Author Topic: BPO important announcement  (Read 70376 times)

Offline jabear

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BPO important announcement
« on: June 09, 2009, 04:02:36 pm »
Dearest BPO Members,

It’s been a long time since Michael and I have been around here and just hung out, so I felt it was time for an update on all that is going on here as well as let you know about a major change that affects BPO.

Let me first start by saying that this is bitter sweet for me to write to you all. Michael & I began this site so long ago in the hopes of finding other dog lovers who could share stories with us and bounce ideas off of us when we needed some help with our big boy Bear. Since its birth, we were fortunate enough to find loving members to chat with regularly and become friends with, if only online. We were also able to meet some of the most amazing people who share a vision of a place filled with love and safety, where people could share their thoughts and feeling without feeling threatened. These people, our wonderful moderators, have been here every day working to keep the community as strong as it is. 

Unfortunately, as the years have progressed, life has also. Michael and I have found ourselves visiting less and less and the periods in between have grown longer and longer.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with our situation, here is a small look into our daily lives. Michael works full time and is in school. He has little free time between those two obligations, so when he is not in school or working, he is with me enjoying his freedom.  ;)
I am a teacher at a charter school so my days are long and extra duties are always taken up by those of "who can" in an effort to help our students perform the best they can. My free time includes being the good wife & mom to Bear so there really isn't much time left over. I’m also going back to school (full-time) to get my masters & pursue my dream job. Michael and I have also made the big decision that this summer is the summer of all changes- seriously looking for a house to buy and starting a family. So, to say there is a lot going on for us personally is an understatement .

Bear is not doing as well as we'd like. He's an old man at 6 3/4 years old and has terrible hips & elbows. He is a constant focus in our lives and so we take him to fun places and do lots of outdoor activities to keep him happy instead of spending so much time indoors. We know he can't go on like this forever so we're wasting no time in enjoying what time he has left.
I have told you all that is going on with us personally but now I need to tell you what else has happened and how you are all involved. Michael and I have made the tough decision, through lots of talks and deliberations, to sell BPO to a new owner. BPO is now in the hands of new owners who seem to love everything that you love about BPO. The brother and sister team want to keep the board the same and have no plans to change that. They will probably have questions from time to time and I hope you will be as gracious to them as you’ve been to us.

I hope you all can understand our point of view and know that we do love you and have BPO’s best interest at heart. We have tried to ensure that the transition will be as painless for you as possible. We will pop in from time-to-time to check in and see what’s new with you all and will always be reachable by email or pm should you need us. Michael and I are so thankful for the friendships we've made and the love you have for one another. This site turned into something more than we ever could have imagined and we'll never forget the great times we’ve had here.

All of our love,
   Jaime, Michael, and Bear
« Last Edit: June 09, 2009, 06:09:08 pm by jabear »
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.


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Re: BPO important announcement from Michael & Jaime
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2009, 04:12:56 pm »
I'm sorry to hear Bear is not doing well. Good luck with all your future holds for you.
Are the people taking over already members of this site?
« Last Edit: June 09, 2009, 04:13:22 pm by Clifford the big dog »


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Re: BPO important announcement
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2009, 10:39:19 pm »
First of all I want to wish you three the very best.  Bear has always been one of my favorites and such a love. Thank you both so much for such a great place to meet ppl that have the same thing in their hearts.

I have been a member of this site 3 yrs in September. Wow where has the time gone?  I do realize things happen sometimes or present itself in a way that seems the best. As a business person though I do feel that this was handled kind of poorly. You have moderators on this site that have been here since the onset and have given their time and wisdom unconditionall y, as you two have.  My heart is very sad right now because being from the business world I know in my heart that things will now change. As much as we all want it not to, feelings have been hurt and there will be much pondering inside oneself wondering why we were not offered an opportunity to keep this site up and running. Personally I would not have the xtra time it would take to do the job justice but the opportunity to say "no thanks" was not given to anyone. For the ppl that have been here forever I am very sad.

In my time here I have made some awesome friends. These friendships will continue no matter what happens on this site. For that I am forever grateful.  So if I am not around as much those ppl know where to find me.

Again good luck in your ventures and as always give big Bear all my love and kisses

« Last Edit: June 09, 2009, 10:42:31 pm by lorim2 »

Offline nipa

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Re: BPO important announcement
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2009, 11:12:28 pm »
Hi All

This is Nipa. My brother and I are the new owners of Big Paws Only.

