Author Topic: Anyone tried the treadmill "gimmick" with their BMD's? Did it work?  (Read 9722 times)

Offline Berner_Mom

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My hubby and I were talking the other night, as we watched yet another Dog Whisperer episode.  We've watched the show for a long time, pretty much since it started- way before we got Tucker of course, and were wondering- Do your dogs (specifically BMD) walk successfully on a treadmill, and do they seem to like it?

Since we are in Calgary, and snow/winter is fast approaching, we were playing with the idea of investing in a treadmill for Tucker (and us!) to help get through the cold, COLD winter months ahead. Not to completely stop walking him outside, just to be able to not do it as frequently or for as long, for both of our safety.  Neither of us want to be walking in -40degree weather, in a white out, on slick, ice covered roads/sidewalks.

So we thought we'd look into it and ask around, and what better place to ask then here!

Does the treadmill thing really work, or is it just edited to look like it works on the show? Do your dogs like it? How hard/easy was it to get them used to it?

Thanks for the input!
Mom to daughter, McKenna,
With us for 40 weeks, 1 day
Silently Born Into Eternity
on May 27, 2007

Mom to fur-kids:
Tucker, 16 months, BMD
Echo, 6 years, Siamese
Simba, 2 years, Orange Tabby
Mom to one reptile-teenager,
Trevor, 16 years, red-eared slider turtle

Offline People Whisperer

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Re: Anyone tried the treadmill "gimmick" with their BMD's? Did it work?
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2008, 02:49:57 am »
Treadmill could be very useful for "sporting" dogs and "super hyper" kind as well. With BMD you don't want to use it at least until your pup is 2 years old to avoid any orthopaedic issues  ;)

Modified: there are plenty of activities you can do with your pup IN the house to keep him stimulated and tired. "Hide and Seek" is our favorite, various scent games, tug-of-war, etc.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2008, 02:53:12 am by People Whisperer »
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Offline sc.trojans

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Re: Anyone tried the treadmill "gimmick" with their BMD's? Did it work?
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2008, 04:49:42 pm »

Just one of MANY horrible ideas I see on that show.  Sad, since I understand that our human preferences are different and we dont want to be out in bitter weather, but Tucker is sitting there patiently waiting for that winter to come, and you want to keep him in?  Don't tell Tucker!

Going out every day for a BMD is more about mental and emotional stimulation - smelling things, finding other dogs or critters to engage, playing in snow etc.  Nothing on a treadmill will replace what your BMD needs.  Even Cesar is using it for solely those high energy dogs or overweight who need to burn calories.  That kind of repetitive motion without any stimulation or enjoyment is not beneficial or a sound replacement for getting outdoors.
SC Trojans
with Gracie and Skylar

Offline ruffian

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Re: Anyone tried the treadmill "gimmick" with their BMD's? Did it work?
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2008, 05:00:15 pm »
I am not sure how many of you have tried to walk a dog at -40, that is with out the wind chill, we had 3 or 4 weeks of -50  with the wind chill here last winter, but it is not easy on us or the dogs.  My little ones hardly will step foot out the door, let alone go for a walk, and they have thick winter Shiba coats, I dont know how Gage is going to fair this winter.  Frostbite starts to set in in a few minutes at -20, let alone -40, I honestly fear for his ears if he spends to much time outside.

I know people here, quite a few hours north of Calgary, that have treadmill trained their dogs for when it is that cold.  My friend trained his boxer Maiden one of those -50 days and she loves it.  He did it with food though not by tieing her to it like ceaser does, I just cant stand that man.

Offline Berner_Mom

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Re: Anyone tried the treadmill "gimmick" with their BMD's? Did it work?
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2008, 02:16:27 am »

Just one of MANY horrible ideas I see on that show.  Sad, since I understand that our human preferences are different and we dont want to be out in bitter weather, but Tucker is sitting there patiently waiting for that winter to come, and you want to keep him in?  Don't tell Tucker!

Going out every day for a BMD is more about mental and emotional stimulation - smelling things, finding other dogs or critters to engage, playing in snow etc.  Nothing on a treadmill will replace what your BMD needs.  Even Cesar is using it for solely those high energy dogs or overweight who need to burn calories.  That kind of repetitive motion without any stimulation or enjoyment is not beneficial or a sound replacement for getting outdoors.

