Author Topic: How much and how often to feed Great Pyrenees  (Read 18517 times)

Offline Lendy

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How much and how often to feed Great Pyrenees
« on: September 17, 2005, 06:57:03 am »
I need to know if I should leave food and water down at all times.  I now that she needs water often.  She stays in the house. What I am really asking is should I limit the food  intake to like 4 times a day.  And also what time in the evening should I pick up water bowl.  Your reply's have been so helpful.  I have noticed when I take her outside one her leash that she hates being ignored.  So when  want her to come with me instead of just sitting down I praise her. When  whe dosen't I just ignore her.  She seems ot hate that. hehe  The problem with her doing her business seems to be greater later at night like around 7:00.  Thanks again for shareing your expertise. 

Offline DixieSugarBear

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Re: How much and how often to feed Great Pyrenees
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2005, 07:09:00 am »
I feed Dixie Darlin (8mos) and Sugar Bear (14mos) at 8am and at 6pm.  How old is you baby?  When I first got my guys I would take them out to every two-three hours.  I would remove water at 8pm. From the age of 8-16 weeks I would take Sugar Bear out to potty duing the night at 11pm, 3am and 6am.  After the age of 17 weeks he was able to go with a potty time of 11pm and 5am. Dixie at 12 weeks only needed to go out at the 11pm and 5am.  Now they sleep all night.  I close the doggy door off at 10pm and open it back up at 6am.
Lisa, owned by the following:
Sugar Bear - Great Pyrenees 4.5 yr.
Dixie Darlin - Great Pyrenees 4 yr.
Penny Lane - Great Pyrenees 2.5 yr.
Beauman - Great Pyrenees 14 months
Izzy - Great Pyrenees 14 month
Rosie - Great Pyrenees (at the bridge)


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Re: How much and how often to feed Great Pyrenees
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2005, 08:24:11 am »
Remember LGD's do not need to eat a lot they have a much slower metabolism than most other large breed dogs...I have a central asian that is 10 months old and could go through the night 10pm-5am around 14-15 weeks...and I currently have a 15 week old Caucasian Ovcharka that is an iron bladder...She went out at 10pm and went all the way to 8 am this morning...

my 10 month central asian eats 1-1.5 lbs of raw food and my 15 week old eats the same...

Offline Good Hope

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Re: How much and how often to feed Great Pyrenees
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2005, 09:33:38 am »

Lendy, I think three times a day should be enough even for an eight week pup.  When your puppy no longer seems interested in one of meals, usually the mid-day one, you can decrease the food given and add to the others.  In the meantime, I would add any extra food she requires as she grows to the other two meals.

Babs T, I have a question for you, since you are knowledgable about Asian LGD breeds.  I'm pretty sure working LGD's could eat raw meat, but I was wondering about whether they could be fed just like other dogs.  Would you always have to skin their food, and would it be unwise to feed them, say, lamb when they watched sheep?


Offline Lendy

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Re: How much and how often to feed Great Pyrenees
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2005, 09:38:44 am »
SnowFlake is 9 weeks old now.  I also do not crate her at night.  So far she has done well. Not chewing up anything.  Is it recomended to crate them?  What is the actual purpose to crate or not to crate them at night? I m so that I have so many question to ask yall.  I will be updating my pictures of her tonight.
Thanks again for all your help.

Offline Lendy

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Re: How much and how often to feed Great Pyrenees
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2005, 09:58:01 am »
I have never heard of your breed of dogs. Could you tell me a little about them.  How very interesting.  The picture shown which dog is that.


