Author Topic: Another Dane Question  (Read 13723 times)


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Another Dane Question
« on: February 26, 2009, 04:14:21 am »
I'm not sure this is a question that's specific to Great Danes but I've never had problems with our other dog. Elliot seems to be kind of a problem child in the skin department as well. We live in New England and it's very cold this time of year so he might just have dry skin, but he seems very itchy and the skin on his neck gets raw very easily. I have to take his collar off when we're inside otherwise the skin becomes really irritated. We've tried adjusting it and it doesn't seem to work. Also when we picked him up, he had a couple of cuts that were healing and one of them he refuses to leave alone. It's on his front leg and he'll lick it obsessively if we turn our heads. Do other people have this issue as well and what do you do for it?


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Re: Another Dane Question
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2009, 02:36:30 am »
Thanks for the suggestions, the tea tree oil worked like a charm so far (knock on wood) and he's finally leaving that leg alone. He keeps finding new spots to get at though, so I'm going to check into the foods you all suggested since we're fiddling with his food anyway and we did start adding the salmon oil. When I was checking him out for new spots yesterday I noticed a weird spot on his chest. It almost looks like a tick but it's clearly skin. Not sure what that could be. He's going back to the vet soon for his neuter so I'll talk all this over with the vet. Crossing my fingers that I can start to get this guy on the right track!

Offline vmimom2006

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Re: Another Dane Question
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2009, 12:44:04 am »
I agree to try a food that doesn't contain the items stated by the others. Athena had nasty smelling ears..always had to clean them and when I switched her to a Herring based food her ears cleared right up. I was able to narrow her allergy down to chicken.
Mom to:
Athena 20 month Blue Great Dane
Aurora 5 yr Blue Merle Great Dane
Baby Tux cat-RIP 6/9/09
Mandy & Millie 10 yr sisters tabbys
Wheet 9 yr black shorthair devil cat
Lucy Lu & Buckley 8 month kitties

Offline MeAndMyMuttz

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Re: Another Dane Question
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2009, 11:34:55 am »
Everyone has given fantastic suggestions so far. Try weeding out the possibility of a food allergy first. If not, you may need to take him to the vet to have him tested and make sure he isn't having an outbreak of demodex mange or some sort of pyoderma (skin infection). These things can happen if your dog is stressed or come on the heels of an allergic reaction and require veterinary attention to treat.

Also, as far as the licking on his wound are concerned... be careful. Large breed dogs and especially danes have a tendency to obsessivly lick small wounds, itchy spots, etc. Especially if they are stressed and can cause what are called lick granulomas and hot spots. If you are concerned at all you should contact your vet!

:) best of luck to you in your new adventure into the life of a Dane parent!!

"A dog is not "almost human," and I know of no greater insult to the canine race than to describe it as such." - John Holmes