Let me just start off by saying what a pleasure and honor it is for us to assume the ownership of this site. We have owned it for just over a week, but, we are already excited about how the site operates and the "stickiness" that all of you have created here.

When I was young, I owned 2 dogs - first, Blacky & then, Chini. They were my best friends. I have been very passionate about dogs, ever since my childhood.

Although I would have loved to have had a dog at home now, both my husband and I have to travel very frequently, because of which we decided not to adopt a dog right now.

I have read all your posts. I really appreciate your emotions and sentiments towards this forum. And I deeply respect all the work that each of you have done, through these years, to bring the forum to where it is today.

Infact, one of the main reasons we decided to take over m was the wonderful and passionate community that you have created. Without your efforts, it could not have been such a friendly and spirited "online" family. Jaime and Michael, you were lucky to have such a group!!

And, I do hope, I will get the same support and co-operation from each of you to run the entire website.

As Jaime mentioned in her post, I do not foresee making any changes whatsoever to this community. The community has been so well run that there's really nothing that I can think of changing. From the back end, I promise to do everything possible to ensure that the community runs, as usual.

If you have any technical problem with the forum, please feel free to contact me.

So, please continue to participate in the forum with the same dedication and passion. I am sure, Michael and Jaime will also be chipping in from time to time.

We can continue to use this thread to discuss any questions that you have about the transfer of ownership.

Hopefully, we can get to know each other better over the next few weeks and months. Incidentally, I live with my husband and my 6-year old son Rishav in Mumbai, India (that's a picture of me and my son on his 4th birthday).

Talk to you soon,


Offline vmimom2006

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Re: BPO important announcement
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2009, 12:29:27 am »
Wow.... :-\

I wish you & hubs and Bear all the best.
Mom to:
Athena 20 month Blue Great Dane
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Offline VdogLover

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Re: BPO important announcement
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2009, 01:07:46 am »
Weren't at one time BPO members donating money to keep this site running? So members pay to keep a site running and then its owner sells it for profit?
The legalities seem a little off to me, but I'm no lawyer.  However one does not need to be a lawyer to know that ethically business practices such as this are way off.

Best of luck to Jamie and Michael.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2009, 08:17:13 am by VdogLover »


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Re: BPO important announcement
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2009, 01:11:06 am »
Even though I have not posted in a while- I am very sorry to hear that this site  has been sold. WHY was it not offered to one of the current or long term members?? I have no idea what this site sold for but to have offered it to the current members who own dogs and are a part of the existing community would have been a bit more appropriate. So was this more of a money issue?

I am saddened that this has happened. Nipa I am sure that you and your brother mean the best for the site however you guys have not been a part of the group ever, you dont own dogs currently, you have stated that you and your husband travel a lot and this is site was bought by you and your brother, not your husband? Just these facts tell me that this is not a purchase that is for the best of the existing BPO community but a business decision.

I still lurk quiet often and understand that we all get busy- I fill up about 18 hours a day with my job and therescue dogs.

I am so sorry that things are changing- you all know how to get in touch with me thru my email- I hope to be able to keep in touch with all of my BPO family in the future.

Michael and Jamie- Good Luck, but shame on you guys for not offering it to one of the dedicated dog owners of BPO, you dont know who may have had the money to purchase the site with out having first put the opportunity out to the BPO community.

With any luck  BPO will continue to be the great place it has been in the past, I will still log on to see what is going on if anything.
Also I am sure that my post could get deleted since I am not exuding joy and happiness at what has happened, please understand that I am only stating what so many are thinking.

Good luck to Bear - we all love him dearly.


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Re: BPO important announcement
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2009, 01:25:30 am »
Weren't at one time recently BPO members donating money to keep this site running? So members pay to keep a site running and then its owner sells it for profit?

This exactly what I was thinking about and remembered what Barbara said in the past (RIP).
The whole situation is just a nuisance to me...sorry  :-\
Good luck Jaime and Michael
"To once own a Great Pyrenees is to love and want one always."
Mary W. Crane

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Re: BPO important announcement
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2009, 01:40:50 am »
Weren't at one time recently BPO members donating money to keep this site running? So members pay to keep a site running and then its owner sells it for profit?

This exactly what I was thinking about and remembered what Barbara (Babs) said in the past (RIP).

I have nothing to add except, good point Oleysa.

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Re: BPO important announcement
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2009, 02:15:20 am »
I am incredibly saddened by what I am reading about BPO.  I had hoped to continue reading the good, sad and general news of my BPO friends.

