Author Topic: Do dogs get colds?  (Read 17116 times)

Offline Liberty

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Do dogs get colds?
« on: April 13, 2005, 05:00:01 pm »
Liberty has been sneezing and only eating about half of her usual intake of food for about a week. At first I thought that maybe it was because the weather is starting to warm up a bit but it has been chilly again for the past 2 days and she seems like she is getting less and less interested in her food. I feed her dry kibble so I added green beans(which she used to like), some white rice and even some apple. She will go over, sniff it and walk away. Her only treats are salt free rice cakes which she also used to love. She will take them in her mouth and then leave them on the floor.
She is epileptic and takes kbr and phenobarb. She is also on a thyroid medication. She just had her med levels checked about 4 weeks ago and they were all good.
Saint/Newf mix

Offline jabear

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Re: Do dogs get colds?
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2005, 05:35:57 pm »
I'm not specialist but here are my thoughts. Maybe you need to try more variety in her diet. Bear goes through phases like that too when he gets "bored" of his food for a while so we have to add extra good things to his kibble. Within no time at all he is back to his normal self. Also, his disinterest in food seems to coincide when his allergies act up.
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Offline Liberty

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Re: Do dogs get colds?
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2005, 04:47:29 am »
Thanks foe the suggestions! :)
She has been on these meds for 2 years, being checked every 6 months.
Kbr is Potasium Bromide. Another seizure med that is typically given when phenobarb itself doesn't quite do the trick.
I hope it is simply a loss of interest in the food. I will try adding boiled hamburger or some tuna.
Saint/Newf mix

Offline Liberty

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Re: Do dogs get colds?
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2005, 04:11:16 pm »
O.K.  I added hamburger to her food this a.m. and she still didn't touch it. She now has a green discharge when she sneezes. I made an appointment but the soonest they could see her is tomorrow at 10 a.m.
Saint/Newf mix

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Re: Do dogs get colds?
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2005, 05:05:59 pm »
My dog (weimeraner) just had a "cold" the first day he was just a lump on a log, with heavy breathing and slime out of his nose. I let his own immunity system deal with it. It took a week but the discharge isn't there anymore. His breathing was better within 24 hours....hope that helps?

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Re: Do dogs get colds?
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2005, 07:17:58 pm »
Hello there,
I'm writing this while on the road.  I am returning from the Chow Chow Nationals which were held in Atlanta this week.  I was down there selling my Chow artwork. 

Anyway, I noticed something there, and your post here.  I live in Chicago, and am not all that familiar with Atlanta or the weather there.  I noticed more than a few Chows seemed to be sneezing and a couple had a discharge from there nose, and some had slightly runny eyes. 

I thought this was a little weird, and asked.  It seems the pollen in the air was very high, and it was affecting some of the poor little guys.  Anyway, just a thought.  Some of these adorable Chows had to be treated.  Nothing serious, but some were affected by the pollen.

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Offline Liberty

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Re: Do dogs get colds?
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2005, 09:12:20 pm »
The vet called and had a cancellation at 7 p.m. so I took her right in. No fever but they did bloodwork and it came back showing signs of autoimmune hemolytic anemia. The doc said that he is not going to diagnose yet! He wants another round of bloodwork Saturdat a.m. after she has been on the antibiotics for a couple of days. He told me to feed her this special canned food (4 cans a day) to get her to start eating again. She lost 10 pounds since they saw her last..6 weeks ago. It is scary to think that she actually lost it over the last 10 DAYS or so since she hasn't been eating very well.
This is so scary for us. We had a GSD who acted the same way and he ended up having cancer.
Keep good thoughts for my Liberty girl.
I will post again when I hear anything new.
Saint/Newf mix

Offline Liberty

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Re: Do dogs get colds?
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2005, 10:04:13 am »
Liberty does not have IHA like they were thinking.They changed her antibiotic. I am suppose to call them Monday a.m. They are kind of stumped.
$335.00 later and we still don't know anything more
Saint/Newf mix

Offline Liberty

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Re: Do dogs get colds?
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2005, 03:59:38 pm »
The new thought is that Libby has Addidsons Disease. Everything points to that. They are doing a final test on wednesday to determine that. I need a name of a Canadian pharmacy that I can purchase her meds from. They are cheaper.
Saint/Newf mix

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Re: Do dogs get colds?
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2005, 05:11:13 pm »
Dogs definately get colds and allergies just like we do, Beauty is a VERY FINICKY eater, I rotate foods with her and recently found a brand she LOVES finally!  After 3 years I almost gave up hope.  Ultra by nutro's natural choice she eats right up, no picking, no decrease in intake, I love it.  Before I was mixing things in, making gravies just to entice her appetite.  Now she actually is waiting at her bowl to be fed and her intake has increased!   :)
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Offline kildeskennel

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Re: Do dogs get colds?
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2005, 05:16:02 pm »
Wow what a ride your girl has had, good luck with everything!  I hope she feels better soon!  Keep us posted
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Re: Do dogs get colds?
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2005, 01:29:59 pm »
I have had dogs with colds, and then there is the dreaded bordatella, but usually a lot of cough with that one. I hope you all are doing better and I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you. Please let us know what is happening.

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