Author Topic: How does your dog tell you it wants something?  (Read 7043 times)

Offline Moni

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How does your dog tell you it wants something?
« on: August 10, 2005, 04:27:47 am »
Tenchi just recently started licking me when he wants something... I found that quite odd?  Before that he would just come over and stare at me, but that only works if mommy is paying attention I guess.  Now for example, there is an old couch in the computer room that is "his" couch.  If the spots are already taken on it, he'll come up to me and start licking my arm until I tell one of the other pups to get off.  Or he likes to drink out of the sink, so if he's thirsty and is being too lazy about going downstairs to the water bowl, he'll stand there and lick my arm until I get up and turn the water on for him.  Oh no, Tenchi is NOT spoiled... not one little bit.   ::)

Tonight was hilarious though, I was washing dishes(no we don't have a dishwasher) and Tenchi came up behind me and started licking me.  So I look around trying to figure out what he wanted.  I looked around quick and couldn't figure it out, so go back to washing dishes.  Tenchi keeps coming over and licking my arm.. and I still can't figure out what he wants.  Finally he figures, "Hey, my mom's not all that bright.  Maybe I should give her a clue..."  So he licks my arm then walks to the stove and puts his head on it, looking from me to the greasey meatloaf pan and then back to me....  Ah HA!   THAT's what he wanted!!!   :D  Poor Tenchi though didn't understand why he couldn't get the pan.  (can you say sick doggie???)  However, his mommy was nice and got him a couple biscuits instead.  lol  Not that biscuits can compare to a nice pan of meatloaf!  Poor dissapointed boy.   :-\
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Re: How does your dog tell you it wants something?
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2005, 07:18:31 am »
Rocco looks at me and whines this high pitched pitiful sounding whine.  Maia just stares at me.

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Re: How does your dog tell you it wants something?
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2005, 07:22:05 am »
Puck stares like crazy at me with a very wrinkled head. If that does not work he starts giving you one paw than the other-til he looks like he is dancing ;D ;D Sometime if he can reach what he wants he starts to nudge it or bunt it.


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Re: How does your dog tell you it wants something?
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2005, 07:25:37 am »
Grace whines too. if that doesn't work she'll stick her tongue in your nose if you're laying down.  Lady does like Puck does and sits and stares at the end of the couch.

BY THE WAY Icerotti. ..thanks for that tip on crossing the arms to get the dogs to settle.  Works like a CHARM!  Man does that work well. 


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Re: How does your dog tell you it wants something?
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2005, 07:32:24 am »
Merlin & Raven start out with the nose-poke, if ignored they will just put their paw on your arm. If STUPID MOMMY is being dense and still misses the point they flex their toes and poke poke goes those nails. At which time if you want any skin left you have to pay attention.
Strider will whine, then bark, then jump in your lap and start molesting you til you get the point.


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Re: How does your dog tell you it wants something?
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2005, 07:45:49 am »
Thanks Lins--might have to try it


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Re: How does your dog tell you it wants something?
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2005, 07:47:36 am »
But Puck is such a good boy!  And Farley is so sweet...would hurt a fly.  he'd rather drive around the house than jump on you.  :)
« Last Edit: August 10, 2005, 07:49:59 am by lins_saving_grace »


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Re: How does your dog tell you it wants something?
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2005, 08:13:48 am »
The only thing Cabeza ever wants is to get pet. Seriously. Other than that, he never asks for anything. When he needs to go potty, he stands in front of the door and whines this cute, teeny little whine. Sounds like a baby bird. And when he wants to get pet, he pushes your elbow from behind with his nose. Which can be a big pain in the butt when you're holding a glass of water or something! He's spilled TONS of beverages on me doing that!

Toriz-Cute story!


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Re: How does your dog tell you it wants something?
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2005, 08:22:51 am »
Tenchi is a smart boy! love it!!...Samson rarely shows he wants something but when he does it's something we are eating & he will softly paw at us or sit & stare pointidly between the plate & our facees...When Pippin wants something he will either just take it if he gets the chance(working on breaking that now)or he will slap the crap out of you with his paw...OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....Usually he wants attention when I am trying to sleep....Nothi ng like getting the crap pawed out of you in the middle of the night!


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Re: How does your dog tell you it wants something?
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2005, 08:38:05 am »
With Spike it starts with a stare down if that does not work he will come over and poke me with his nose then run to show me what he wants if that does not work me will paw me or get in my way when I walk like winding his body around me like a cat does. I have learned to get a move on when I get the stare. So he has trained me well I guess! LOL
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Re: How does your dog tell you it wants something?
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2005, 09:57:52 am »
Zoey tells me what she wants in different ways depending on what it is.... If she wants to go out, so goes to the door and whimpers until I take her out. If she is thirsty and her water bowl is empty she will scratch the floor under it until I refill it. She also scratches under the footrests is something rolls under the couch that she was me to pull out for her (this happens more than you would guess). When she wants to play she brings toys over and drop them in my lap. If I am on the laptop (which I often am when I am sitting on the couch) and she wants attention she will crane her nack over and rest her head on the keyboard until I put it aside (this is adorable but very annoying when you consider the drool factor. I'm afraid one of these days she will kill it will her slobber).
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Re: How does your dog tell you it wants something?
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2005, 10:18:26 am »
When I'm the computer Dozer comes over and puts his head on my hand thats on the mouse and looks up at me with those pleading hound dog eyes. Grizelda is funny when she needs to go outside she starts running in circles around the living room table. If you don't let her out right away she goes faster and faster around the table. Gretchen just barks when she wants something. Marksman and Echo will paw you. They all have their own way of training me.
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Re: How does your dog tell you it wants something?
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2005, 10:43:54 am »
These are cute stories...they each have their own way!

Sasha uses her sad newfie eyes to tell us what she wants.  She will sit near (or on!) us and look longingly at what she wants (usually cookies) and then look at us.  If that doesn't work, then she looks at the cookies and then barks at us.  If that still fails, she paws us too.  I really think that she believes we are very dumb!  ;)

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Re: How does your dog tell you it wants something?
« Reply #13 on: August 10, 2005, 11:00:19 am »
I'm so jealous of all of you - my dogs just whine incessantly and if that doesn't work, they bark until I figure out what it is they want. Usually it's either "outside", water or food. If they want attention, Oasis will lift your hand up with his nose and Rocko will shove his butt up against you or paw at your arm.

Do you think maybe 'cause Tenchi is deaf that's why he uses the silent signals to tell you he wants something - he can't hear himself or other dogs whine so he never really learned that (annoying) behavior, then.
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Re: How does your dog tell you it wants something?
« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2005, 11:04:32 am »
Sophie does the stare down... she looks at you very intently then starts wagging her tail.. it always looks like she's about to jump on me or bark (she very rarely barks).  All she usually wants is to just be petted and if i'm not paying attentions to her I get the cold wet nose poke on my hand which she always seems to get right at the perfect angle so my finger goes up her nose or scratches her.... then I usually get annoyed so she resorts to putting her head in my lap and giving me the sad puppy eyes and of course that works every time  :)
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