Author Topic: Flying Puppies?  (Read 1517 times)

Offline cherpes

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Flying Puppies?
« on: August 29, 2008, 05:21:00 pm »
As I still weep daily for the loss of my P-Nut, I had a call from his breeder stating his parents are having their last litter as they are getting old.  The breeder now lives 16 hours from me and they said they typically put the puppies in crates and fly them to their new homes.  I am unsure if I decide to bring home a little brother of the baby I loved so much if driving the little one 16 hours home isnt more stressful then flying them 3 hours.  Any ideas? If I can figure out how to put a photo of my P-Nut with my post I will!!

Offline aggghgmom

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Re: Flying Puppies?
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2008, 06:57:38 pm »
I am certainly not an expert at this, however, we did have our dog shipped to us (he was 8 weeks old).  He flew from Texas to one of the Carolinas to Rochester NY.  There was another puppy on the flight that only did the carolina Rochester trip.  Both pups did great no issues - the breeder was very careful about when she would allow the pup to fly it had to be just the right weather out as cargo cabins can either be very hot or very cold.

I always believed I should go see the parents, the breeder etc. but i wanted this type of dog and couldn't find one in my area (or any area for that matter).  This was a fluke I met my pups uncle in a retail store that I worked at and it turned out the owner co-owned this dog in Texas that had puppies and so on and so on and that is how I got Harley - the joke around the house is they sent him that far from Texas because he is such a rotten dog!!  But I love him anyway.

Best of luck with your decision

Randy and Harley