I also thought that my next dog would appear to me on BPO (from some of our rescue people).

Lastly, I know when it comes time for Harley to leave me I know that I will be beside myself; I knew there would be a community of friends here who would "get it" like noone else will.

I hope the site will go on but honestly how many of my BPO friends will stay?

I understand change; Michael and Jamie you are a young couple starting a new chapter that is awesome and I wish you the best of luck.  Bear I'm so sorry that you aren't doing well and I am happy that your parents are awesome dog owners that will give you their time and best life available.

That said, how can the site be sold to people without dogs?  How can they possible "get it"?

I assume the new owners are nice people but it just doesn't seem like this was the right site for you to buy?

As to my BPO friends...I hope we will stay around for each other and give it a chance.

Randy and Harley


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Re: BPO important announcement
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2009, 04:02:25 am »
I agree, I'd like to know as well..

Offline London_Pyr_Lover

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Re: BPO important announcement
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2009, 05:13:35 am »
I wrote the first reply on here last night, but I deleted it after some thought.  This is gonna be a long one, so skip ahead if your not interested in reading a small novel.  ;)

Michael and Jaimie, I too wish you guys the best in regards to your future, and sincerely hope that Bear gets to know the feeling of sleeping in his own yard someday.

Now, I haven't been around as long as some others on here.  I've only been a member for about 2 years now, but that's still long enough IMO to become a part of the tight community that we have here.  We all don't always see eye to eye, and sometimes we might downright disagree.  But I firmly believe that we'll always work around our differences and are always respectful.  That is one of the things I love most about this place, the fact that we have SO MANY people, all with different backgrounds, and we are all friends because of one thing, the love of our giant breed dogs, and the love for BPO.  I truly cherish the friends I've made here, people I come to on a regular basis for advice, or just to chat.  Some of you I've met in person, some are the greatest friends I've never met, some of you I probably never will meet, but am no less grateful to know you.  I am thankful to Micheal and Jaimie for bringing us all together in the first place, and I hope that we can all still stay such a close knit community, whether it's through BPO or elsewhere.

Now that being said, I too am saddened by all of this.  I would also like to know how this all came about?  What is it that attracted you to BPO Nipa?  Why did you think that buying BPO would be a good idea?  Being that you do not have any dogs, let alone dogs that require the extra care and love that our giant breeds do, what is your background? What sense does it make to you to purchase this site?  I know that none of this is my business, and I really have no rights as a member, let alone one who hasn't been here from the beginning; but how can you expect a good relationship without complete honesty from the very start?  But what about the Mods, if anyone has the right to know of impending change this big, it's certainly the people you employ to keep things running here.

I am willing to have an open mind and an open heart here, as are others I'm sure, but we need to know what your intentions really are.

And Micheal and Jaimie, sorry to make this so long, but I felt I had to say this as well.  If you were seriously considering selling BPO, I know that there are people here, who know and love this site who would've made it work.  I know you didn't have to, but shame on you for not asking your friends first.  :-\ :'(

Modified because I have so many questions...
« Last Edit: June 10, 2009, 05:34:41 am by London_Pyr_Lover »
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Re: BPO important announcement
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2009, 05:49:03 am »
I was going to refrain from posting in this thread because I have a way of coming off harsh even when I don't mean to.

I've been a member here since 2005. I joined here just after I brought Bubba home. This is the only forum I actively participate on. Kinda ironic that I was going over all my old posts yesterday afternoon.. reminiscing and laughing at myself and then I see this post today.

That said though.. I'm really disappointed that this happened the way it did. A surprise announcement with NO mention that you or Michael were even thinking of selling the site. We were always 'included' in different aspects of this site and asked for our opinions or suggestions. So the fact that this was never even mentioned just seems so odd to me.

Regardless, I have a gut feeling that things are not going to turn out all sunshine and happiness.


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Re: BPO important announcement
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2009, 05:58:02 am »
So much sadness here and I'm sure we will never really get all our questions answered.

Perhaps BPO will continue with the newer members who have yet to build the relationship many of us have and also new members along the way. But I don't see how it can possibly maintain the 'special' quality this forum had over so many other dog forums.

Seems times - they are a changing.

Not necessarily a good thing.  :-[

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Re: BPO important announcement
« Reply #14 on: June 10, 2009, 06:47:49 am »
I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be a pest, Nipa...
I think we need some serious pest control here! LMAO  :D
"To once own a Great Pyrenees is to love and want one always."
Mary W. Crane

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