Author Topic: Stubborn streak :/  (Read 5647 times)


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Stubborn streak :/
« on: August 09, 2005, 08:23:47 am »
I knew the day would come when Bubba would start to test me. This stage will pass... right? LOL

He's just basically ignoring commands that I know he knows, For instance when I tell him to "go poop" (which is a command I have been giving since he was 9 weeks old), he know exactly what I'm telling him. But instead he will bounce up and down and nip at my fingers. The more I verbally correct him the more bouncy/mouthy he gets. What took me off guard was that the hair on his back was raised. But from what I've noticed is when he gets wound up and excited his hair raises. But I've solved that by just putting the leash on him when we go outside to potty because if I wait until he starts it I can't catch him to put the leash on him. lol

He's also seems to have forgot the 'leave it' command all together.  :-\ Which I use quite often expecially with my cats. He loves to play and chase them. The kitten expecially loves to chase him back. lol. But she only weighs 2 pounds. So that command is necessary when he gets too stomp happy.

I know I just need to be consistant. I don't know if I need advice or just to vent. LOL I guess I just know you all could relate.  :D


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Re: Stubborn streak :/
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2005, 08:33:55 am »
It will pass. 

Lady still does that with the bouncing.  Stand there with your arms crossed across your chest and make him mind/sit and listen.  :) 

Lady and Grace will listen to Daddy...not me.  I have to point and do more of a physical command for them. 
Of course it doesn't help that when I'm correcting them and I have to say it more than once Daddy jumps in and takes over.  We had a big fight about that last night...about his "Control" issues.  So he said he'd stay out of it and not jump in.    *%@)*&@ *&@#%)* @&)*(%)$&^% &@ 
Consistancy is the key.


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Re: Stubborn streak :/
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2005, 08:47:36 am »
Hi Lyn;
Yeah, I know what you mean about the stubborn streak. I'm home all day with Guinness, and with three little munchkins running around he has no option but to be a good boy  :-\.  I'm very strict with him because of the kids so he is extremely well-behaved - with me only. When DH lets him out to do his pee, he'll chose not to come in when he's done. And he will refuse commands, etc when they are given by DH, which is pretty frustrating, but typical at this age. I've found that between five months to one year is an ugly time for puppies - all you have to do is visit a dog pound to see how many eight to ten month old dogs are in there because they have turned from being a sweet adoring puppy into a defiant challenging adolescent. So hang in there - Bubba will come around in a few months if you keep being alpha and consistent. On a somewhat positive note, Guinness is still better behaved than my three year old son!

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Re: Stubborn streak :/
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2005, 08:47:56 am »
....yeah!  With both men AND dogs!!! ;)


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Re: Stubborn streak :/
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2005, 09:23:12 am »
I feel the same way. It seems like all Bubba hears is NO, and Leave it!! all day long. I feel bad also, but I know at the same time I can't let him get away with it.  :-\

I'm the one that's home all day long with Bubba and for the most part he is great. I'm just glad my son is old enough that I don't have to chase him around too. Or I'd probably be pulling my hair out. LOL

I think part of the problem is that my hubby and I conflict on some training issues. He let's Bubba nip when he's playing with him, whereas I do not. If Bubba nips me I tell him 'No bite' and I quit playing. So now depending on how excited he is he will nip people to initiate play. Which alot of people do not like, expecially company. Hubbies excuse is that he's not nipping hard, he puts your fingers in his mouth but he doesn't bite down. I'd rather and I imagine our company would rather he not put his mouth on anyone. Some people find him rather intimidating since he's is large, last thing we need is someone reporting that Bubba bit them. Maybe I should just put the leash on my hubby and let him drag it around so I can correct him when he misbehaves. LOL

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Re: Stubborn streak :/
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2005, 09:54:40 am »
Oh NO!!! The terrible puppy stages!! Hutch was around ten months old when we got him, so he was still going through the terrible teens, but on top of it being a rescue he had to push our limits when the initial honeymoon period of his new home wore off. He knew his commands, he knew exactley what we were asking of him but he wouldn't even glance our way in recognition that we had even told him anything. All I can say is goodluck, you already know what you have to do, just remember that it will pass. He'll come around!
Leah, Hutch, and Abbey

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Re: Stubborn streak :/
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2005, 11:29:03 pm »
Brutus is the same way as all these other puppies!  He never listens to my hubby!  There has to be a way to get him to listen to him more.  I guess he needs to spend more time training him.  I'm home more often so I do most of the doggie stuff with him.   When Brutus isn't listening I make him sit and wait.  This usually gets him refocused. 

