Author Topic: Having a problem...  (Read 5591 times)

Offline LadyAngeni

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Having a problem...
« on: February 25, 2009, 04:40:04 am »
In January my dog had her first heat, caught us a little off guard, we didnt even notice it until a neighbour pointed it out she was keeping herself that clean... But since then she has been attacking the garbage can pulling out what every she would think was nice to chew on... But another thing has come along too Im 7 months pregnant we just started to bring in baby stuff in January too... My Hubby is getting upset and dont know what to do about it because we cant leave the house without her getting into stuff now and chewing things up... My Hubby thinks its was probably from her heat and she lost a few brain cells... I say its from the baby stuff comming in and she is getting jealous over the baby... We need help!!! If it gets any worse my Hubby is thinking of giving up the dog...
Yours Truly,
Angeni & Coley

~*~Coley is a 9 months old female Husky Cross~*~

Offline LadyAngeni

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Re: Having a problem...
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2009, 05:34:07 am »
PS... The only garbage can she attacks is the one by me, I dont know if this adds any more insight on the problem.
Yours Truly,
Angeni & Coley

~*~Coley is a 9 months old female Husky Cross~*~

Offline patrick

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Re: Having a problem...
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2009, 05:56:31 am »
When you are not there to correct her things should be put up where she can't get them  Dogs have no concept of 'that's the baby's stuff'  We have a rule- if the dog gets it its my fault cause I left it out


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Re: Having a problem...
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2009, 11:56:06 am »
i agree.  Crate train.  i know a lot of people think it's cruel, but a contained pet is a happy pet.  too much freedom when you're not home makes some dogs anxious and leads to getting into things.  Grace loves her crate.  I get ready to leave and say "ready to go to bed?" and she shoots into her "room".   not a bad idea in any situation i think.

Offline LadyAngeni

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Re: Having a problem...
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2009, 05:29:51 pm »
Today while we was out she pulled out a snail shell from my garbage can, I guess she thought it was a bad timbit I didnt want... We have crate I call it her Kennel, she doesnt like the word cage or crate she goes and hides lol. We used to put her in the kennel all the time when she was pup, and then we started to leave her alone outside of it, it wasnt until just recently she has been getting into trouble by going into things and chewing it up. Last time she misbehave this badly it was because my hunny was helping a neighbour take out the dogs because her husband didnt want her to take out their Big Paw pet during the pregnancy, once we stop helping them she was fine again. Reason why I think its probably dealing with pregnancy or something dealing around it.My hubby dad is a butcher and suppose to get bones in for us, I hope its sooner then later, and hope it helps with the problem.
Yours Truly,
Angeni & Coley

~*~Coley is a 9 months old female Husky Cross~*~

Offline LadyAngeni

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Re: Having a problem...
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2009, 03:57:25 am »
Is she getting enough exercise?

Well thats a good question with all her dog buddys hidding cause of the snow she hasnt been able to play and chase them around like she usuaully does... So that may have some admount to do with it too. Never thought of that until now.
Yours Truly,
Angeni & Coley

~*~Coley is a 9 months old female Husky Cross~*~

Offline patrick

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Re: Having a problem...
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2009, 04:24:56 am »
To keep dogs out of the trash I don't put anything in that might be tempting  All trash with enticing smells go in a bag on top of the fridge which then goes out when the trash can gets emptied.  I have 7 loose dogs in the house and they never touch the trash can which is easily accessible and doesn't even have a lid on it.  They can't reach the top of the fridge so everything is safe- including the dogs.

Offline LadyAngeni

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Re: Having a problem...
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2009, 07:29:24 am »
How old is she?

She is 9 months old, will be turning 10 months about March 13th... And it started slightly before her 8 month birthday.
Yours Truly,
Angeni & Coley

~*~Coley is a 9 months old female Husky Cross~*~