Author Topic: Tale of an Upset Tummy - Need Advice!  (Read 3948 times)

Offline GrumpyBunny

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Tale of an Upset Tummy - Need Advice!
« on: September 11, 2005, 07:32:21 am »
OK, so here I go, being a paranoid dog mom.  Ranger's stomach is not feeling well, and I am totally freaking out....  I will try not to be too gross about the details...   :D

On Friday night, he wasn't interested in his dinner.  I thought he was just being fussy about things because Scott decided to feed the dogs dinner right before all the humans were walking out of the house to go somewhere.  I figured he knew something was up and was just being fussy.  There are times when he doesn't want his breakfast, but I have never seen him not eat his dinner.  We coaxed him a little bit and he ate a good portion of it.  This was at about 6:00 PM, and he seemed fine the rest of the night.

On Saturday morning, about 7:00 AM, ,he threw up what I can only assume was his partially digested dinner from the previous night, and then immediately ran outside and had what I will term as "yucky poop".  He acted fine after this - bugging me for petting, and then going back to sleep...  My mom and I (she is in town for a couple days) had to run out for a bit, and Scott said that he did throw up a little bit of yellowish bile-type stuff around 9:30 or 10:00 AM, which he will sometimes do if he doesn't have a little something in his tummy...

The rest of Saturday he again seemed fine.  He still had yucky poop, but in very small quantities...  Saturday night he had plain, boiled rice and plain, boiled, washed hamburger for dinner and was very interested in it.  He ate about 90% of it, and then ran outside for a little more yucky poop.  Still acting fine - playing with toys, jumping on his sister, and TOTALLY begging my mom and I to give him something from our dinner plates (which he of course did not get), etc.

So this morning was the litmus test - would last night's dinner stay down?  Here is this morning so far - 4:00 AM, outside for yucky poop.  I can't tell how much cause it is dark, and I am not climbing down the hill to check it out...  5:30 AM, we threw up.  Not last night's dinner, which has appeared to stay down, but a little bile stuff.  Followed by a little bit more yucky poop.... 

So, now what do I do?  Do I assume that maybe he snarfed up something in the yard that didn't agree with him, and this is just the last of his system cleaning itself out?  The hamburger/rice seems to have stayed down - do I give him a little more of it for breakfast and see what happens?  Do I immediately try to get him into the vet today?  I want to, but I can also picture the conversation when I tell them that he has only been throwing up for about a day, and is acting normal, playing and begging for food... 

I haven't had to deal with any health problems with him yet, and I am an overprotective mom, so I am freaking out.  Plus, all the issues that Cabo had with his stomach (i.e. pancreatitis) have probably made me oversensitive to this kind of thing...  I am worried, and super-tired, and could use some advice.  Any suggestions?   ???
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Offline RedyreRottweilers

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Re: Tale of an Upset Tummy - Need Advice!
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2005, 07:44:26 am »

1) Fast for 24 hours. Clear liquids only. Broth is fine. No solids, and nothing that is not clear.

2) Tomorrow morning consult your vet.

I ALWAYS fast a dog who is having intestinal issues. It gives the gut a chance to rest and recuperate.

A good thing to keep on hand is SLIPPERY ELM POWDER. Get it at a health food store. It has an extremely high mucilage content, and has been used for centuries as an aid to an upset intestinal tract. It tastes good, dogs like it, and you cannot overdose it.

My personal policy is to fast dogs for 24 hours who are having intestinal issues. If it lasts longer than 24 hours, it's time to see the vet.

Good luck, it is probably something he's picked up, I doubt it's anything serious.
Redyre Rottweilers
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Offline GrumpyBunny

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Re: Tale of an Upset Tummy - Need Advice!
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2005, 07:49:06 am »
Thanks, Red.  You always have great advice!   :)
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Offline shangrila

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Re: Tale of an Upset Tummy - Need Advice!
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2005, 09:00:24 am »
Zoey has had this issue twice now. The first time we rushed her to the emergency room when we woke up and found my house covered in puke&diahrea. They gave her a shot and made sure she wasn't dehydrated,  then had us fast her for a day, then give her limited but increasing amounts of rice/boiled hamburger for a few days after that...The second time there was less puking and she was acting more playful, so we held off on going to the vet. We switched her to hamburger/rice and it didn't go away after a day, so we took her to the vet - they gave her antibiotics that time, and sent us home with a bag of prescription food to feed her for the next week.... Both time she was fully recovered within a few days. The problem with the first time though is that she was traumatized by the fasting and hoarded her food for months after that because she was afraid we would take it away again

The moral of my story is that it is a good idea to fast, but it is also really important to see that vet, to: a) determine the underlying cause b)make sure he is not dehydrated and c)find out if he needs medicine. If today was a weekday, I would say go to the vet today. But as long as it doesn't get worse I bet he will be fine until tommorow; I would call the vet first thing in the morning tommorow to get him in there though.
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Re: Tale of an Upset Tummy - Need Advice!
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2005, 10:00:53 am »
Chester gets that from time to time and I've started giving him Vitalzyme (recommended by Cowboy's breeder).  Since we started on it, Chester hasn't done it again....but it's only been about a month.  Just a thought....


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Re: Tale of an Upset Tummy - Need Advice!
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2005, 10:23:53 am »
Poor Ranger!...Is there anything you've changed for him?...Food, treats, even chews?...I've found that Sammy can only have chews made in the US...Chews made in some countries are preserved with icky stuff that probably wasn't helping with his tummy issues!...Good luck!

Offline GrumpyBunny

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Re: Tale of an Upset Tummy - Need Advice!
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2005, 03:40:24 pm »
Poor Ranger!...Is there anything you've changed for him?...Food, treats, even chews?...I've found that Sammy can only have chews made in the US...Chews made in some countries are preserved with icky stuff that probably wasn't helping with his tummy issues!...Good luck!

No, nothing out of the ordinary - unless he got ahold of something weird in the backyard or at the park, but I probably would have noticed that...  Doing okay so far - poop is a little thicker and he is acting totally normal.  Keeps begging for food....   :)
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