Author Topic: In memory of Cronics  (Read 2819 times)


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In memory of Cronics
« on: August 19, 2005, 12:27:44 pm »
Me and my boyfriend sat around and told stories about all the funny and sweet thing Cronics did and I think that helped remembering him that way instead of the very end. Well while we were talking I let him read all the replys that everyone on both of the boards I go to see how much everyone actually cares even though they do not really know us. Well he said that made him feel better too just seeing that we did do the right thing. Well anyway after he read everything he said that we should post all the good memories and Stories that we could remember and share them with all of you since you all were there for the sad part and never really got to hear all the good parts so if noone minds I am going to tell some stories.
And before I start I want to say thank you all again for all the support and love you all showed us.
Here goes the stories:

The Pig Ear Escapade:
We bought a bag of pig ears to give the boys as treats and we used a plastic cereal container to keep it in the bedroom to put them in and we left it  sitting on the floor and the top came off  but we figured Cronics is so well behaved and if you say no to him he knows it means no and he wont touch it again well he sniffed it while we were still awake and I said no and he moved away and stared at it but did not touch it and Spike was in his cage sleeping that night and we just went got in bed and turned the light out and I was laying there like 5 min and I heard this noise and I thought maybe Spike figured a way to sneak something in his cage and was chewing on it well I got up and saw it Cronics had waited till the lights went out and went after those ears he had his whole face pushed into the opening grabbing a ear and when I said hey he shook the container off and layed down to chew his prize and he was looking at me like what I did not do anything what are you looking at well I figured if he is smart enough to wait till the light were out so we would not see him then he deserves the treat and I let him finish it and sat on the floor giving him snuggles but I did put the container up before I turned the light out again.  He did look so proud of himself though like hah I figured out how to beat the system! I was laughing so hard he got on the bed and layed with us after he got done eating the ear that is.

Our life guard:
Pierre has a inground pool in the back yard and when ever we go swimming and go under tha water or swim the the deep end he will bark and follow us on the outside of the pool and if you are under to long or on the deep end to long he would jump in and swim to us I never let him get to close cause when he swam with us and got close we always end up with scratches all over the place. And when we are just sitting on the steps in the water and his feet got to hot on he concrete around the pool he would stand on the steps with just his feet in the water and wait till the cooled off then get out and go about his business he would do this every 10 min or so.

May I please?:
When me and Pierre would lay on the bed Cronics would stand by the side of the bed and wait till he was invited up to get on the bed and lay down and he always had to lay in the middle and would give kisses back and forth to both of us for a couple min till he fell asleep and he snored like a 400lb man I had to wear earplugs just to get to sleep.

That was not me:
When he would toot he would get up and look around to like he was saying who did that and then go in another room and leave the stench behind.

There are more I just can’t type anymore my hands are tired.
Again sorry for taking up a lot of space here just thought I would share.

Rachael, Pierre and Spike

Offline DixieSugarBear

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Re: In memory of Cronics
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2005, 12:35:06 pm »
We want to read as many stores as you have to tell.  In telling your stores he lives for all of us.

Lisa, owned by the following:
Sugar Bear - Great Pyrenees 4.5 yr.
Dixie Darlin - Great Pyrenees 4 yr.
Penny Lane - Great Pyrenees 2.5 yr.
Beauman - Great Pyrenees 14 months
Izzy - Great Pyrenees 14 month
Rosie - Great Pyrenees (at the bridge)

Offline newflvr

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Re: In memory of Cronics
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2005, 01:29:45 pm »
Please DO share the stories.  It's what keeps us all coming to the site:  sharing the good, bad and ugly!   This is definately in the "good" category!  More stories, PLEASE!


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Re: In memory of Cronics
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2005, 01:32:52 pm »
there's space for stories.  :)  It's fun to tell them and nice to hear them.  It's the good parts that stay with you.  and it gets easier.
I still find myself talking about little Missy.  She's been gone for 5 months almost.  But I remember the good parts mostly.  I know what happened the day I took her to have her put to sleep...and the way her health had deteriorated.. .but I feel her in my heart and I know she's somehow still with me. 
It'll get easier...and here we are listening to whatever you need to say. 


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Re: In memory of Cronics
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2005, 01:40:28 pm »
Talking about all the good times helps heal the hurts of the end.  Cronics sounds so loved.  I especially enjoy hearing the stories, because of losing my Great Dane Lady last week.  I can read and cry with you and heal too.  Bless you for sharing.