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Re: Stubborn streak :/
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2005, 01:32:38 am »
It will get better, it feels like a lifetime before they grow out of the dreaded teen months. Galahad is not a jumper or a bouncer, he just stares at you. When he is in that mood he just looks at you with sleepy eyes and if you ask him to do something he has figured out that the easiest thing he knows how to do is to "speak" so whatever you ask him, he responds with a "speak" and look at you as if YOU are the dumb one who doesnt realize that he just did something, never mind that it wasnt what you asked lol.....

Just hang in there and be more stubborn than he is and sooner or later he will grow out of the horrible teens  :D

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Re: Stubborn streak :/
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2005, 07:26:02 am »
[ He never listens to my hubby!  There has to be a way to get him to listen to him more.  I guess he needs to spend more time training him.  I'm home more often so I do most of the doggie stuff with him.  
My guys don't always listen to my hubby. Worst is if he calls them when there loose (no leads) or tells them stay. Ive tried to explain to him unless you can reinforce the command don't give it. To me "stay" is a TOTALLY unbreakable command, I'll tell the dogs "wait" if I have no leash on. Oh let me get off this subject.


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Re: Stubborn streak :/
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2005, 09:40:07 am »
Well here I am over a month later and I'm STILL dealing with the stubborn streak. LOL I just can't seem to make my voice stern enough.  :(

Inside the house he's a hellion.. ignoring commands, nose on the counters, chasing the cats, stealing my son's toys, mauling our company. LOL Outside he's pulling on leash which he never did to this extent before. I always tell him NO PULL and make him sit. Then we continue on.

Yet at the same time I am the authority figure, I can see in the way he greets me. It's like he just can't help himself.. LOL

I wouldn't give Bubba up for anything in the world.. but I can see now how so many young dogs end up at the pound. You need alot more than patience to deal with the terrible puppy stage.

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Re: Stubborn streak :/
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2005, 09:51:10 am »
Well here I am over a month later and I'm STILL dealing with the stubborn streak. LOL I just can't seem to make my voice stern enough.  :(

Inside the house he's a hellion.. ignoring commands, nose on the counters, chasing the cats, stealing my son's toys, mauling our company. LOL Outside he's pulling on leash which he never did to this extent before. I always tell him NO PULL and make him sit. Then we continue on.

Yet at the same time I am the authority figure, I can see in the way he greets me. It's like he just can't help himself.. LOL

I wouldn't give Bubba up for anything in the world.. but I can see now how so many young dogs end up at the pound. You need alot more than patience to deal with the terrible puppy stage.

Here is what I would do with this boy:

1) get some baby gates and put them up in strategic areas. Kitchen doorway, etc.

2) get a longline, probably about 6-10 feet long, and keep this on his collar when you are in the house with him. It gives you a way to catch him and discipline him if you need to.

3) TARGET TRAIN the dog. Use a bathmat or his dog bed, and at least once per day, put him on the target and make him stay for 20 to 30 minutes. This is a regular exercise I use with my students to teach the puppy self control, and to put the owner in an alpha position.  Put the dog on the target, and say "on your bed". Each time he gets up, put him back, and repeat, ON YOUR BED. Putting him back will lessen over the first week or so. By the end of a week, he should be staying on the target with few reminders from you.

4) if you don't have a toy box or basket, make one, and keep it stocked with interesting toys, many of which are smeared with cheez whiz or peanut butter. A tiny smear will do. SUPERVISION IS KEY in housetraining a dog. You MUST correct him EACH TIME he looks up at a table or countertop. I use my serious, AH AH voice. EACH TIME you interrupt the dog, take him cheerfully and directly to the toy box, and make sure he finds not only a toy, but a cookie as well.

