Author Topic: First time Pyr owner  (Read 15083 times)

Offline chantaje

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First time Pyr owner
« on: April 06, 2005, 02:51:26 pm »
I just adopted a 3 year Pyr from a rescue program.  He is a great dog.  I've always had Goldens before so this is a new experience for me.  We are having huge seperation anxiety issues.  I was taking him to work with me but I had to stop because everytime I left the office he would throw himself at the door and was leaving huge claw marks in it.  He does this when ever my roommate or i leave th house as well.  Obedience training was suppose to start last night but was postponed for 2 weeks.  Any ideas that can save my sanity until then?  I'd love to be able to bring him back to the office.

Offline eleni

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Re: First time Pyr owner
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2005, 03:17:51 pm »
Oh my, you do have a problem.  I would suggest crate training ASAP.  A crate becomes their den, a place of safety and security, NEVER PUNISHMENT.  Once trained, a second crate could be at the office and the Pyr placed in when you step out and immediately released when you return.  Crate training takes time, a few minutes to start, gradually increasing the time including night time sleep.

Of course the obedience training will teach down and stay.........H OWEVER........ Pyrs are terrible at obedience.  It is their nature.  They were bred to think and act independently of their owners as they guard the flocks.  This same independence carries over to training.  I know of only one Pyr who has excelled at obedience..... ...I hope your's is the second.  These are not Border Collies who can repeat the same exercise over and over.  Try that and they walk away, "I did it once, what more do you want??"

I don't have any suggestings for immediate.  There are some anexiety stuff on the market:  Bach's Rescue Remedy is sold at health food and natural foods store.  A few drops in the mouth might help lower the anexiety.  Also PetsMart sells DAP, it's a pheromone that calms the dogs.  They are just selling the plug in to wall socket dispenser and refills.  Maybe just the refill and a few drops on a scarf around the neck might help.


Offline tanimara

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Re: First time Pyr owner
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2005, 03:20:10 pm »
This is a very delicate issue.  Seperation anxiety can be caused by many things.  One of which is a dog that is unsure of his surroundings.  It's difficult to evaluate your situation without knowing you and without knowing your dog.  I can tell you this.  I do know Pyrs, I have raised and bred them for 18 years now.  I would suggest that you not only have this dog evaluated by a professional but by a professional that knows Pyrs and that may not be easy to find.

The Great Pyrenees is a very intelligent working dog.  His seperation anxiety may be something as simple as being bored.  He is a working dog and has been bred to be one for thousands of years.  Now we expect him to sit in a house with nothing to do.  If I can be of help to you on this issue I will.  Please feel free to write me at and give me some more detail on your dog and your situation with him.

Guess what I am doing this weekend?  I'm re-doing a door that was scratched up by a Pyr with seperation

Jackie Wood
Owner/Breeder Tanimara Great Pyrenees

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Offline patrick

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Re: First time Pyr owner
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2005, 04:06:09 pm »
I wouldn't hesitate to use Benadryl as a mild tranquilizer until he becomes more secure in his new home.  I would give it to him about 45 minutes prior to leaving and I also would give him something irresistible like a big soup bone to help distract him.  Your vet can also prescribe medication to ease him over the hump. There is lots of info out on the web for this problem as well.

Offline miazoe

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Re: First time Pyr owner
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2005, 02:44:10 pm »
Hi - i can relate to separation anxiety.  We found our Pyrenees when she was 7 months old.  She had been left in the woods for who knows how long.  The park ranger found another pup her age about a mile up the road from where we found her.  We had her checked out and decided to keep her.  But she had issues.  Any time we left we came home to destroyed pillows, magazines, etc.  While each time she did get punished, we recognized the need to do something positive.  We tried many things:

 - Upon advice from a friend, we started giving her treats when we left so that our departure was associated with a positive experience.  And we picked treats that would keep her busy for a while like a rawhide, greenie, or peanut butter stuffed kong. We also left out "sacrificial" magazines and things that we didn't mind getting chewed on.  Of course, we hid all pillows and things of value.