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Re: How much and how often to feed Great Pyrenees
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2005, 10:06:24 am »
I have read & been told that Great Pyrs tend not to overeat so I just put down 5 cups of kibble for each of my dogs every day...Usually some in the morning & then in the evening...Pipp in at almost 7 months is my hungry hippo & seems to eat alot more than Sam...I would guess that Sam is eating around 3 & 1/2 to 4 cups a day at a little over 1 yr. & Pippin eats the rest...Both dogs look good as far as weight goes...There is most always food left too...As far as the question about crate training...It really helps to housebreak because a dog usually won't go in his crate...Also it keep the puppy safe from getting into trouble, for example, chewing electrical cords....It is also the dogs safe place...Kind of like their bedroom...When Sammy still had his crate he would go in it on his own to nap or gnaw at a bone...Pippin was never in teh crate but I do have baby gates up in the rooms they are allowed in unsupervised.. .These rooms are pretty much a big crate...Puppy proofed heavily & I feel safe with them in their "big crate". :)

Offline Lendy

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Re: How much and how often to feed Great Pyrenees
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2005, 10:11:06 am »
Thank you,
   I do put up a puppy gat when I go to bed, The bigger dogs sleep in the bedroom with me. She still to young to be in there.  She will just want to play and also annoy the other two. So no on would get any sleep.  ;D


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Re: How much and how often to feed Great Pyrenees
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2005, 02:00:05 pm »
In their native country there really isnt kibble and the dogs get meat scraps etc...I know plenty of working LGD's that eat a raw diet and they still perform their duties without bothering or trying to eat the livestock here in the states and abroad...

Once those puppy teeth start to bother her, keeping a breed that is usually nocturnal non confined at night could be a disaster in the making...

I dont know how long you have had her but at first they they are a bit off with the new environment and just sleep not bothering anything...

Right now I have a 15 week old Caucasian Ovcharka (LGD) that I just got the other day...and at first she slept into my bed on the floor on a blanket just because she has never been in a crate...she slept wonderful the first night or two and then she went off exploring and into the crate for her so she doesnt get into trouble

Lemme tell ya, the first crating experience she HOWLED like someone was trying to kill her and now....she goes right in and goes to sleep...just dont use the crate for anything negative...My dogs use it to sleep and eat in...otherwise she is out with me, in the yard with Zero or taking a nap on the floor....she is only in it when I go out without her and when I go to bed at night

Another thing to help teaching a pup to use the crate is tire her out real good and put the pup in there once you know it is tired...they will usually go right to sleep with little stress....neve r take them out when the are whining, crying, barking or pawing to get out because then te dog will think we it reacts that way, they can come out...only let them out when they are being quiet

The crate is also good if your dog develops a more serios temp...Mine are pretty hard temp'd but I was well aware of that before taking on a Central Asian Ovhcarka & Caucasian Ovcharka....wh en strange people in my house, both dogs are and will be crated when we have strange guests to them in the house...the pup will be let out once they are in the house but once she gets older, she too will be crated


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Re: How much and how often to feed Great Pyrenees
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2005, 02:18:24 pm »
Kiah is 6 months and is no longer in a crate. She has free roam of the main floor. The longest she's ever left alone during the day is 6 hours. She doesn't sleep in a bedroom at night. She either sleeps in the kitchen or the hallway between the bedroom doors. She has never chewed up anything. I do have lots of chew toys for her. I have a kong that I put treats and peanut butter in while I'm gone during the day to keep her occupied.

She was in a wire crate while she was housetrained. I wanted her to stay that way, but she had other ideas. At five months she decided that she no longer wanted to be in her crate. She barked constantly and would bang around. She made so much noise that she set the security alarm off three times. She also escaped three times. The third time she cut herself up badly. So the crate went bye bye. She's been good ever since. I think she was telling us that she was responsible and needed to guard us. She couldn't do that in her crate. She did come from working parents that guard sheep from wolves.


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Re: How much and how often to feed Great Pyrenees
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2005, 02:33:56 pm »
Zero was about 5 months when he had full run of the house too and I had only 2 chewing issues but this CO girl, she has other plans LOL...

I have to keep the crate up forever because my boy who is now 10 months will not tolerate a stranger in the house at all...very very well socialized, tolerant and stable BUT the distrust of strangers is far to stong in his genetic make-up that I dont take any chances. 

On leash he is aloof and will not seek out affection from strangers but will allow a quick pat..if you are acting suspecious or are unvited, he makes his presence known...a night while walking or very early am, no patting from anyone on walks...

My baby girl, I am sure will be the same if not a tad more serious but she is a baby right now and I just let her be a puppy...if she seeks out others for a hello, that is fine by me

...LGD's are so interesting and unique from other breeds arent they?