Author Topic: You might think I'm nuts....  (Read 1597 times)

Offline Butts Mom

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You might think I'm nuts....
« on: May 14, 2008, 11:47:10 pm »
and would probably be right ;)As many of you know Butt has had some issues with agression towards visitors at our house and also a limp that the Vet couldn't find a reason for.I'm a free thinker and I will try anything to help my babies,so I thought I would share our experience with you.I contacted an animal communicator to talk with Butt to see if that would give me some insight into his attitude and limping.And to also have her give him some distance Reiki sessions to see if they helped with his limp.Here's the transcript from his reading:

Hi Butt, I am an animal communicator.. your Mom, Michelle asked me to speak with you today..May I? "It would be quite alright with me..certainly (actually a very, very dignified voice I am hearing)" "I am here to protect..prote ct Mom and the home.."

I am happy to hear know Mom loves you dearly.. Are you happy with her? Anything she can do to make you happier dear? "I am as happy as a dog can be.." Do you like Tub..."Why yes!!" (sounding surprised)..
So, you enjoy Tub's company? '"Oh, Tub needs know before I came here..I did not know the company of another dog like this."

What do you mean? "I did not enjoy the company of another dog as much as Tub's" Oh, that's nice.. would you like to talk about your previous homes?

"What would you like to know?" What were they like? (the first home I see him in, I see a tall Latino looking man..young, very young..standin g over him)..Did you like your first home? "Was too young to know anything different..was very young there.." How old were you when you left there, with the young man? "Oh, was only there a few months..was still a puppy..he said I got way too big, too fast for his place.." "Sent me to live with his uncle." (I see an older man, with a cigar or cigarette in his mouth..a little belly..grey hair..looks to be around 60 yrs old..retired.. I see Butt sitting on a concrete patio watching him watering some plants..older house..high bushes in front yard..stucco house..detache d garage on side of patio..looks like a warm climate to me.. California comes to mind..) What happened in that home? "Oh, I was too much work for the old guy..then I went to live with a lady..she and a man (boyfriend)." What happened there? "I was there for a couple of years.. then the man it was me and the lady...she got a new man..then I had to go." Where did you go? "Rescue..that's all I know.." Then what? "Was with a family, they had a horse, and a couple of other dogs like myself..there a while..then came here." So, you are about 4 or 5 years old? "That sounds correct..." You were with the foster people for one year, elderly man one year and young man a few months.."Yes.." Okay..Mom wanted to know your age.. so that is it, she is right..

You had 4 homes before Mom.. 1 being rescue/foster care? "Yes"..

How about your leg? Does it hurt you? (I am sensing it is his left side..that the limp is on).. "Does not hurt, gets stiff.." Oh, like you have to shake it to get going..that way? "Yes.." (I am sensing that it has to do with an injury, but the injury was so minor. Not registering on any x-rays or such.. I am feeling that the bone density can be increased just enough with suppliments.. I can actually see that a "fusing" will occur if he gets on the right suppliments..b one will be more condensed.) So, there is no pain, just stiffness. "Yes." Do you remember when you got hurt.. "Was when in foster home..running and playing, running and playing..left leg..slid into something trying to stop.." "I actually did that samething a few times.." So, no break or anything..just a constant strain on that leg several times in a row? "Yes, then it felt weak for a while after that.. then it did not..".

Anything you'd like to say to Mom? "I love you very much and I am here to protect you..happiest with you.." Can she do anything to make you happier? "No, not to take long walks with her and things together like that.." How do you like all the others you live with?
"Oh, they're fun! I hear them all day..they say this, they say that..funny guys...chatter, chatter..makes the day go by.." What does Tub think? "Samething, we laugh..we look at each other and think they are funny little creatures.." But, you like them.. "Oh, sure..I enjoy them, so does Tub.."

Mom says that there are some people you do not like.. can you tell me why? "Well, I told you I am here to protect Mom and if I get a bad feeling (energy) from someone, I tell them to stay away from my Mom and Tub." Oh, so it is their energy.. if they have bad energy, then you don't like them.
"Naturally, isn't that the way it is..bad energy, bad feeling.. go away..leave us
alone." My you are a strong and protective boy..I can see why Mom loves you so much.. "Thank you."

Well, you know some people do not mean Mom or you any harm. They may have bad energy, but will not hurt either of you must be careful and not behave badly towards all with bad energy. "Never thought about that..have to protect careful.." Yes, but just like some people are loud, but will not hurt you..these people many are like that.. only show aggression if the person is going to do something to you, Tub or Mom.. if they have bad energy.. does not mean they will hurt you.. "Oh, true.. did not think of that.." That way, you save your energy and Mom's and do not annoy people who have no intention of hurting you.. "Oh, yes.."

Did you have bad experiences with people in other homes.. being mean, aggressive? "Well, when living with elderly man..the neighborhood was not, I was always on my toes." Oh, were you the only dog with him.. 'Naww. He had an older black dog..very sleepy guy..okay though..I had the energy there..old man was not used to my, I went to a place where I could run and play.." Yes, were you had that small injury.. "yes"..

Well Dear, did you like the Reiki I sent you last night? "OH, yes..felt nice and tingly, made me sleepy.." I am going to send you more tonight and tomorrow night as I want to help heal that small injury that the vets cannot find on x-rays..Okay Dear? " it, you have nice energies..calm ing, healing, soothing..".

Well, I want you to be nice to people that come in your home for Mom. Now, if there is a threat of danger, Mom will send you energies saying that she needs your help.. to stop these people. Would you be able to pick up on her thoughts and energy in that case? "Of course, I hear you and feel your energies." Okay, so we agree you will only get upset with people when Mom tells you - sends you images that they are bad to stop them..and only when she sends these commands to you. "Okay, that makes sense."

Okay, well Dear.. I will go now..anything else to tell Mom? "Mom, don't worry so much..everythi ng is need to not worry so much...things are good here for all of us..".

Great! She will be happy to hear that.. Well, Dear Butt..Goodbye for now.."Okay, nice lady..Goodbye."

Michelle, Butt, Tub and Everybirdie

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Re: You might think I'm nuts....
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2008, 06:02:43 am »
I am totally fascinated! My mom had an animal communicator talk to her dog before to find out about her age, history, etc. at a dog camp she went to.  I'd love to hear what Jenny and Tipper would "say."

Tipper (8 1/2 yrs) Golden Retriever/Sheltie mix
Jenny (4 yrs) Great Pyrenees
Gabriel (14 yrs) Sealpoint Himalayan cat
Melanie (11 yrs) Domestic medium hair cat

"You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us."
~Robert Lewis Steven

Offline Apreston

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Re: You might think I'm nuts....
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2008, 02:19:11 pm »
I have goosebumps also...great experiance!
WOW that's about all I can say!