I did not say we would replace Tucker's daily walks with the treadmill. Obviously the outdoor walking/stimulation/sniffing/meeting new people/dogs, experiencing everything- including the weather- is more beneficial for Tucker; I was curious about the treadmill thing for those few nights that will come up when its -40 or -50 with the windchill, when its physically unsafe to be outdoors for more than a few minutes due to threat of frostbite, when your front steps/sidewalk and the streets are all slick with ice AND buried in two to four feet of snow making it physically dangerous to both Tucker and ourselves to be outside- would a few minutes on a treadmill here and there throughout the day (along with the normal playing/tug/puzzle/cat chasing/hide and seek games we play with Tucker) be ok?

Assuming of course we could get him to walk on it in the first place.
Mom to daughter, McKenna,
With us for 40 weeks, 1 day
Silently Born Into Eternity
on May 27, 2007

Mom to fur-kids:
Tucker, 16 months, BMD
Echo, 6 years, Siamese
Simba, 2 years, Orange Tabby
Mom to one reptile-teenager,
Trevor, 16 years, red-eared slider turtle


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Re: Anyone tried the treadmill "gimmick" with their BMD's? Did it work?
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2008, 09:55:34 am »
I've never lived anywhere that cold (OMG, don't think I'd survive!) but I'd sure love an option when it's dumping buckets of rain here . . . I’ve had multiple friends be successful with their dogs and treadmills. It’s not a substitute for walks or dog parks, but it’s a great tool for those days when you really can’t go out.


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Re: Anyone tried the treadmill "gimmick" with their BMD's? Did it work?
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2008, 02:59:31 pm »
I know many people that own weims have had positive things to say about treadmills. I too am contemplating one for the cold months ahead. We live in Ontario and there are days where Rosie and Farley will NOT go outside for anything!

Offline sc.trojans

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Re: Anyone tried the treadmill "gimmick" with their BMD's? Did it work?
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2008, 05:57:15 pm »
[quote would a few minutes on a treadmill here and there throughout the day (along with the normal playing/tug/puzzle/cat chasing/hide and seek games we play with Tucker) be ok?


I think you have already identified more effective, safer, and more stimulating things to do indoors during those situations:  tug of war, hide and seek, and even better, teach Tucker "shaping" and there will be no end to the games using his brain you can do indoors.  Shaping is an invaluable skill for me and very useful when I have dogs with fears for example.  if thunder strikes, shaping games keep dogs distracted, focused and mentally engaged and showing no fear.  A great tool.

Skip the treadmill - it is risky and not worth the endeavor.
SC Trojans
with Gracie and Skylar

Offline VdogLover

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Re: Anyone tried the treadmill "gimmick" with their BMD's? Did it work?
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2008, 02:43:28 am »
If I could afford it I would buy a Jog a Dog in a heartbeat.

Living in MI there are days my smooth will not go out and it would be great to have her run on this instead of the back of my couch!


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Re: Anyone tried the treadmill "gimmick" with their BMD's? Did it work?
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2008, 04:47:00 am »
and even better, teach Tucker "shaping" and there will be no end to the games using his brain you can do indoors.  Shaping is an invaluable skill for me and very useful when I have dogs with fears for example.  if thunder strikes, shaping games keep dogs distracted, focused and mentally engaged and showing no fear.  A great tool.

??? I have no idea what "shaping" is, but I'll admit to being highly intrigued.

Offline Guardian Angel's White lightning

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Re: Anyone tried the treadmill "gimmick" with their BMD's? Did it work?
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2008, 11:23:47 am »
we have a treadmill for all of us.  The dogs love the treadmill, they are not leashed on it at all.  In the morning the first thing they want to do is put them on the ey stand on it and whine if it isn't on.  They love it more than anything.  Especially if it is raining or snowing outside.  I use the treadmill myself, and i have 3 dogs looking at me asking to go on.  Yes there are dangers, although benefits far out way the risks.  You do need to know how to use it appropriately though.  I would highly recommend them!!