Author Topic: can anyone gimme advice on why my dog wants to eat everything? -nicki  (Read 13685 times)


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well.  we all know this is an ongoing battle, and that i haven't taken the freak to school aside from those two are my stories.


he has always been a barker.  he sees people, barks.  sees animals, barks.  thinks he sees people or animals, barks.  it's usually a deep, loud and powerful bark with an empty threat on the end of it.  well, today is a bit different. 

earlier today i took cody on a walk to go do some laundry (i have to walk the apart now cuz angus was turning cody rotten).  it was a fun walk, people played with him, and he ate it up.  i got home, and was like, well i guess i have to take the devil on a walk to be a fair mom.  i hook him up, and out we go.  we pass like 10 groundskeepers, with rakes and blowers and carts, and angus doesn't make one peep!  i was amazed!  he did so well.  we went into the office, and he barked a couple of times at the girls in there, then stopped and sat down.  i was impressed.  we walked home, he didn't make a noise. 

i was all excited....i thought it had finally happened. 

THEN, about 2 hours later, i opened the door to take him out again, and BAM...neighbor walking right by the freaks angus out, or pisses him off, and he starts barking like MAD!  the neighbor laughs (thank god), talks, goes upstairs...and we are off on our next adventure.  we walk down the street, when another neighbor (who angus knows) walked towards us, and angus went crazy again.  neighbor left.....and we started walking home.  we were on the home stretch, when i heard it.  a little voice saying something (i cant remember for sure so im making it up lol)..."what kinda dog is that?"  and im telling him.  well....angus is TERRIFIED.  his tail is down, butt down, and barking like crazy.  the kid rides his bike right up to angus, gets off, sticks out his hand....angus snaps and pulls away barking.  the kid continues to talk and walk towards him with his hand out....and angus is getting more and more upset.  i tell the kid that angus is very scared and very barky and now isn't the best time...and he continues.  i held angus close...and thank god, cuz he lunged at the kid.  the kid didn't really notice, cuz i had such a hold on him...but if i hadn't, the kid would have lost a hand or eye or something. 

just now, i went out with to have kids pet him and play....take out angus, and he is barking at anything he thinks will eat us, including EVERY PLANT...and thereis one about every 4 feet.  we take our walk..i am very annoyed at this point....we get almost home.....and BAM....a little unleashed ugly rat comes after us.  angus's butt goes down and he runs behind me barking and barking...and the darned (your welcome jaba lol) dog kept coming towards him barking.  i friggin tried to kick it, LIGHTLY lol, and missed.  he barked for like 5 minutes after that for NO reason. 

i am just at a loss.  at first it was lunging?  this isn't scared for us both....and im ready to kill him myself. 

any help on a scared doggy who tries to eat everything?



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Re: can anyone gimme advice on why my dog wants to eat everything? -nicki
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2005, 09:00:30 pm »
well it just so happens that i am a dog trainer at petsmart.  How old is the dog?
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Bell 3 1/2 yr old Weimeraner
Baxter 3 yr old English Springer Spaniel
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Re: can anyone gimme advice on why my dog wants to eat everything? -nicki
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2005, 09:01:23 pm »
Samson was terrified of everything when I got him...All i could do was socialize him & keep exposing him to the things he was afraid of & I swear it is so much better!...When people try to approach Samson & I see he sin't comfortable I put my hand up & say loudly & firmly "STOP"!...It works everytime...I then explain that he is scared & he must be approached correctly...If he still balks I just say "he doesn't want to be petted...I'm sorry"...Just keep on taking him for walks...Eventu ally he will come around...& the barking...If he ahs a leash on give a firm tug when you see he is going to start to bark & say no barks!...Be consistant & timing is everything...S amson never barks when he ahs a leash on any more...When he si loose in the yard it's another!...Good luck Nicks!


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Re: can anyone gimme advice on why my dog wants to eat everything? -nicki
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2005, 09:03:45 pm »
i do gyp!  when i see his neck muscles tense up, i give him a yank and say no bark...he in turn, goes insane.  no matter what i do, i couldstep on his head, and he would keep barking.  what else ya got lol

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Re: can anyone gimme advice on why my dog wants to eat everything? -nicki
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2005, 09:06:28 pm »
The obedience trainer in our class says that pups go thru a couple of terror phases usually , and get over them pretty quickly.. it's no biggie. 
“Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.”


