Author Topic: The nuts and bolts of Bosco care  (Read 4346 times)


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The nuts and bolts of Bosco care
« on: July 08, 2008, 09:04:31 pm »
I know all this stuff has to be here somewhere, but the search function and my computer are having communication issues, so I apologize in advance. This is really basic stuff and I've had dogs all my life, but never one over 100 pounds, and I don't want to break him.

Bosco is about 140 pounds, 20 months old. I feed Canidae. I've been giving him 5-6 cups of food in two feedings. Does that seem right?

I learned long ago that elevated feeders helped prevent bloat for large dogs, but now I'm hearing that they're implicated in increasing the risk of bloat. Can anyone give me more info about this? Do you use them?

And finally...Does anyone know a safe way to get drool off a MacBook screen?   ::) I don't have any special cleaner.

« Last Edit: July 08, 2008, 09:06:24 pm by Gentian »


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Re: The nuts and bolts of Bosco care
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2008, 09:23:41 pm »
well...I'm not sure about the feeding...Righ t now...Roscoe is eating 2x a day...about 3 cups each feeding...but he's 7 months...I'm not at the over 100lbs mark yet...But they do have elevated feeders and no one seems to like them... :/

BUT I do have experience with the drool on the screen...rubbi ng alcohol works, if you don't have any, just some warm water on a paper towel should work...good luck!

Offline Fumble

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Re: The nuts and bolts of Bosco care
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2008, 07:22:33 am »
Fumble gets about 2 1/2 cups each meal, twice a day... so that seems right with the food.  Typically you can tell when you  need to adjust.  Either based on weight or activity level. 

We use an elevated feeder.  Our breeder said it helps with digestion.  Plus, being so tall i can't imagine practially having to lay down to eat!  I even make sure that whenever he gets water to give it to him higher up.  Also, to prevent bloat (and i'm sure you know this) try to limit activity an hour prior to and after feeding.  Good luck! 

With the drool! no help there.  i've got drool everywhere, even on the keyboard of stacy's lap top.  They make computer wipes, you could try those! 
"My newfoundlands live my life as passionately as i live theirs"
"I slip the hater of what i've become.  they slip the halter of what they've been, and we live together, passionately, changed"
-Both from "in the company of newfies"


Offline Winslow 151

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Re: The nuts and bolts of Bosco care
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2008, 01:08:38 pm »

Winslow is 3 years old and 140 lbs, confirmed by the vet 2 weeks ago!! he gets 2 cups (Canidae ALS) twice a day with additional fish or chicken or oatmeal and grated cheese added, Lately he has been eating less (canidae changed formulas)but I think it is more of a temperature thing, I am eating less too, but he started eating less even on the old formula.

The vet thought his weight was perfect so you seem to be right on food but maybe a little high depending on what (kibble) you are feeding.

PS Hi Erin Great to see you and the Fumb's back on the boards!!
Happy Tails to All
Winslow's Dad


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Re: The nuts and bolts of Bosco care
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2008, 03:37:28 pm »
Thanks!  :)

It's hard for me to judge his weight because he's so much more solid than I'm used to. He doesn't have much of a waist, but since I rarely see Newfs shaved down, I'm not sure that's not just a normal thing. His energy level is good (when it's not 90 degrees) and he doesn't seem constantly hungry. Since he also gets some table scraps (healthy ones!), maybe I'll cut back to four cups total.

I did see that Canidae changed their formula, but I've been too busy to research it. My second choice is usually Chicken Soup. I guess I'll have do catch up on foods again.

Off to look for those computer wipes... ;)


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Re: The nuts and bolts of Bosco care
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2008, 07:26:06 pm »
I've been feeding my bubs about 5 cups a day. They are probably around 115 to 120 by this time. Syrus is very sporatic as to whether he finishes all his food. Sophie almost always licks her bowl clean. I've been messing with finding a good food for Sophie's apparent allergies and have started Taste of the Wild, Salmon. No grains and no beef or chicken protein.

The last two days neither of them finished their food. I'm guessing they don't like the Salmon. They also have a buffalo, venison version, but I think the buffalo would be too close to beef protein.

As for raised bowls, Syrus was too pooped to eat one day so put the bowl between his forelegs while he was lying down. Goofy dog finished it off as long as he didn't have to go through the effort to stand. I didn't want him to get in the habit of this, so I don't do it anymore. I've heard both pros and cons for raised bowls, so can't venture an opinion on that one.