Author Topic: Bernese Mountain dog joins the family, and I join this board!  (Read 4324 times)

Offline Berner_Mom

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  • My fur-kid, Tucker, at 16 months.
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I am glad to have found this website, its amazing!  My last dog was a border collie, he was our family pet.

Tucker is my 5 month old Bernses Mountain dog puppy, I have always wanted one, but my husband has been saying "No more pets" since I brought home our second kitten a couple years ago.

However, life happens, and my husband and I found ourselves in a really dark place May 2007, when we lost our first (and only so far) baby, our daughter McKenna.  She was stillborn on May 27, 2007 after suffering from a fetomaternal hemorrage.  I was induced and delivered her 2 two days after her due date.  She weighed 6 lbs, 15.7 oz and was absolutely perfect.  It was a textbook, problem free pregnancy, and McKenna was strong and healthy.  FMH is very rare, our doctors were speechless, they kept saying "this just doesn't happen".  Well, it did, and it happened to us and tore the world we knew apart.

It has taken a lot of time, counselling, hope and faith to get us to where we are today, 14 months after our daughter passed away, and Tucker has helped so much.  He was my Mother's Day present, May 11, 2008, and without him here now for me to take care of and raise, I don't think I could be in as happy and hopeful place as I am.

We are going to keep trying for another baby, but until we are blessed with a little brother or sister for McKenna, we are thankful that our fur-kids are here with us.

Thanks for listening.
Mom to daughter, McKenna,
With us for 40 weeks, 1 day
Silently Born Into Eternity
on May 27, 2007

Mom to fur-kids:
Tucker, 16 months, BMD
Echo, 6 years, Siamese
Simba, 2 years, Orange Tabby
Mom to one reptile-teenager,
Trevor, 16 years, red-eared slider turtle

Offline kealoha812

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Re: Bernese Mountain dog joins the family, and I join this board!
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2008, 07:27:01 pm »
Welcome to the BPO family. I cant even begin to find words to tell you how I feel after reading your post. All I can say is I am so very sorry. Im glad you mentioned faith, as it seems to help us get through things that otherwise would be impossible. My prayers are with you and your family.
On a positive note, your pup is gorgeous! Tucker sure looks like a ball of energy! I'm so excited to hear more about him!!! I'm so glad you found us!
"A righteous man regardeth the life of his animals" Proverbs 12:10
Meli - Golden retriever
Timber - newfie/border collie X
2 skin kids - ages 5 & 8
2 cats - Maui and Maea (who own us all)