 - Scat mats - we put these little mats on anything that we didn't want her on.  If she jumped on the couch, for example, it gave her a little shock.  This worked really well.  We had a formal living room that was closed off via baby gates but she kept knocking them down.  We put the scat mat in front of the gate and voila!  no more dog in the living room.

Now she is 2 years old and occasionally we come home to a destroyed magazine, but that is only if we have been gone for 5+ hours.  We leave empty water bottles in her toy basket for her to chew on.  She loves them.

The only problem I have with her now is that she has become really aggressive while on leash.  She is fine at the dog park but has started really freaking out any time we pass other dogs on our daily walks.  My vet suggested a trainer, but like others have said here, these dogs have a mind of their own.  Any advice for me?

Hope that helps!

Offline ToddsMom

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Re: First time Pyr owner
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2005, 03:07:15 pm »
My dog does not handle my leaving very well, even if he is somewhere that he is very comfortable. For example, we often stay with my mom. He loves her and knows her apartment well, but when I leave him and go to the car or something, he lies by the door and whines.

I used to think he was a big wuss, but I have a new theory. I have often jokingly commented to people, when explaining that the pyr is a livestock guardian dog, that I am his sheep! I know of a pyr that was in Kelowna, BC, during the fires in the summer of 2003 who was evacuated with his owners and separated from his alpacas, and who died of a heart attack. He wasn't able to do his job and it was an enormous stress to him!

I think, with my boy, that that might be what is going on. He wants to take care of me, and when I go off, leaving him in an impossible position for doing his "job," he freaks out.

I don't know if this is any help whatsoever to you (or if there is any validity to it!!).

I second what others have said about the stubborn pyr nature, and I can tell you that once they get an idea into their head, there's little that can be done to change it, including drugs.

But that's another story....

Do find a pyr-friendly trainer. They are unique.

BTW, I found one of the best places to get expert advice on pyrs is at Pyr-L, which you can subscribe to at the following link:

I hope that it is okay to post that here. Admin can edit it out if not, but there are a lot of long-time breeders and owners on that listserv who really know their stuff. Good luck!!

Offline tanimara

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Re: First time Pyr owner
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2005, 03:24:50 pm »

I think your theory holds a lot of water.  I've seen them grieve themselves terribly over the loss of their wards.  I had a guardian rescue that was on the verge health-wise and when he was removed from his sheep, he didn't make it a week.  Just that addes stress did him in.

I also find that some pups that exhibit this trait often outgrow it.  My 14 mo old was pretty bad about it, and he is an alpha personality type.  But as he is starting to mature some emotionally, he is getting better about it.  Not cured mind you but improving...lo l

Jackie Wood
Owner/Breeder Tanimara Great Pyrenees

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Offline amajac

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Re: First time Pyr owner
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2005, 10:33:39 pm »
Many years ago I was given my Pry. Damion, because he was eating his owners cabinets, not just chewing on the edges, he had eaten the doors off the cabinets when she left him alone.  Luckily I lived on five acres, with an stream and an additional seven acres that he could use, and was able to let him live outside, getting him to come in the house involved two people, one pushing and one pulling.  He never seemed to mind being left, as long as he was outside, but HATED to be confined.  When he had a broken leg and I was told to confine him  he first paced up and down a flight of stairs in his cast and ate the curtains, I put him in a horse stall and he almost hung himself trying to jump over the stall door, at a hole in the barn door I tried to lock him up in.  When I gave up and let him go he walked five feet outside the door, laid down and didn't go anywhere for five weeks while his leg healed.  He just couldn't handle being confined.  The ONLY time he wanted to be in the house was when I worked third shift and he did not trust my then husband to babysit, he would come in when I left, lay across the end of my daughters bed and stay there until I came home and he figured he was no longer needed to care for his "flock"

Cheryl and her furkids, Saint Austin, Smokey the Cat, Mr. Spock, Warlock and Mouse.
Cheryl Hain


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Re: First time Pyr owner
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2005, 01:24:03 am »
Rufus also is friendly at the dog park and goes nuts when we pass other people on our walks.  Our vet said Pyrs think that the entire area where you walk is part of their territory so he is just protecting his domain.  He only goes nuts if it is a person without a dog.  Anyone with a dog is okay in his book.  Pyrs are very stubborn and determined dogs but a little love goes a long way.  Rufus will do anything for a kiss!


