Author Topic: Sorry- needed a place to vent outloud :(  (Read 5300 times)

Offline Care2Adopt

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Sorry- needed a place to vent outloud :(
« on: April 21, 2008, 06:02:33 pm »
Warning- this is long.

Today's been a really cruddy day and honestly, I didn't know where else to go to vent about it, so you all get stuck reading it  :'(

OK, very very long story short-- I started 'dating' James back when I was 12 years old. We stuck together all the way through high school, got married, settled down and bought a house, you know, all the "all american high school sweetheart" stuff. One boyfriend my whole life. James was in the army, went to Iraq, was gone two years. Those two years were the worst two years of my life. Not only because he was gone and I was still newly seperated from my parents and now alone in a strange place with not many friends, but because I had just gotten diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and I made the decision not to tell anyone because I didn't want James to find out and be worried. (Silly me, huh?) So, I went through the removal of my ovary, therapy and chemo all by myself. All in all, a very stressful time. James did find out about the cancer though, because I was hospitalized the night he came home from Iraq and ended up there for two months. The first night he was there with me and never left my side... then I never saw him again the rest of the time I was there. He never came back in to visit me. I had pretty much screwed up our lives being sick and not asking for help- bills unpaid, house falling apart, no job, I had eaten into our savings so that he wouldn't see that I didn't have a job because of the cancer. Those things were my fault- I should have told him instead of letting him come home to discover it all in one blow. At the time my excuse was, he has too much to think about just trying to stay alive over there, and I'm not going to add to his plate. This was back in the first wave of the attacks.

So anyway... we made it another two years but things never fell back into place. He was a different person, colder, more distant, and he had the army mentality that illness/injury was a sign of weakness or personality flaw. He hated seeing me sick and he let me know every day. I was also concentrating on myself, something that he just couldn't understand. I should be taking care of him, not the other way around. Finally he got very emotionally and verbally abusive (including one fight where I had to call the police on him because he seriously threatned to kill my macaw and chop her into bits and i thought him mad enough to do it), and also destructive to property-- he kicked down the bedroom door when I locked him out, and I don't mean one kick, I suppose the better term would be he beat a heavy solid frame door down with his fists and feet until his hands bled, while I cowered on the other side. I asked him to move out the next day and ordered a seperation.

We were seperated for two years- I tried everything to get him into counsiling because I felt like he had PTS. He would go, see the counslor one time, and then as soon as they told him he had severe anger issues and needed to be in solo counsiling, not marriage counsiling, he would back out. We must have gone to 20 counsolers. The seperation just sort of lingered. He was dating the entire time (I heard he had his first date a week after he moved out) and I stayed single and wore my ring for the first year. I finally started dating someone (the guy I am still dating now) but I guess there was still a lot of loyalty and love left for James because I always had it in the back of my head that we could fix this.

January he called me out of the blue and said he was filing for divorce and we needed to settle terms. All of a sudden, he is agreeing to everything that I had asked for back when we first tried to sign papers, and he's not putting up any fight. I knew him, and I knew he wouldn't give in if it wasn't something big so I asked him why he was so desperate for the papers to be signed. He wouldn't tell me, and I remember getting off the phone and saying to my friend "I bet he's getting married". But I didn't really mean it- I knew he and his girlfriend had only been together about a month, and James was enjoying the single players life of a different girl a week, why should he settle back down?

I found out- she's pregnant. (I can't have kids. Cancer and all.) He just married her today and she is 4 months pregnant. He proposed to her before I even signed the papers, and WAY before the divorce was actually finalized. Months before.

Is it wrong for me to be completely and utterly blown away by this? And I mean bad, the last month or so its pretty much all I can think about, except for animal rescue (Some of you wonder why I do so much, that's why, it takes up all my time and thought and I don't think about this stuff). Reading the synopsis of this he comes across as a terrible person, but I knew at the time all of this was going on that he probably had PTS and that it wasn't the real him. Now he's happy and doing everything for this new family, and I can't help thinking why couldn't he for me? The last couple of months we had been really civil to each other and had even gone out for a cup of coffee and to catch up a couple of times, but as soon as he found out he was expecting he turned into a friggin jerk again and became cold, manipulative, abusive and selfish again- IE trying to back out on agreed to terms from the divorce which would leave me totally screwed, being really nasty to me, etc.

