Author Topic: Are we sure today isn't Monday?  (Read 1513 times)

Offline aggghgmom

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Are we sure today isn't Monday?
« on: September 02, 2008, 05:25:05 am »
It is 7:20 and I can already say what a day...

Today is my first day back to work after having the summer off!!

I go downstairs feed and water Harley and grab a snack for my lunch..I drop a little tiny piece of a baked cheeto behind Harleys water and food dish (which is raised) I say "self you need to pick up that little tiny piece of Cheeto or Harley is going to know over everything to get it - naw says self so I walk guessed it:

BANG - CRASH - SKITTER SKITTER SKITTER - Harley knocked over the food and water and RAN away - off course it was all fresh and full and I have a mess on the floor my husband (you know the one who doesn't LOVE Harley or any messy dog for that matter) has just washed on his hands and knees yesterday!!  Get out the paper towels - nope to big a mess for that - OK the wet dry vac - trudge out to the garage find it, dust it, bring it in its working!!!  Oops when I turned it off all the water still in the hose comes back out onto my feet which of course are all ready for work and now I am grossed out!!  Back to the paper towels and then off to wash my feet need to be at work in 4 minutes - but yet I am writing to BPO - I hope the rest of the days gets better!!

Happy Tuesday everyone!!!  For those of you with much bigger problems than me (hurricanes, illness etc.) I'm sorry to be bit^&in about something so trivial!!!



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Re: Are we sure today isn't Monday?
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2008, 08:08:10 am »
Those kind of things always happen when I'm in a hurry. Hope the rest of the day improves.
I probably work more in the summer than the winter. I'm always happy to see school start again. I don't have any kids, but I do have the day off today. I'm headed to the beach where I haven't gone all summer because it gets too crowded until school is back in.