Author Topic: Please help!  (Read 6817 times)

Offline hairprincessnyu

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Please help!
« on: August 13, 2005, 10:48:14 pm »
Hi all,
I just joined and a have a question that I pray someone can answer. I have a 1 1/2 year old Siberian Husky/ Black lab male dog. He had been losing weight and crying so I brought him to the vet a few weeks ago. She diagnosed him with an inner ear infection and gave him medication. Well, he still seems to be losing weight and not really eating. A friend saw him today and mentioned that Huskies are the only breed who will starve themselves to death. I asked him why he said that and he said his vet told him that, but he thinks it is because they are not very smart. I am concerned about his not eating, but my vet doesn't seem to think it is a big deal. Anyone wih info please let me know, thanks!!!!!!!!
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Re: Please help!
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2005, 10:54:27 pm »
My advise first & foremost is to change vets a.s.a.p.!!!....I have learned the hard way to not take a vet's (or a human doctor's for that matter) advise as gold....Please, please get a second opinion right away!...You will need to call your old vet & have your dog's records faxed to the new vet...don't worry about stepping on any one's toes...any good vet will not mind you getting a second opinion...Plea se keep us posted!

Offline jabear

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Re: Please help!
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2005, 11:00:32 pm »
I think that it is time you find a new vet!  :o I can't believe that he would not think that refusing to eat is a not a big deal. I hate when vet's blow things off like that. Grrr....
Have you tried to make his food more desirable? Have you tried human food? It might be the heat too because I know that during the summer Bear eats a lot less than during the other months. Good luck and keep us posted!
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: Please help!
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2005, 11:07:22 pm »
I agree you should get a second opinion.  How rude of your friend to think huskies are not very bright.  And they are not the only breed that will starve themselves to death.

First, how long have you had your dog?  Has he done this before?  How much weight is he losing?  Is he eating anything at all?  These are all questions your vet should be asking, if he doesn't already know the answer.  Losing weight and crying (provided the crying is not husky vocalizing) is not normal behavior.  It could be a variety of things going on so I don't want to speculate on anything in particular.

Offline hairprincessnyu

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Re: Please help!
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2005, 11:22:36 pm »
wow! Thanks to everyone for your quick replies. He will eat human food, just not his dry dog food. I have tried changing it, but it doesn't help. Sometimes he will eat wet dog food, but he just seems to be very picky lately. This has been going on about a month. We just finished the ear medication, but his ear still looks a little red to me. His energy level has been pretty normal. I know it has been very hot, so I think that might have something to so with his lack of eating, I am hoping that is the reason. He exercizes a LOT, so that may have contributed to the weight loss, probably of about 10 pounds. I think he is a little skinny, but other people say he looks normal. Maybe I am worrying over nothing, maybe he does need more medication. I will try to take him to the vet again. Is it possible for a dog to get too much exercize?
True love is being gone all day, and coming home to a dog who licks your face.


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Re: Please help!
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2005, 11:32:23 pm »
10 lbs. in a month is too much weight to lose in my opinion....1 & 1/2 is still technically a puppy & he shouldn't be losing weight...The heat might have something to do with his lack of interest in eating but 10 lbs. in a month is too much!

Offline pndlake

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Re: Please help!
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2005, 01:09:47 am »
Wow, he is very pretty and has great markings but does look a little on the thin side.  Sometimes the heat of the summer can do that, especially if he is very active.  I would cut back on his activity in the summer, then give him canned mixed with dry for awhile until he picks up on weight, whatever brands you feel best.  When the weather cools down a bit and he doesn't pick up on weight, then take him back to the vet of your choice - looks like you need to change. Just a few of my thoughts from the photo.


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Re: Please help!
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2005, 02:13:23 am »
Wow, I sat down tonight and thought about your problem a little bit and it reminds me of a rescue I had several years ago. She was a big, lanky yellow lab who came to me and just refused to eat anything I put in front of her.  She was very skinny and her ribs were even showing.  I talked to the vet and he told me not to fret that if she got hungry enough, she would eat.  She even had red ears like your dog but that turned out to be mites and after a lot of medication, we got it under control.  Anyway, the vet was right, after a long period of time, she finally came around and started eating better.  You say your dog likes people food and that indicates he is healthy, just being picky and stubborn. I have found that they do this too if there is drama in their lives or perhaps a big change.  (aren't we the same as humans)  I cannot believe that any dog is stupid enough to starve himself to death.  That is a ridiculous thing for anybody to tell you. I thought the same thing about the rescue I had but the vet was right. My  rescue dog was not very intelligent but loving and she ended up belonging to some teenagers who love her to death and let her sleep in bed with her every night.  It took a lot of patience but it paid off.  You will probably find the same thing out, just chill out like I learned to.  Sometimes it takes time. 