5) you need obedience instruction with your puppy. Find a good class, and get in it as soon as possible. The pulling will only get worse unless and until you learn how to teach him not to. It's too much info to try to get across to you here, and you need someone to SHOW you technique. Meantime, if it were my pup, he's be on a prong collar until he learned to show me a little more respect. ;)

Bascially, your pup needs a little boot camp. If he were my pup, or you were coming to me for instruction, your pup and your household would be following these rules for at least the next 30 days, along with your basic obedience homework.

He is a normal puppy. You  must make SURE he can NOT ignore your commands. Do this with the long line. If you don't have a crate for him, you need one. He needs to learn RIGHT NOW that YOU are his boss, and if he does not listen and pay attention, there are going to be consequences and repercussions.

Redyre Rottweilers
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Re: Stubborn streak :/
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2005, 10:31:18 am »
We have been doing NILIF with Bubba. I think part of the problem is that he's bored and he's not getting enough exercise. Read my post "Fed up with people letting their dogs run free" I was just talking to my hubby about getting him his own toy box since he likes to raid my sons. And taking him on weekend trips to go for walks and get him out of the house.

We are looking for an obedience trainer, and I think I've found one. They are group classes though. I find he's more obedient one on one, but I know he needs to get used to distractions.

I will implement your technics. Thank you ;D

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Re: Stubborn streak :/
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2005, 10:33:07 am »
Redyre, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the Target Training, I will have to work with my boy-os on that.

Hi, Lyn. Don't feel bad, we've all either been there, or are there now! Kudos to you for staying the course.

I totally hear you on the nipping. My husband taught Apollo to jump up to give "hugs" as a greeting when he was a cute LITTLE fluff-ball. Now he's 135lbs of tonnage-in-motion, and when he wraps your waist, you're done for! :o I usually prop myself against a wall before we let them out of the kennel, just so that I have a brace. *lol* It's a horrible habit, and one we have *almost* broken. (It's been a long fight, but we're almost there!) Luckily, he only does it to company on rare occasions; mostly to people that he knows very well, and likes alot. Then it's almost like he's so excited to see them that he just can't seem to help himself.

I read something in a post when I first joined this group about diverting their attention when they get too excited, and that this will help break the chain of behavior. The advice made sence to me, so we started asking Apollo to "get a toy" when we let him out. Now, 9 times out of 10, when he's released and the command is given, he immediately goes to the toy box, and grabs a toy to present to ourselves or our guests. (We're so proud of the progress!)  This has also helped to cure him of his oral fixation and the dreaded "sucking" that he used to do. (He's raise hickies on your arm before you could blink!) It gives him something to suck on instead of my arm, or the company's!

I can't recall who gave me the idea, but it has worked wonders.
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Re: Stubborn streak :/
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2005, 02:42:06 pm »
I knew the day would come when Bubba would start to test me. This stage will pass... right? LOL

He's just basically ignoring commands that I know he knows, For instance when I tell him to "go poop" (which is a command I have been giving since he was 9 weeks old), he know exactly what I'm telling him. But instead he will bounce up and down and nip at my fingers. The more I verbally correct him the more bouncy/mouthy he gets. What took me off guard was that the hair on his back was raised. But from what I've noticed is when he gets wound up and excited his hair raises. But I've solved that by just putting the leash on him when we go outside to potty because if I wait until he starts it I can't catch him to put the leash on him. lol

He's also seems to have forgot the 'leave it' command all together.  :-\ Which I use quite often expecially with my cats. He loves to play and chase them. The kitten expecially loves to chase him back. lol. But she only weighs 2 pounds. So that command is necessary when he gets too stomp happy.

I know I just need to be consistant. I don't know if I need advice or just to vent. LOL I guess I just know you all could relate.  :D

nice pup

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Re: Stubborn streak :/
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2005, 04:57:26 am »
Lyn.  You are so not alone on this one.  Maxwell is still a handful and he does ALL of the things you mentioned.  He's 14 months old now and slowly getting out of it.  I see that perfect mellow dog in the horizon and he's getting closer.  I'm sure Bubba will be a perfect adult, we just need to wait for it.  Not that I'm knocking obedience but I think both obedience training and time will heal all wounds.   Don't get discouraged.