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Re: can anyone gimme advice on why my dog wants to eat everything? -nicki
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2005, 09:08:05 pm »
well it just so happens that i am a dog trainer at petsmart.  How old is the dog?

oh sorry....he is 9 months...and has been barking and scared for like 5 of them.....the whole actual attack thing is new as of today

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Re: can anyone gimme advice on why my dog wants to eat everything? -nicki
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2005, 09:17:48 pm »
geeeezzeeeee I AM sorry Nicki...... It sounds like Wangus is really trying you. BUT my very first spontanous thought was that he is not mean, he is afraid and also protective and when being as afraid as he is now, but still has the urge to protect it is just making a big mess in his head.

First, I really really do believe that even if you think it is real pesky right now, he is trainable, he is only like 9 months old and has  had a rocky start in life with his mom and all. Also though, until you have figured out how to train him and how to go about, and when and where to go to introduce him to things and let him get used to them rather than thinking he has to eat them. Maybe it would not be a bad idea to put a muzzle on him for now. NOT AS A TRAINING METHOD OR PUNISHMENT BUT FOR BOTH OF YOURS PROTECTION, if anything happens it could be devestating for both of you and I would just hate see that happen.

Then take him to the Trainer you spoke about, and also try and work with him at home like when he barks at plants, it is probably an insecurity issue, make him go to it, sniff it and when he does praise and give treat, do whatever it takes in order for him to get used to stuff, so he feels more secure with himself. Hopefully that will contribute to him relaxing in other situations also. And work on the alpha issue.

I will keep my fingers crossed but nickers..... I kinda feel a little worried about you all, Angus is getting bigger and older and he really needs to get his act straight now or it will only get harder. lol..... you can send him to either jabas or marits bootcamps hehe.

Give both your babies kisses

« Last Edit: August 19, 2005, 09:23:03 pm by mastiffmommy »
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Re: can anyone gimme advice on why my dog wants to eat everything? -nicki
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2005, 09:38:44 pm »
geeeezzeeeee I AM sorry Nicki...... It sounds like Wangus is really trying you. BUT my very first spontanous thought was that he is not mean, he is afraid and also protective and when being as afraid as he is now, but still has the urge to protect it is just making a big mess in his head.

First, I really really do believe that even if you think it is real pesky right now, he is trainable, he is only like 9 months old and has  had a rocky start in life with his mom and all. Also though, until you have figured out how to train him and how to go about, and when and where to go to introduce him to things and let him get used to them rather than thinking he has to eat them. Maybe it would not be a bad idea to put a muzzle on him for now. NOT AS A TRAINING METHOD OR PUNISHMENT BUT FOR BOTH OF YOURS PROTECTION, if anything happens it could be devestating for both of you and I would just hate see that happen.

Then take him to the Trainer you spoke about, and also try and work with him at home like when he barks at plants, it is probably an insecurity issue, make him go to it, sniff it and when he does praise and give treat, do whatever it takes in order for him to get used to stuff, so he feels more secure with himself. Hopefully that will contribute to him relaxing in other situations also. And work on the alpha issue.

I will keep my fingers crossed but nickers..... I kinda feel a little worried about you all, Angus is getting bigger and older and he really needs to get his act straight now or it will only get harder. lol..... you can send him to either jabas or marits bootcamps hehe.

Give both your babies kisses


i did take him to the plants today dude!  i walked up to them, pet them told angus it was okay...and after like 6 miutes, he walked over and sniffed it....followed by BIG praise.  he was okay with it...and continued to bark to everything else.  imma try to get him in class within the next week or so.  i wanted to wait till i was settled, and now that i to class we make mom feel ike crap lol. 

im so annoyed marit!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: can anyone gimme advice on why my dog wants to eat everything? -nicki
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2005, 10:06:07 pm »
I feel for you nickers... I really do. And I also know the funky feeling when you pet a plant lol...... With my very first dane, a harlequin rescue I was petting everything under the sun lol..... plants, doors, chairs, mailboxes, boots you name it and I petted it hehe

I truly think he wants to have control both over himself and the situation, when someone comes up to him, he gets worried and reacts in an anger way, rather than JUST being afraid. Like the first time you describe, when he was so good, all the things that happened was away from home, nothing really got him going if I make sense here. But second time, he saw someone basically infront if HIS door, that made him worried and excited then being in that mood, a lot of things that might not upset him if he was in the good mood he was earlier, will make him all mad and worried. So if you can get him to both see that most things are okay and nothing to be afraid of and also show him that his mommy is in control and he can leave it up to you and if he doesnt you will do the alpha bitch thing and put him in his place.

