Author Topic: Guinness at six months (pre and post-surgery)  (Read 8168 times)


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Re: Guinness at six months (pre and post-surgery)
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2005, 08:50:51 pm »
How very sad....Poor Guinness!...What will the breeder do with him once he is back there I'm wondering?...My thoughts & prayers go out to him. :'(

Offline RedyreRottweilers

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Re: Guinness at six months (pre and post-surgery)
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2005, 09:01:06 pm »

I've sent Yaz by PM some information on a couple of fund raising organizations that help people who need asssistance with pet medical bills. Hopefully she will get some help, which combined with help from the breeder may defer enough of his medical costs that he can stay with his family.

If I were the breeder of this puppy, I would sell a puppy from my next litter, use that money on the puppy's medical bills, and/or put the puppy up for sponsorship from local businesses to help with his medical bills.

I would help the puppy people, but I would not take their puppy from them.

NO way.

Redyre Rottweilers
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Re: Guinness at six months (pre and post-surgery)
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2005, 09:07:20 pm »

I've sent Yaz by PM some information on a couple of fund raising organizations that help people who need asssistance with pet medical bills. Hopefully she will get some help, which combined with help from the breeder may defer enough of his medical costs that he can stay with his family.

If I were the breeder of this puppy, I would sell a puppy from my next litter, use that money on the puppy's medical bills, and/or put the puppy up for sponsorship from local businesses to help with his medical bills.

I would help the puppy people, but I would not take their puppy from them.

NO way.

Red, that was what I was thinking...It's sad enough that Guinness is going through all the trauma with his eye problems but to be uprooted from his family too?...I hope they are able to keep him! :)


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Re: Guinness at six months (pre and post-surgery)
« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2005, 04:47:20 am »
Hi Everyone;
We saw the vet opthamologist and got the update on his eyes: The right eye is healing pretty well and should have minimal scarring, the left eye is still questionable. Because he is so young, the opthamologist couldn't say how many more surgerys he'll need before his eyes are fixed - he's guessing he'll need another on at 10 - 11 months. We spoke with the breeder this evening and they will be taking Guinness back this weekend. They are good people  - I mean, it would be wonderful if they would cover costs of his surgerys and let us keep him, but entropian isn't even something covered in the purchase agreement. They have never had a dog with this problem so it's a new thing for them. I think they are pretty happy to get Guinness back because his Mom died soon after giving birth to him (there were 10 in the litter) and it shook them up quite a bit so they will be getting a piece of her back.  The only consolation we have in letting him go back is that they treat their dogs extremely well and he'll have built in playmates on their farm.'s heartbreaking but my heart and head know it's the right thing to do. I checked into the organizations that can help people pay for surgeries, but we don't qualify for help. And part of me feels guilty about that when there are hundreds of displaced pets in New Orleans. I'm trying to keep my situation in perspective and not feel too sorry for myself.

Offline RedyreRottweilers

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Re: Guinness at six months (pre and post-surgery)
« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2005, 05:43:07 am »

Yaz, I believe that things happen for a reason.

Perhaps there is a special one out there who is meant to be with you. Maybe your little guy is needed elsewhere.

My heart goes out to you, I know you and your family will miss him terribly.
Redyre Rottweilers
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