Author Topic: Personality Change  (Read 2306 times)


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Personality Change
« on: January 14, 2009, 10:21:53 am »
I'm sorry to keep going on about Sophie and I know by the time we have the other knee done all my questions will have been answered. So I promise to give you all a break for the next one.

I quite understand that my baby has and is going through major trauma. Although there is marked improvement, I know she still hurts, doesn't feel well and life as she knew it just isn't the same.

I know all this intellectually, but my heart sees a complete stranger dog. I could have picked her up yesterday from some shelter. She eats, drinks, now pees and poops with my assistance, but my Sophie is not there. Eyes are vacant, rarely even a tail thump when I greet her, growls at Syrus even though he can not get to her. She only gets pain meds in the evening before bed now so I know she is not on drugs.

I try to spend a lot of time with her lying next to her and just stroking her. Getting all her itchy places and generally keeping her company. She is definitely the more sensitive of my two but she will get back to her old self eventually, right? :-[

This whole ordeal is killing me. I can only imagine what it is doing to her. Then we get to do it all over again in 2 months. I'm seriously considering not doing the other knee.  :-[

Offline KiraNGunnersmom

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Re: Personality Change
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2009, 11:23:52 am »
When Kira bloated and we brought her home after her surgery,
I felt as though she behaved the same way too.
She almost acted as though she were depressed.  If we talked to her, her eyes didnt light up anymore and sometimes she would even look away when we talked to her.
That was very upsetting to me, mostly.  I spoke to our evt at her check up and staple removal and she said that it isnt uncommon for thier personalities to change a little after a tramatic event and anesthisia and that once she is healed and sure of herself once again, the old Kira would be back.   It took almost a month(but Kee is 7 years old) but she is herself again,  sometimes a little grumpy but I blame that on old!
Right now Sophie is probably still in some pain with plaster covering her hind end and is limited in her movements,  so I would just keep on assuring her how loved she is andn try not to show her how worried you are,  remember our pups are very intune to our emotions.
Rest easy mom,  the Sophie you know and love is on her way back to you.
Kira- Akita
cockateils-Peanut Butter & Jelly
Beta fish-Mak

Offline maxsmom

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Re: Personality Change
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2009, 12:13:33 pm »
That sucks, but it will get better.  I had to have ChiChi knocked out for xrays, no surgery, no pain, nothing.  It took her a week to get back to being herself.  Nothing was done to her, but put her to sleep so the vet could handle her.  She reacted very badly to the anesthesia, even though she was still moving some and not completely out, the whole time.  She couldn't even walk, without staggering for 48 hours afterwards.  She would not respond to anything for the first 3 or 4 days.  It took a week before she would even try to play with Max and Jake again.  Sometimes it takes longer for dogs to get over something that traumatic.  I have been told that hip and knee replacement surgeries are horrible on some dogs and it can take weeks for them to get back to their former selves.  Just try to be patient, don't worry and give her time to recover.  She will be okay again, in time. 
Max  2 Irish Wolfhound
Jake  2 Great Pyrenees
Cody   3 Tibetan Mastiff
ChiChi 1.5 Caucasian Ovcharka
John and Nicki Maine Coon cats


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Re: Personality Change
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2009, 01:37:24 pm »
Thanks everyone. I know as much but it really does help knowing other dogs exhibit the same symptoms and do get back to normal.

I also know tis better to get this all done now while she is still basically a pup and give her the rest of her life pain free. We'll do the other knee as soon as possible.

Of course my eyes are glued on Syrus. Every time his missteps on the lumpy ground. (let's face it, Newfs aren't the most graceful land bubs) I tell him, "Don't you dare!" He just looks at me, "Whuh?" :D