I totally understand it has to be both scary and aggrevating. But you have the biggest cheer group in the world you know. I know it is hard, but try not to look at the whole situation right now, I mean go to the class, battle one problem at the time and I am sure he will be good as new before you know it. Not saying it wont be a lot of work for you, it will be looooots of work and many many training sessions BUT it will all be worth it.  :-*

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Re: can anyone gimme advice on why my dog wants to eat everything? -nicki
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2005, 10:37:58 pm »
This is too bad but I think you will both be able to get it under guys just moved too so maybe it is everything...b eing a big pup, the change...  I think the muzzle thing is a good idea also until he can be trusted a little better....And get him into training of my trainer friends told me to have Willow sit for everything...i t just re-emphasizes who is in the alpha position...Wil low sits for pets, food, treats, at the door...wheneve r I can remember...  Also my friend told me to always make sure if you are feeding the dogs around the same time you are eating ...that you eat 1st (also an alpha thing)...  And the other thing - i thought was kind of weird - was to not let the dog see you cleaning up accidents (which I don't quite get...) but whatever.

Anyway...hope things get better. I think you can do guys will get it together I know.
ps my vet also said to increase vit C at times of stress...might help also

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Re: can anyone gimme advice on why my dog wants to eat everything? -nicki
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2005, 11:02:07 pm »
Very good advice Timmy....... The sit thing I do here, and like it, especially for food or when to put leash on, good both for the alpha issue and it simply gets easier to deal with multiple dogs that way  :D

I have never heard the cleaning up thing, but in a way it really does make sense. I mean if dogs are capable of thinking that way, we do look like servants when we clean up and that is not exactly boosing our alpha position lol......

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Re: can anyone gimme advice on why my dog wants to eat everything? -nicki
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2005, 11:09:24 pm »
lol Marit - I know but now I have to go quietly when everyone is asleep to clean up the poop on the floor....  I am now sneaking around to clean up dog sh^&.....really not an alpha thing to do

I also make sure I feed the little dogs male is definately next in charge then my female pom...then they get fed 1st...

in dog packs pups are the last to get anything once they are I try and keep it kind of the same way.

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Re: can anyone gimme advice on why my dog wants to eat everything? -nicki
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2005, 11:37:22 pm »
lmao hehe I can picture you sneaking around with plastic bag on one hand and a flash light in the other lol....... I guess there are other positions that could be concidered "more alpha" hehe but as long as the doggies dont see you, you should be fine hehe, never mind what your two legged kiddos think hahahahaha

A good rutin, to feed them and pet them or whatever reall in the order they are in rang. I really believe that will help establish the rank and hopefully avoid messy nasty fights.

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Re: can anyone gimme advice on why my dog wants to eat everything? -nicki
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2005, 11:45:14 pm »
i do gyp!  when i see his neck muscles tense up, i give him a yank and say no bark...he in turn, goes insane.  no matter what i do, i couldstep on his head, and he would keep barking.  what else ya got lol
Got a cattle prod?!...Seriously, I think he is just scared but unfortunatly that often leads to fear biting...I think the obidience classes are in order...They were a great help with Sammy's issues...Pleas e make sure to sit in on a class or two before you enroll Angus...There are some traing methods that are not about understanding your dog or a relationship with your dog but more about total dominance over your dog...I would rather if my dog obeyed me because he loved me & trusted & respected my role as alpha than to have him obey out of fear of me...&, in the mean time, keep exposing him to things he seems afraid of...I really think Wangus will be o.k. :)
« Last Edit: August 20, 2005, 10:51:47 am by GYPSY JAZMINE »

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Re: can anyone gimme advice on why my dog wants to eat everything? -nicki
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2005, 06:28:45 am »
This may be totally irellavant.. but here goes.  Our macaw Cookie Monster is scared of stuff a lot of times, like a new toy, a new appliance, or whatever.. usually something odd.  Mel & I totally ignore Cookie and interact with the item .. whooping and hollering and acting like we are having the best of times, with our back turned to him.  He can't stand it! and curiosity will get the best of him, fear or not, he will have to come check it out... and hey, its not so bad.  Thats how we get over his fear stuff anyways, but hey he's a bird, so maybe wouldn't work the same.  We just don't coddle him when he is afraid, so that his fear is not rewarded.
“Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.”