so is it wrong for me to feel totally and utterly betrayed and heartbroken over this? I really can't talk to my family and friends about it, I just get scolded that it's over and I should be letting go and moving on, but I can't- I was with him my entire life, and I worked so hard to fix things that I just can't seem to believe I failed.

ok.. *SIGH* im done. I just didn't know where else to go, and I love you all  :'(

Shawn and her
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Offline Guardian Angel's White lightning

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Re: Sorry- needed a place to vent outloud :(
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2008, 08:51:00 pm »
i am all to aware of the "familiy scolding" mine have done it too mant times.  Sometimes people just don't understand the whole story, if i were you that would bug me beyond belief, it probaly would even make me sick.  I agree with you in the fact of not being able to just let it go..emptions are not a light switch, females especially can not just turn them on and off....we are like a computer mother board where we analyze everything until it is dead beyond dead, time will help, but it is something that will always be on the tip of your tongue (well at least some of mine)  I wish you the best of luck dealing with this horrible situation, and i am sorry that you have to go through this with all of the wonderful things that you do.  If only men could be true dogs, and be as d also..... you have all the rights, even more than i, to care for yourself.  You are #1 everyone else comes later, especially when it involves your health

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Re: Sorry- needed a place to vent outloud :(
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2008, 09:31:06 pm »
Divorce is like dealing with death. You must allow yourself to grieve, and that includes the anger we feel when dealing with death. Your feelings are valid, now just give yourself permission to work through them.

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Re: Sorry- needed a place to vent outloud :(
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2008, 09:37:33 pm »
No one should ever be scolded for their feelings. Feelings are the only thing in life that are truely ones own.
As someone who is married to her "high school sweetheart" I know how hard it is to find your own self. All you have known is "you and he" throughout your adult life. Thats something that is hard to rebuild from but I have faith that you will find a way.

Now he's happy and doing everything for this new family, and I can't help thinking why couldn't he for me?

Do not beleive for one second that he will remain "happy" and non abusive to the new woman. Thier relationship is still young and as time goes by his unhappiness with himself will return and she will take the blunt of it.

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Re: Sorry- needed a place to vent outloud :(
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2008, 09:53:06 pm »
I think you are remembering the good, old times you had in  high school and right after - that is natural - our mind want us to be happy.  What you have to remember is the awful feeling you had when he was on the other side of that door how scared you felt, that isn't how you want to live your life.  Also, the awful things he said.

I truly hope he has gotten help and he will be better with his new family but I doubt it.

It is a death..of a relationship.

Also, how many of us can honestly say that we haven't fantasized about our lives with an old boyfriend -

I also don't think you should be scolded but remember - YOU ARE BETTER OFF NOW!!!  I doubt you would be doing the rescue that you are if you were still with this person, you would be afraid of what he would do to the rescues.

As hard as it will be it is time (past time) to move on - you are so much more and better than he could have given you!  Remember you are #1


Offline Guardian Angel's White lightning

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Re: Sorry- needed a place to vent outloud :(
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2008, 09:59:11 pm »
i am going to speak for everyone here....

we love you, we care about your good times and bad,  you are a wonderful person and you have saved so many other lives.  We all care about you and eachother, and that is the best thing about BPO.  We are a huge family here, at least that is what i feel.  I feel that we all know eachother, no matter if we never meet. And if we do meet, it will be friends that we have known for years! 
Get mad as my parents told me, get mad and get angry. You are the one who should be mad at him. It will help you forget him. Each day it will get a little easier!!!

Offline Apreston

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Re: Sorry- needed a place to vent outloud :(
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2008, 10:45:19 pm »
I would get's ok to get mad! Your feelings are your feelings and I believe sad, mad, happy whatever it might be your have every right to have whatever emotions you want!
Honestly... you have to give yourself some credit, a whole lot of credit... you speak as if your cancer was nothing... your went through a MAJOR change in your life and if you could not have the very one person stand by your side that should be standing there; I think that speak volumes on the individual as a whole!
I think you are marvoulous! You do soooo much for animals and people your truly have a great gift. You should recongnize that...for once pat yourself on the back it ok to praise yourself! I think it adds to your self confidence... I look in the mirror every day and say I am wonderful!  :D
Moving forward with your new relationship and the resuce will only make you a better person and help you heal in the long run... it will take is not easy but you can do have proven yourself how strong you are so many times here...and I have been here for only a short while.
Positive thoughts and surrounding yourself with GOOD people will make your life great and this transition easier. Because at the end of the day it's just you and the ones you love!

