Author Topic: Maybe getting another Newf puppy...  (Read 5275 times)

Offline Newly Newfed

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Maybe getting another Newf puppy...
« on: December 19, 2008, 11:43:07 am »
Maybe not anytime soon, but probably by summer next year.  I have finally found a breeder that I would like to buy from.  She is a very friendly, down to earth woman with stunning dogs.  I find her very easy to talk to and she seems genuinely interested in me and Sierra.  She has even talked to her vet about Sierra's skin issues to see if she could provide any info that may help resolve it.  I was pretty impressed by that.  Apparently I have passed her application process and she has deemed me worthy to care for one of her pups.  She emailed me today and asked if I would be willing to co-own a male puppy that is currently two weeks old.  I don't think I will take this pup, only because I did not intend to get a puppy this quickly, I'm not ready yet.  She is planning two more litters in Spring 2009, so maybe one of those!

Regarding the co-ownership, on one hand, I kind of feel that if I am paying for the puppy, which has quite a hefty price tag, doing all of the training, footing the vet bills, etc, I want to be the one to make the decisions regarding that dog.  However, deep down, I think that line of thinking is me just being a brat.  What can I say?  I'm an Aries and I'm the youngest of my siblings.  Being a brat comes naturally to me!  ;D

The logical line of thinking goes like this:  From what I've heard/read about co-ownership, it is a benefit for the breeder.  However, as long as the contract is fair, I could get quite a lot out of it too.  Brattiness aside, when I think about it, footing the bill for the puppy isn't really an issue, because I'd have to anyway.  But the thought of having an established breeder to turn to, who has proven experience in the ring is a great thing.  Especially since I'm re-entering the sport of dog shows after 20 years.

I thought I was going to have to fight to get a puppy since I'm not established yet, and I never expected to be accepted so quickly.  So when she offered her pups to me, I got scared and started to panic that I was going to screw up something crucial and ruin the pups chance for showing.  As soon as she mentioned co-owning, that fear was suddenly alleviated.  It's actually kind of comforting to know I'll have her to learn from.

ANYWAY, if you are still reading this rambling  :D, has anyone had any experience with co-owning?  And was it good or bad?
Dogs are not our whole lives, but they make our lives whole - Roger Caras

Oscar, Gina- Cats
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Re: Maybe getting another Newf puppy...
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2008, 05:42:05 pm »
I don't know anything about it either. I know someone who owned a dalmation puppy and it was a show dog. The dog lived part time with  the girl I knew and part time with the woman who showed her. I don't know if that was a co-ownership but it didn't make sense to me. If I own a dog I want it to be my dog.

To me, your feelings don't make you sound like a brat,or selfish, they make you sound normal.

Offline People Whisperer

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Re: Maybe getting another Newf puppy...
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2008, 05:53:30 pm »
Co-ownership can be a pain in the butt but if all the terms spelled in the contract it is not a big deal  :)
If you don't know how to read a contact you better hire a lawyer.
Some breeders only require a co-ownership to insure that the dogs that sold with full registration will be fully health tested and bred to approved studs (by co-owner). Some breeders go above and beyond and make your life miserable  >:( You definitely have to be careful about it and don't rush into a co-ownership   
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Offline ruffian

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Re: Maybe getting another Newf puppy...
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2008, 09:11:38 pm »
I know many breeders who always have themselves as co-owners on all dogs that are sold for show prospect, and it stays that way until the dog is altered.  It is a was of protecting themselves and their lines, so they have say over who the dog is bred too, and that it does not get sold to someone else without them knowing.

Offline GoofyNewfie

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Re: Maybe getting another Newf puppy...
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2008, 11:31:29 pm »
A friend of mine co-owns a poodle. She is not allowed to neuter him until the lady says so, and apparently it is getting a bit troublesome for her...but the lady wants to breed him a bit more.

I personally could never co-own a dog. It seems to me like the situation is set up for conflict. Then maybe that's just me, I do tend to like doing things my way.  ???
Diesel, 6 month old Newf.

Offline Newly Newfed

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Re: Maybe getting another Newf puppy...
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2008, 03:10:34 am »
I am going to go over the contract with a fine tooth comb.  Looking at it from a breeder's perspective, I can understand why they would want to co-own, especially with someone that is new to the world of dog showing.  If I put my blood, sweat, tears and not to mention money, into my dogs, I would want to make sure they are given every opportunity to reach their full potential.  This puppy is being sold to me with the understanding it will be shown.  It would not have been sold to me if I had said it was to just be a pet.  And if the breeder's kennel (and reputation) is attached to that dog, they are protecting their assets.

There are specific things I will insist on however and if she doesn't agree then she's not the breeder I want to buy from.  For instance, the dog is to live with me full time.  I'm not going shuttle my dog back and forth between two states.  And I want a fair say in the events the dog is to participate in.  I refuse to assume full responsibility for the training and financial aspects and not have any say in what happens with the dog.  If I have to put in the hard work, I want some of the glory too.

It will be nice to lean on her experience though.  If we go to the same shows, even if we are competing, my dog will most likely bear her kennel name, so it stands to reason she will want her dog to do well.  I can learn so much about grooming and the dog show process, etc.  And if she owns the dog also, she has a vested interest in teaching me these things.

Based on what I know of her already, I have high hopes this will turn out to be a good thing for both of us.  I hope I'm not let down when it comes to discussing the terms of the contract...
Dogs are not our whole lives, but they make our lives whole - Roger Caras

Oscar, Gina- Cats
Peaches, Sean, Thunderbolt, Chablis, Lucky, Miracle, Ivy, Riley-Whitetail Deer


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Re: Maybe getting another Newf puppy...
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2008, 05:57:39 am »
I also know nothing about co-ownership but everything I've read seems to benefit the breeder and does little for the owner accept to incur all the expenses. I would imagine certain criteria you and the breeder agreed upon could be written into any contract while still maintaining full ownership.

It also sounds like you have had previous experience in showing and have more knowledge than your average person thinking he/she would like to show dogs. So I don't think the breeder needs to be as protective with you.

Brattiness has nothing to do with it. I would not want to have to consult with anyone concerning any decisions I make for my animals.

Of course I have been accused a time or two by family that I have 'control' issues. ::)