Author Topic: Training???Help needed..  (Read 3230 times)

Offline DaneMom

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Training???Help needed..
« on: August 09, 2005, 11:23:13 am »
ok here is the thing, i taught sophie how to sit and lay down in 10 min. she is very smart but she is really hyper. im wondering how i can teacher her NOT to paw. as we all know they have some power behind that paw that just wants to play but its getting really annoying. i need her to not jump on me when i lay down either because i am soon going to get surgery and i need her to learn that when im laying down its not play time. she is almost 6 months old but is all puppy. when i say or do anything she always thinks im playing with her. i raise my voice and it doesnt do anything to stop her. what can i do to make her listen and learn that im not a huge play toy? also a friend told me to pop her on the butt , i did and she thought it was play time. granted i play with her rougher than i popped her on the butt..another lady said to use the carboard in the paper towels to use on their nose...someone else said to ignore her when she gets like that. i did do the ignore thing and she just jumped on my back when i went to walk away. any help with be much appreciated..t hanks all!



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Re: Training???Help needed..
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2005, 11:28:13 am »
Grace did the same thing.  I use little fiber bones to train them.  Before starting learning the trick they have to learn not to paw or jump while learning.   That's a trick in itself.  When they paw me or jump I say no and keep them focused on the task at hand (sometimes with a little forceful push or guide to the floor.)  I point where I want them to be and say for example lie down.  No treat for jumpping or pawing (unless it's part of the trick).  Treats only if they do it the way I want it done. 
Not pawing and not jumping is an important thing to learn anyway. 
Patience patience patience.  I took a few paws in the face when my girls were learning too. 


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Re: Training???Help needed..
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2005, 11:43:45 am »
The not pawing is an excellent thing to teach - my other dog Angus is a therapy dog but he can't do therapy in nursing homes because he loves to give his paw and with the thin skin of the elderly it's an accident waiting to happen. Our Saint Bernard puppy Guinness has been taught not to paw because he'll become a therapy dog when he turns one, and because I have a baby, toddler and preschooler that are at his giant paws' eye level when he is sitting. How I taught not to paw was to, whenever he would raise his paw, grab it and say firmly "OFF!" He would pull his paw back when I put pressure on it but I would wait a few seconds before letting go. If he tried to paw again, I'd grab his paw, press firmly and say "OFF!". When he tugged for his paw back, wait a few seconds before letting go. I'd then praise him when he would not paw (you can see them registering the cause and effect in their heads). It only takes a few times doing this and then it becomes a non-issue.

Offline DaneMom

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Re: Training???Help needed..
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2005, 11:48:29 am »
i know it takes time but she just wont stop..i layed down on the sofa yesterday and ended up having to crate her because she was pawing at my face and trying to jump on me.i told her no and yelled it after the 5th time. i pushed her away to lay down and then she got on her back and tried to paw at me whlie she ways laying down. she is playing the entire time but needs to learn when to stop, all she does is play play play and wont ever sleep unless i crate her. she is like the energizer bunny that goes on and on and on and since i have had her the only time she will sleep or relax is when she is in the crate. i dont know what to do with the time she is out with me. i sit on my sofa and watch her and ignore her hoping she will just lay down for atleast 10 min. maybe she has adhd..LOL who knows but all i know is im going to find out when i get my sugery on the 17th and i hope she gets better by the date they give me. thanks for the info.


Offline brigid67

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Re: Training???Help needed..
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2005, 11:51:29 am »
Willow has ADD I think - with the attention span of a gnat.  I would be so happy to see her register cause and effect


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Re: Training???Help needed..
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2005, 12:05:55 pm »
When she jumps and paws... in a deep voice...calm voice...firm voice...NO or OFF or whatever key word you want to use all the time.   Physically grab her paw or muzzle and firmly squeeze as you say no or off...and when she gets down...praise the pee out of her.  Clap (unless that gets her hyper again) hug...kiss...g ive her treats...tell her "I'm so proud of you!"  etc. 
Grace is the same way...but is learning to turn it down a notch.  you can't ignore the have to reinforce the good stuff and discourage the unwanted stuff. 
Grace is really high energy.  I fall asleep on the couch and she pulls things off the table and comes up to kiss and sniff.   I think about a month ago she learned somehow not to paw people sleeping on the couch.   She gets into trouble if she's not stupervised... so things get put up out of her reach if I'm outside with Lady or asleep or in the kitchen...or whatever.  No temptation...n ot bad behavior.