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Re: Sorry- needed a place to vent outloud :(
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2008, 12:11:51 am »
Wow! i agree with EVERYONE, and can't add any original thoughts. You do sooooo much for the animals and apparently soooo much for your ex. When do you do things for you? I hope your current b.f. sees your beauty, inside and out, and that he puts you on a pedestal so high you can never get down. Let go of the ex. There may have been loads of good times, but sadly, it sounds like the war changed him A LOT. He's not who he was when you met him and fell in love with him. He's tragically broken, a victim of the horrible war, and without help, he's poison to you. I feel very sorry for his bride and baby. They are probably in for some very rough times.
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Re: Sorry- needed a place to vent outloud :(
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2008, 12:19:14 am »
You totally have a right to feel the way you do. He was your first love. But I don't think he has changed at all, they are still in the honeymoon phase, his true colors will come out. And to get married because she is pregnant, in my opinion its not a good reason; it puts way too much pressure on the marriage. Yes for some it works out, but they are far and few between.

I am happy that you are not with him, who knows his viloence may have turned to you or your beloved pets. I don't want to think what might have happend if you had stayed.  Edit to add: I hope I am not being to bold by saying this.

« Last Edit: April 22, 2008, 12:19:49 am by Nina »
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Re: Sorry- needed a place to vent outloud :(
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2008, 01:10:44 am »
i'm of the opinion that things happen for a reason. im sorry you are hurting now, but this maybe the final nail in the coffin for you to finally get over him and out of your life forever.

I dont believe anyone can tell anyone else what they should be feeling.

From what i have seen on this website you seem to be one of the most caring, and lovely people that I have ever known.

I hope your current guy appreciates you as much (and more ;)) as we all do on here!

Offline Care2Adopt

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Re: Sorry- needed a place to vent outloud :(
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2008, 02:14:32 am »
Thank you all guys... words fail me, but I am sitting here at work crying, I really appreciate the kind words and help. It's so comforting to know there are people I CAN talk to and who don't think it wrong of me to be "harping" (to use my sisters term) on a dead relationship. I really appreciate it all- you all gave great advice. I love you all! (group hug!)

Shawn and her
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Re: Sorry- needed a place to vent outloud :(
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2008, 02:25:54 am »
 :-* :-* :-* and a big lick from the gang.....

Offline navarre1316

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Re: Sorry- needed a place to vent outloud :(
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2008, 02:35:02 am »
From one harper to another....HAR P AWAY!!!!  I pretty much ditto everything that has been said already.  He was a part of a huge chunk of your life (up till now) and it's natural to feel like you've been hit by a mach truck when you get news like this.  I think the best thing to do is take a deep breath, say a little prayer, wish him well, and continue to grow in the life you have now.   :-*
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Re: Sorry- needed a place to vent outloud :(
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2008, 11:22:07 am »
Oh my gosh! "Harping" is so not the appropriate word! Huge chunk of you life through life changing illness and WAR - no good closure, jeez I could go on and on. You have to process this stuff however you can so that you can move on. You're totally right to let yourself feel the feelings. Hopefully your boyfriend is being kind and supportive? Or does he not know how upset you are? Hang in there...If you believe that everything happens for a reason, maybe there is comfort there.  :-*
mom of 4 humans AND
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Kai - Aussie/Dobie
Kenji - big ol' black cat
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Re: Sorry- needed a place to vent outloud :(
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2008, 08:09:03 pm »
Girl! You and I need to go out and have margaritas together!! I can so relate to how you are feeling.

I just got divorced in January after being married for 11 years to a great person, but a lousy husband.

And, I am with a wonderful guy now, but I can't stop worrying about Johann and hoping he gets his life together. Your feelings, while maybe not healthy, are NOT unusual.

It's good that you're talking about them and you realize that your focus should be elsewhere, even though it's difficult to do - that's a good first step.

Be grateful for all that you DO have - not what you don't. And try not to feel guilty for the past. You don't have anything to feel guilty about. You can't change the past.

Everyone is right. Would you be happier if you were still with him? NO. you would be ignoring your well-being to focus on his, and that's just not fair (take it from someone who has been there).

Keep harping, venting, crying, b*tching and moaning here or im me and I'll send you my phone # so we can chat.
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