Author Topic: Pyr rescued - need help  (Read 9620 times)

Offline mkern21

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Pyr rescued - need help
« on: May 11, 2009, 10:54:40 am »
Hello, we have recently aquired an injured great pyrenees. My husband works with a man who had a great pyrenees dog that got loose around his house quite often in the last couple of months. He lives in the country and therefore the dog had plenty of farms and large fields to roam in. Last week he disappeared for a couple of days, and when he finally made it back he had a severe limp. After my husband urged him he took the dog to a local vet who glanced at him quickly and said the leg was broken and it would cost at least $1000 to fix or amputate. The owner could not afford the expense and was going to simply take it to the humane society where I am sure it would have been put ot sleep since it had no use of the one back leg. So, i told my husband to have him bring it to us, even though we have no room for such a large dog being that we live in the subburbs with 3 dogs of our own, but I could not let it be tossed away especially since it is ony 9 months or so old.

We took the dog to our vet last saturday, who took x-rays and about 20-30 ticks off the dog. And come to find out the dog had actually been shot by what we can only guess was a .22 or some other smaller caliber gun because there was an entrance wound, but once the bullet hit the bone the bone shattered and all that was left was bullet fragments. We then had to take him to a local emergency vet hospital since it was far too damaged for our vet to care for. It did require surgery with metal plates and bolts, etc. to try to fix the leg so he can hopefully get some use out of the leg. We have committed ourselves to helping this gentle giant as best we can, but if there are any complications we fear we may not be able to afford the entire treatment as the Surgery itself cost $3,650.

We do want to help this wonderful dog as he has already found a place in our hearts, but we were wondering if there is any financial assistance out there for someone like us who wants to help a dog locally. We can keep the dog and give him a great loving home, but i don't want to have to put him to sleep simply because we run out of funds...

Is there anything anyone can suggest to help us out? Does anyone know of anywhere we can go to get assistance?? We have named him Oso after Special Agent Oso (from the Disney Channel), my 31/2 year old's favorite cartoon, and he definitley deserves the chance at a loving home and we would love to be able to give him that.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Offline mkern21

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Re: Pyr rescued - need help
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2009, 11:12:49 am »
We did contact them a couple of days ago, but we haven't heard anything from them yet.  Hopefully someone will respond soon.

Offline ShintoPyrs

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Re: Pyr rescued - need help
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2009, 05:51:33 pm »
You need to send me that Cham pic!  She is already my computer wallpaper ( the other one of her in bed with her ladybug) I need a new one....TOOOOO  CUTE
Mom to:
6 Great Pyrenees: Tank, Crissy, Buzz, Zeus, Lexi, Macchi
1 Australian Shepherd: Cinchy
Aunt to Chammie

Offline mkern21

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Re: Pyr rescued - need help
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2009, 10:41:12 pm »
Thanks for the info I will check all those out to see if we can find some help from them.  Here is are pics of him from last monday/tuesday when we brought him home from the hospital.  He is very sweet and well mannered considering.  Just goes to show you dogs live in the moment. ;D
« Last Edit: May 12, 2009, 10:45:40 pm by mkern21 »

Offline PyrPack

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Re: Pyr rescued - need help
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2009, 09:57:19 am »
www.fundable.c om is an online fundraising site.  I haven't used it but I've seen a couple of private parties using it on Craigslist.  The rescue that I work with has had a lot of sucess fundraising using myspace and facebook.  Even getting $1-$5 donations, it adds up quickly.

Offline PyrPack

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Re: Pyr rescued - need help
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2009, 09:14:26 am »
Make sure you share this link and story on MySpace, FaceBook, Twitter, Craigslist, ask all of your friends and relative to post it (even if they can't contribute) and anywhere else that you can think of.  The greater coverage will produce faster results.

Offline mkern21

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Re: Pyr rescued - need help
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2009, 04:58:45 am »
Thanks for your help and ideas apparently I can't use this forum to try to solicit help since I am new to the forum, which I understand, so I will try those that you suggested.  I am just amazed that so many other organization won't even return our emails.  It is disheartening to see so many people who say they care so much about this breed unwilling to help those that are trying to help as well.

Offline mkern21

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Re: Pyr rescued - need help
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2009, 12:44:28 am »
I completely understand the difficulties right now and the fears of fraud etc, but it certainly doesn't help my situation, but I will continue to try to find help and I have emailed everyone that has been suggested, but I have yet to hear back from anyone. 

I have spread the word as much as i can and we can just hope that something will come of it.  If not hopefully we will be able to afford the payments. 

On the good note....Oso is doing very well and getting a little better everyday, and we just have to hold on to that no matter what.  we did a good thing and that is what truly matters.  He is having difficulty adjusting to life trapped in a cage during rehab, but there is onlly 4 weeks left of that.  Once that is over I am sure he will continue being a wonderful addition to our family.

Offline VdogLover

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Re: Pyr rescued - need help
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2009, 11:17:36 am »
Have you not paid for the surgery yet?

If not, may I suggest Craiglists. I have collect vet funds for 2 dogs (not my own) using craigslist. Be honest in your post and ask for donations to be made straight to the vets office. This way folks know you are not profiting from it.

Good luck~

Offline mkern21

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Re: Pyr rescued - need help
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2009, 10:40:27 pm »
We did pay fo rthe surgery..had to or they would not have done the surgery.  But, we had to max out our credit card in order to pay for it.   - - - Wanted ot give everyone an update. - - - Have not been able to secure and funds apparently all the rescue organizations are too busy to email us back and any other fund/grant organizations have already been tapped out this year.  The economy being what it is has apparently increased everyones need.  I guess that is why we were drawn to this animal because no one else would have been able to help. - - - Oso is doing well less than two weeks left til we go back for post surgery x-rays and then hopefully he will be off cage restriction.  He is adapting well to life in the cage and with our family and other dogs.  Only one small incident where he and our chow/shepard mix had an altercation luckily it was all show and no one was injured.  Hopefully he will mix in well once he is able to mingle with them all the time.  We are still unsure if we will be able to handle 4 dogs with our two young kids one almost 1 and the other 3 1/2, so we will see how it goes.  We may end up having to find a good home for him, but we are still hoping for the best. - - - We are just not sure we can afford to pay for the credit card balance and his up-keep so again we'll have to see how it goes.