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Re: First time Pyr owner
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2005, 09:17:46 am »
I agree with the crate training...If you make it a positive experience by always praising & giving treats when they go in it becomes their safe place...Also, if you hide treats in the crate for them to find when they go in it becomes fun for them....I crate trained Samson & we are now phasing out the crate & leave the door open most of the time...He still goes in to sleep & just get away from it!


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Re: First time Pyr owner
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2005, 09:39:04 am »
Hi there,

The original post sounds soooooooooooo familiar!  I too, took my Pyr Thunder to work with my everyday and had to stop abruptly.  Thunder went thru a huge anxiety faze.  After joining a Pyr Group it was made very clear to me that PRYS DO BETTER IN PAIRS!!!  If you might  be following my posts about recently adopted Sasha the newfie, the reason I set out on an adoption quest was so Thunder had an appropriate playmate!  Although we are facing health issues with Sasha the great news is THunder and Sasha are soooooooooooo happy to have a best freind!!  They do everthing together!  They play all day together, nap together, EVEN eat together and at the end of the fun filled day they curl up and go to sleep together! :D  It has not taken away from our bonding with either of them, in fact, it has enhanced it, they love to put on a "show" for us!  We are having so much fun!  Thunder shows NO SIGNS of seperation anxiety at all!  I believe Pyrs should never be alone or cut off from the rest of it's flock.  Pyrs get VERY depressed if they can't be with their family or flock!  Pyrs are Livestock gaurdians the key word "live"  they need to be around living breathing creatures I don't think there is any substitute, this has been from my experience.  I highly recommend adopting another k-9 playmate it worked wonders for our family!  They are truely best k-9 freinds! I picture Thunder saying to Sasha, "YOU CLOMPLETE ME :-*"




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Re: First time Pyr owner
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2005, 09:42:23 am »
Oop sorry for the typo it should be; I picture Thunder saying  to Sasha, "YOU COMPLETE ME :-*"

Hi there,

The original post sounds soooooooooooo familiar!  I too, took my Pyr Thunder to work with my everyday and had to stop abruptly.  Thunder went thru a huge anxiety faze.  After joining a Pyr Group it was made very clear to me that PRYS DO BETTER IN PAIRS!!!  If you might  be following my posts about recently adopted Sasha the newfie, the reason I set out on an adoption quest was so Thunder had an appropriate playmate!  Although we are facing health issues with Sasha the great news is THunder and Sasha are soooooooooooo happy to have a best freind!!  They do everthing together!  They play all day together, nap together, EVEN eat together and at the end of the fun filled day they curl up and go to sleep together! :D  It has not taken away from our bonding with either of them, in fact, it has enhanced it, they love to put on a "show" for us!  We are having so much fun!  Thunder shows NO SIGNS of seperation anxiety at all!  I believe Pyrs should never be alone or cut off from the rest of it's flock.  Pyrs get VERY depressed if they can't be with their family or flock!  Pyrs are Livestock gaurdians the key word "live"  they need to be around living breathing creatures I don't think there is any substitute, this has been from my experience.  I highly recommend adopting another k-9 playmate it worked wonders for our family!  They are truely best k-9 freinds! I picture Thunder saying to Sasha, "YOU CLOMPLETE ME :-*"



Offline CalistogaPyr

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Re: First time Pyr owner
« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2005, 10:34:53 am »
Separation anxiety is pretty common in guard dogs...we are their flock!  Patricia McConnell (who wrote The Other End of the Leash) has some materials about separation anxiety that you can order on m.  Also, adjustment time is also important.  If your dog is a rescue, he's probably got some issues with attachment to begin with.  Just give him time to learn to trust his environment.  I also agree with the crate suggestion...t hat will give him an environment that is consistently safe for him.
Good luck!!
Jennifer & Bo
Napa Valley, CA
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Re: First time Pyr owner
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2005, 10:39:21 am »
I guess i got lucky with samson...we are able to leave him home alone for hours now & when we get home he just raises his head like "hey" & goes back to!