09:56:58 pm »
My 8 month-old female boxer mutt just developed these hard warts on her lips.  These photos show is what they look like and they feel very hard, but don't seem to hurt her when I squeeze them.

Photo 1 - Photo 2 - Photo 3

I have been reading online and these are most likely caused by pavavirus (benign, common in younger dogs and goes away by itself in a few weeks), although there's also a slight possibility of cancer.  I still wanted to ask any expert that may know what this could be with more certainty.

Thank you in advance.

Offline Apreston

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Re: Hard bumps on my puppy's lips -- Pavavirus? Cancer?
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2008, 06:36:38 pm »
Yup to the switching to stainless steel feeding and watering bowels. I have heard that a lot from several different people. Welcome! :)

Offline Razor1973

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Re: Hard bumps on my puppy's lips -- Pavavirus? Cancer?
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2008, 11:53:43 pm »
First of all, thank you all for your welcome and for your very informative responses.  I did take Xica to the vet (she had an appointment on Saturday to have her last booster shot... parvovirus, I think), so the timing was perfect to have the vet look at her bumps.

I mentioned acne and she said that could be it at first, but then took a second look and said she thought it was folliculitis, which is also not serious, thank God.  She said she could prescribe an antibiotic, but she wanted to hold off on that and see if things got better with twice daily cleanings with soapy water or diluted peroxcide and then an application of hydrocortizone or Neosporin.  I started this "treatment" yesterday, so I will come back and report later once I see the results.

It's funny that you should mention about her bowls, because the doctor asked me too.  She said not to use plastic and, although she recommended stainless steel, she said ceramic (the ones I'm using) should be fine.  I will take gr8dame's advise and clean it thoroughly every day.

gr8dame, I found the story of your dane and the peroxcide bottle quite funny and, since you wanted to see a more flattering photo of Xica, there she is in my profile photo as a 2 month-old puppy, sitting on the window, freaked out by of the camera.  The ones below are more recent ones.  ;D

Once again, thanks a lot!  ;)

Offline goldensaint25

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Re: Hard bumps on my puppy's lips -- Pavavirus? Cancer?
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2008, 03:12:12 pm »
A dog I took care of for awhile that was a rescue she was a bulldog/boxer mix had these all the way until she was adopted at 3. I would pop them and then would clean them out with peroxide. It was a case of acne the vet told us.

Offline cloeandme

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Re: Hard bumps on my puppy's lips -- Pavavirus? Cancer?
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2008, 11:53:59 pm »
My 10 month old Dane has those same exact spots under her chin!! Bless her heart!! I'm happy to know it's not anything to worry about! Thanks!!!