Author Topic: My dog was murdered last weekend  (Read 24125 times)

Offline Pyr Heaven

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Re: My dog was murdered last weekend
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2009, 09:36:43 am »
First off....I am so sorry for your loss...both trucker dave and samsmom. My heart dropped as soon as I read your stories. I can't even imagine the pain you are feeling. You guys are both in my thoughts.. :'(

Second...I would just like to say that PyrLove is a "new member" with only a few posts...looks like only to this thread. As difficult as it is...don't let them get to you. They either a. don't even HAVE a great pyrenees and have nothing better to do then harrass people on the internet or b. have never made a mistake or had an accident in their whole entire life and are living in a 100% perfect world. In which patrick said...they would be a robot.  :P ;)

Please...don't let this one "person" stop you from posting on this board and receiving feedback.  :-\
Milwaukee, Wi

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Offline samsmom

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Re: My dog was murdered last weekend
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2009, 10:16:23 am »
First off....I am so sorry for your loss...both trucker dave and samsmom. My heart dropped as soon as I read your stories. I can't even imagine the pain you are feeling. You guys are both in my thoughts.. :'(

Second...I would just like to say that PyrLove is a "new member" with only a few posts...looks like only to this thread. As difficult as it is...don't let them get to you. They either a. don't even HAVE a great pyrenees and have nothing better to do then harrass people on the internet or b. have never made a mistake or had an accident in their whole entire life and are living in a 100% perfect world. In which patrick said...they would be a robot.  :P ;)

Please...don't let this one "person" stop you from posting on this board and receiving feedback.  :-\

Thanks Samantha,
I will still be around and posting sometimes. I won't let someone "Trolling" run me off. My hubby was telling me the same thing. So I'll stick and try not to take it too personally.

Offline LuvmyMal

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Re: My dog was murdered last weekend
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2009, 10:20:31 am »
I am sorry for ANYONE that looses a memeber of thier family, human or not! This is horrific, I can't imagine what I would do. I feel for both of you and do not think that anyone has the right to down you. You loved your dogs, you were on here telling about them as part of your consolement period as I know most people would not understand why you could be so upset. I have always looked at everyone on this board as an extended family member, I have been lurking a lot lately and have noticed it has changed so much. That is why I don't post here as often as I once did. Accidents happen, it is everyone's worst nightmare. This is a local story here that did not envolve a dog, but to show that no one is perfect....ove r a month ago a family was walking on the sidewalk their 1 yr old was in the stroller with the proper attachments. A car ran up on the sidewalk and hit the family including the stroller...the child is getting better and will be out of the hospital soon, but using the judgement that some on here use would you call it the parent's fault? NO, I would hope NOT. I believe this is the same type of accident, dogs can jump fences, dig under them, go through them, break leads and leashes or the same type of incident could happen when walking your dog on a leash. As posted before no one is perfect and for someone that has a dog not to sympathatize with this is udderly ridiculous. I have been deciding on whether or not to leave the board and this type of posts just makes my blood boil. I only hope that both of you continue posting and do not leave, as this board can and will help you.

Offline BigDogMama

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Re: My dog was murdered last weekend
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2009, 01:08:49 pm »
These stories are heartbreaking! I can not believe you PyrLove!  It is not your place to judge other people who obviously loved their pets very much! >:( Please take your ignorant BS elsewhere, because we don't want or need to hear it.  This board is about helping people and sharing the lives of ourselves and our pups.  I hope that you never make a mistake... 

I just want to say to Samsmom and Truckerdave that I am so sorry for your losses. Please don't leave on account of some ignorant wannabe thinks they know-it-all person.  I am new to this board and to being a dog owner and this board has been great! I am sending much love and support to both of you! 
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Offline podiecat

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Re: My dog was murdered last weekend
« Reply #19 on: September 06, 2009, 06:23:11 pm »
I first want to say how very sorry I am for your huge losses Truckerdave and Samsmom.  How awful for you, and then have the heartless, arrogant replies from pyrlove.

This is the first time in a very long time I've checked back to read the posts.  This thread was my first click back on the site.  I'm not sure if any of you remember but a year ago I was bashed in a similar way when I found this site, reached out and asked for help.  I too was in a very heartbroken state when the bashing replies came at me.  The only one who deserves your heartless attacks is you, pyrlove.

Offline newfsie

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Re: My dog was murdered last weekend
« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2009, 03:11:35 am »
 :'( I am so sorry for your loss.......... ..It is so difficult to lose your loved one in such a traumatic way. i once lost a dog to a truck. it is heartbreaking.
I am also sorry you have to deal with some of these negative reply's.
But from me, I am just so sorry for your loss.......... ....
Newfsie, from Downunder
owned by Annabelle, Tessa, Nugget and six horses

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