Offline LuvmyMal

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Re: Please help!
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2005, 07:01:33 am »
With the food issue, he could just be declining the food because he simply does not like it anymore, we went through this with Tonka, not too long ago and ended up switching her to Solid Gold with plain yogurt. (we were originally on Eukanuba) Try adding rice and chicken broth to his meal, maybe 1/2 dry, 1/2 rice and chicken broth mixture.  We cooked enough for a few days and put it in the refrigerator then heated it enough to take the chill off before feeding it to her.  This also works when they have a sour tummy, but then only use rice and chicken broth.
With the ear still being red, definitely go back to the vet, just like was posted earlier it may not have cleared the infection yet, even with human ear infections, they can take 2 rounds of meds depending on how bad they are. Let us know how everything goes.
Tasha and Tonka

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Re: Please help!
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2005, 07:23:50 am »
i would first go run a blood test on him and also check for worms, worms can cause all kinds of problems and thyroid can also cause problems.
do a complete blood work up.
if he is still not eating, than you might have to cook up some food for him to start him back up eating.
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Offline Lucysdad

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Re: Please help!
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2005, 12:24:40 am »
That would be the thread I started for Lucy a few weeks ago. It's in Great Dane discussions, forgot the title but heres the link to the recipe,

We're feeding them to Lucy and Mutt both as Lucy needs to gain weight and Mutt has taken to snubbing his kibble. Haven't seen the dramatic results hoped for on Lucys weight, but they do seem very effective at stimulating their appetites. Both dogs are eating well, so now we feed and wait.
Lucy's Dad (Gene)

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Offline Kristen

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Re: Please help!
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2005, 01:26:32 am »
He's looking pretty skinny. For gaining weight and getting him to eat, try putting bacon grease and fat into his dry dog food.
I also agree that you need a new vet. Sibes are anything but "not very bright!"
Kristen & The Dog Gang
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Offline brigid67

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Re: Please help!
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2005, 02:32:48 am »
I think as long as he is acting healthy just wait it out....  my female pom is very picky and when we switched to raw it took about 3 1/2 days for her to eat... I was a nervous wreck but my vet assured me that when she was hungry enough she would eat....


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Re: Please help!
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2005, 04:39:32 am »
I dont think your dog looks too thin at all...if you ever look at actual working sled dogs, they are all look like that.  I also feel that most dogs are overweight which makes correct weight dogs look to thin

A lot of working breeds eat very little in the summer and some will actually skip a few days of eating all together..

the other part of the whole thing is, you need to decide on what to feed your dog.  He is smart enough to wait for people food and got an acquired taste for it and kibble no longer does it for it.  You know he is not starving himself because he will infact eat people food...your dog just seems to be spolied :)

Does the dog go the bathroom regular (pee and poop) and are they healthy looking?  If so then he is getting enough nutrition wise.

Either quit all people food and wait for him to eat his kibble (which he will) or change his diet to something different.  I dont feel that you should fuss over it because he knows what you are doing.  Put the food down, if he doesnt eat it, take it away.  Try again in the evening...if he doesnt eat it within 10 minutes, take it away to tomorrow.

My dog gets a raw diet which consits of meats, bones and organ meats...good luck :)

Offline irinad83

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Re: Please help!
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2005, 11:03:21 am »
Hey there-we are having the SAME problem with our husky! And who ever said that huskies arent bright-need a reality check-they are one of the smartest dogs out there! And I'm not just saying that because I have one-I read books, talked to other people, anyway, thats not the point lol.
What i did is - I bought new food for him, I went to Wild Oats (organic store) and bought him all organic, made with real mean-no pres. kind of food, and he loooves it! Still doesnt eat as much as a regular dog would, but its helping. I also got some wet food and I mix that in at night.
And I do agree with the -rice/chicken idea, I have heard of alot of sib owners doing that!
Good luck-i'm sure he's just fine, and make sure to change you vet!
or at least get a second opinion